Welcome to Waterloo, IA

Traffic Operations

Please report missing or damaged stop signs and yield signs: (319) 291-4440 immediately. If you are directed to our voice mail, press 1.

Traffic Operations

We take great pride in helping to keep the public safe and the traffic flowing efficiently. Our Traffic Operations Center connects to the signal control computers and video cameras by cables and through our wireless network. In addition to traffic signals we are responsible for:

We are responsible for traffic engineering matters as well as operation and maintenance of all traffic control devices including speed humps, traffic signs, pavement markings, street lights and parking facilities. We analyze, design, build, and maintain our traffic control systems and facilities, continuously improving safety and efficiency. Waterloo has approximately 198 signalized intersections and 65,000 traffic signs. We coordinate closely with other agencies such as the Iowa Department of Transportation and Black Hawk County to better traffic operations.

Staff includes: 4 electricians, 3 signal technicians, 3 sign & paint equipment operators, 1 traffic engineer and 1 secretary.

You are a very important part of making our traffic safer and more efficient. Please share your suggestions and observations with us.

Contact Information
City of Waterloo Traffic Operations
625 Glenwood Street
Waterloo, IA 50703
Phone: (319) 291-4440
Office Hours: Monday-Friday, 7:00am-3:00pm
Report a Problem Online

Kids Ride Safe Traffic Safety Campaign Aims to Save Kids’ Lives
Each day 2,600 children under the age of 13, or one child every 33 seconds is seriously injured or killed in a vehicle accident, according to the National Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). Drive Safe Cedar Valley, in partnership with the City of Waterloo, is launching Kids Ride Safe, a multi-pronged media campaign designed to raise children’s traffic safety awareness in the Cedar Valley.

Federal Railroad Administration
The Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) has a website to report blocked railroad crossings.  If you want to report a block crossing in Waterloo, please fill visit their website to fill out a form. http://www.fra.dot.gov/blockedcrossings/

drivesafe_logoWe are proud to be the founder of the first ever self-sustaining public traffic safety awareness program. It is designed to save lives by targeting driver behavior. The "Drive Safe Cedar Valley" program promotes safer roadways by showing that safe driving matters.

Please take a look at how you can make a difference by visiting www.drivesafecv.com. You may also join us on FacebookTwitter and YouTube.