VICTIM | definizione, significato - che cosa è VICTIM nel dizionario Inglese - Cambridge Dictionary

Significato di victim in inglese

Esempi di victim

In the compensation plans for injured workers and the victim's family, workers with longer tenure were rewarded.
The latter response is reinforced in us by our obligation to stand in solidarity with victims of wrongdoing against those who have wronged them.
Importance of recovering victims and their personal effects.
But by the opening decade of the twentieth century the railroads had become victims of their own success.
As a policy argument, however, this kind of argument from hypotheticals falls victim to the difficulties described in the previous subsection.
In addition, states such as the one from which these data come offer similar definitions of "family violence" as it relates to adult victims.
Neither perpetrator nor victim could criticize the punishment decided by the magistrate and higher-ranking officials.
The creoles described above provided one important tool that made statistics comprehensible and convincing so that people could more easily imagine themselves as potential victims.
In both cases, certain victims, heroes, enemies and scapegoats were at the heart of the interpretation.
Would it be too dramatic to claim that he was a victim of truth?
The remaining nine talk about crime (some of our elderly have become victims of crime).
In both cases, the victims were acquainted with the men who were accused of attacking them.
The apology induces the victim to risk believing that the transgressor will be a co-operator evermore.
There the defendant unquestionably chose to interfere in the victim's exclusive domain of choice, and so there is no doubt about his liability to punishment.
Perspective-taking can also initiate a preverbal process (one hears about a familiar victim's misfortune and imagines his facial expression, which triggers empathy).
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Collocazioni con victim


Queste parole sono spesso utilizzate in combinazione con victim.

Clicca su una collocazione per vedere più esempi.

alleged victim
That the alleged victim had suffered a rib contusion is thus a false proposition.
blameless victim
But they did believe that the public felt a sense of responsibility for, and sympathy with, the blameless victim.
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Hansard archive
Esempi tratti dall’archivio Hansard. Contiene dati parlamentari concessi ai sensi della Licenza libera parlamentare v3.0
female victim
In court, a female victim should give evidence that she has been subjected to fear, harassment and humiliation through the activities of such a motorist.
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Hansard archive
Esempi tratti dall’archivio Hansard. Contiene dati parlamentari concessi ai sensi della Licenza libera parlamentare v3.0
Questi esempi provengono dal Cambridge English Corpus e da fonti internet. Qualsiasi opinione presente negli esempi non rappresenta l’opinione degli editor di Cambridge Dictionary o di Cambridge University Press, né dei loro licenziatari.

Traduzioni di victim

in cinese (tradizionale)
受害者, 罹難者, 犧牲者…
in cinese (simplificato)
受害者, 罹难者, 牺牲者…
in spagnolo
víctima, víctima [feminine, singular]…
in portoghese
vítima, vítima [feminine]…
in italiano
in altre lingue
in giapponese
in turco
in francese
in catalano
in Dutch
in arabo
in ceco
in danese
in indonesiano
in thailandese
in vietnamita
in polacco
in malese
in tedesco
in norvegese
in coreano
in Ukrainian
in russo
犠牲者, 犠牲者(ぎせいしゃ)…
victime [feminine], victime…
offer, -offer…
nạn nhân…
das Opfer…
offer [neuter], offer, –rammet…
피해자, 희생자…
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