glaucoma drugs Flashcards | Quizlet
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glaucoma drugs

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General goal of tx
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General goal of tx
decrease IOP via decreasing amount of aqueous humor (inhibit synthesis/secretion or drainage).
Epinephrine (α1 agonist)- MOA and ADE
decrease aqueous humor synthesis via vasoconstriction

Mydriasis **** do not use in closed- angle
Blurry vision, ocular hyperemia, foreign body sensation, ocular allergic reactions, ocular pruritus
brimonidine (α2 agonist)- MOA and ADE
decrease aqueous humor synthesis

Blurry vision, ocular hyperemia, foreign body sensation, ocular allergic reactions, ocular pruritus
Timolol, betaxolol, carteolol- MOA
decrease aqueous humor synthesis
Acetazolamide- MOA and ADE
decrease aqueous humor synthesis via inhibition of
carbonic anhydrase
Cholinomimetics (M3)- MOA, ADE
direct: pilocarpine, carbachol
indirect: physostigmine, echothiophate

Increased outflow of aqueous humor via contraction of ciliary muscle and opening of trabecular meshwork

Miosis (contraction of pupillary sphincter muscles) and cyclospasm (contraction of ciliary muscle)

***Use pilocarpine in emergencies—very effective at opening meshwork into canal of Schlemm
Bimatoprost, latanoprost (PGF2α)- MOA and ADE
increased outflow of aqueous humor via decreased resistance of flow through uveoscleral pathway

Darkens color of iris (browning), eyelash growth