UNPREDICTABLE | definizione, significato - che cosa è UNPREDICTABLE nel dizionario Inglese - Cambridge Dictionary

Significato di unpredictable in inglese

Esempi di unpredictable

Moreover, the precision and location of neural damage is reasonably well controlled in laboratory studies but is unpredictable in the human.
In our study, readers skipped 31% of predictable words compared with 22% of the unpredictable words.
The main difficulty lies in dynamic or unpredictable environments since frequent re-modelling and re-planning deteriorates robot performance.
The flow and field fluctuations are nonperiodic, unpredictable, and apparently random.
The main issue is which features of the history of life are inevitable and which are highly contingent and, therefore, unpredictable.
Confirming our hypothesis, children included all major constituents more often from predictable than unpredictable sentences.
For example, dances involving supernatural creatures often suggested the unpredictable, the abnormal.
The differences are also unpredictable without engaging each person and his or her own religious narratives in each clinical situation.
However, this effect is neglected in this model because the dust storm strength undergoes significant interannual variability and hence is almost unpredictable.
In so doing we might have explored those areas that were unpredictable, and therefore also different, in relation to our normal ways of thinking.
The rural mind and that unpredictable, non-linear phenomenon of friction conform together to produce a powerful combination.
And that this is because it combines with other spaces of calculability in ways that are local and relatively unpredictable.
There is an unpredictable potential for attracting new companies to use the existing industrial settlements and to build new industries.
Other factors mentioned included seed availability, poor soil fertility, availability of inputs and credit and an unpredictable producer price.
It was this which drove the lurching, unpredictable violence of the early colonial state.
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Traduzioni di unpredictable

in cinese (tradizionale)
變幻莫測的, 難以預見的,無法預測的…
in cinese (simplificato)
变幻莫测的, 难以预见的,无法预测的…
in spagnolo
impredecible, impredecible [masculine-feminine, singular]…
in portoghese
in italiano
in altre lingue
in giapponese
in turco
in francese
in catalano
in arabo
in ceco
in danese
in indonesiano
in thailandese
in vietnamita
in polacco
in malese
in tedesco
in norvegese
in coreano
in Ukrainian
in russo
予測できない, 変わりやすい…
tahmin edilemeyen, kestirilemeyen, sağı solu belli olmayan…
imprévisible, incertain/-e, incertain…
غَيْر قابِل لِلتَّخْمين…
nepředvídatelný, nevypočitatelný…
uberegnelig, utilregnelig, uforudsigelig…
tidak dapat diprediksi, tiba-tiba…
ซึ่งทำนายไม่ถูก, ซึ่งไม่สามารถคาดเดาได้…
không thể dự đoán, hay thay đổi…
tidak boleh diramalkan…
uforutsigbar, utforutsigbar…
예측 할 수 없는…
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(in tennis) the state of having no points

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