Studies at UNIL - Université de Lausanne

Studies at UNIL

A wide choice of disciplines | Studies in our Faculties and Schools

A wide choice of disciplines

Bachelors, Masters, Post-graduate courses...

Genomics, Public Policy and Management, Geography, Psychology, Actuarial Science…The UNIL offers a vast range of courses in both the human and natural sciences. Following the Bologna recommendations, main university studies are at two levels: first, a three-year Bachelor degree course, followed by three to four semesters leading to a Master’s degree, either by specialising in a specific domain, or by undertaking interdisciplinary studies.

For those wishing to complement their training, post-graduate courses are available (Masters of Advanced Studies, and Doctoral Schools), which enable graduates to perfect their knowledge in targeted disciplines in their own sphere, or in related subjects, thus facilitating their entry into a chosen career.

Finally, the University offers a programme of complementary and refresher courses designed for adults already professionally active, but who wish to update their knowledge in their particular domain, or enlarge their field of competence with a view to changing their career direction.

To ensure the rapid renewal of knowledge and to respond to a growing demand for flexible and effective education, the UNIL encourages the appropriate use of technologies of information and communication (TIC) as well as MOOCs.


Comprehensive information about programmes offered at UNIL:

More Informations about UNIL Continuing Education offers:

The Summer Schools of the University of Lausanne:

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Studies in our Faculties and Schools

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