Viz-a-Verse: A Tyler Sheridan Story_PowerNappers | Devpost


We were eager to build a project from the start to collect and analyze data and find meaningful patterns from the datasets. This problem statement enabled us to utilize our data analysis skills and also make us familiar to different data gathering techniques.

What it does

It gives you an insight of the life and career of Tye Sheridan.

How we built it

We first started off with collecting data from different sources. Then we collated the data to form cohesive datasets, which we then used to create interactive and insightful visualizations using tableau. We finally brought together these meaningful visualizations together into one story based on the life and career of Tye Sheridan.

Challenges we ran into

Collecting data from multiple sources was challenging especially when it was on one particular actor, and when data scraping was not available for some sources. Formatting the data into a format suitable for tableau vizzes was challenging but fun.

Accomplishments that we're proud of

Bringing together a cohesive story after collecting data, we are proud of our end product as it gives meaningful insights into the life and career of Tye Sheridan.

What we learned

We learned how to bring together data to get meaningful insights.

What's next for Viz-a-Verse: A Tyler Sheridan Story_PowerNappers

Using this same process to get insights on other members of the movie industry to get an idea about the dynamics of the industry.

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