Elbe Fähre Pretzsch – Gazetteer – CanalPlanAC

Elbe Fähre Pretzsch

L 128, 06917 Jessen (Elster), Germany
Information about the place
Elbe Fähre Pretzsch is a minor waterways place on the River Elbe between Elbe - Abstiegskanal Rothensee Kreuzung (Junction of the River Elbe with the Abstiegskanal Rothensee) (141.31 kilometres to the west) and Hřensko (German - Czech Republic Border) (175.54 kilometres to the southeast).
The nearest place in the direction of Elbe - Abstiegskanal Rothensee Kreuzung is Fähre-Elster (Ferry); 14.78 kilometres away.
The nearest place in the direction of Hřensko is Fähre Dommitzsch -Prettin (Ferry); 11.70 kilometres away.

Mooring here is unrated.

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Nearest facilities

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No information

CanalPlan has no information on any of the following facilities within range:
water point
rubbish disposal
chemical toilet disposal
place to turn
self-operated pump-out
boatyard pump-out

There is no page on Wikipedia called “Elbe Fähre Pretzsch”
