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How to travel from Milan to Rome

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from Milan to Rome

How to get from Milan to Rome by train, bus or flight.

Our recommendation

The best way to travel from Milan to Rome is by taking a bus because it’s the best combination of price and speed.

Milano, San Donato
07:10PMRoma, Autostazione Tiburtina
0 transfers
Milano, San Donato
07:10PMRoma, Autostazione Tiburtina
0 transfers
Milan Bergamo Orio al Serio Airport (BGY)
03:15PMRome Leonardo da Vinci Fiumicino Airport (FCO)
0 transfers
Other options
Milan Centrale
01:27PMRome Tiburtina
0 transfers
Milan Centrale
05:47PMRome Termini
1 transfer
Milan Centrale
09:00PMRome Termini
0 transfers
Milano, San Donato
09:40PMRoma, Autostazione Tiburtina
0 transfers
Milano, Autostazione Lampugnano
02:40PMRoma, Autostazione Tiburtina
0 transfers
Milano, Autostazione Lampugnano
05:15PMRoma, Autostazione Tiburtina
0 transfers
Milan Bergamo Orio al Serio Airport (BGY)
10:40AMRome Leonardo da Vinci Fiumicino Airport (FCO)
0 transfers
Brussels Airlines
Milan Linate Airport (LIN)
05:00PMRome Leonardo da Vinci Fiumicino Airport (FCO)
1 transfer
Brussels Airlines
Milan Linate Airport (LIN)
08:05PMRome Leonardo da Vinci Fiumicino Airport (FCO)
1 transfer

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Apr 17
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Travel Information between Milan and Rome

distanceDistance296 miles (477 km)
modeAvailable travel modesTrain, bus or flight
priceTicket price range$6 - $47
cheapestCheapest modeBus • $6 (€5) • 7 h 25 min
fastestFastest modeFlight • $47 (€41) • 1 h 10 min
carriersPopular travel companiesItabus, Alitalia or Italo

Take a train, bus or flight to travel 296 miles (477 km) between Milan and Rome. The most popular travel companies which serve this journey are Itabus, Alitalia or Italo among others. Travelers can even take a direct bus, flight or train from Milan to Rome.

How to Travel from Milan to Rome

The main modes of transport from Milan to Rome are flights, trains, and buses. Each mode of transport offers different services for different ticket prices for their customers. For instance, planes will get you to your destination fast, while planes and buses will allow you to enjoy the scenic journey. Milan to Rome is a popular route because Rome is common for tourists. Rome is famous for the world's leading historic buildings, monuments, and architecture. It's also a major film and video production point in most movies. Depending on your reason for travel, you can take a day trip or a weekend trip to Rome. As most students do, you can also do your historical research paper in Rome. Rome is a busy city throughout the day, and trains arrive from Mila to Rome at a constant interval of one hour difference. The train stations in Rome operate 24h a day.

What is the Cheapest Way To Get from Milan to Rome?

The cheapest way to travel from Milan to Rome is by bus. The tickets prices reduce depending on the time of travel. The journey from Milan to Rome via bus takes an average time of 6h 56min. Taking direct buses is faster than taking busses that constantly stop along the way. The main bus providers are the itabus, the Marino autobus, and the flexibus. At least two direct buses are traveling in an hour. The number of direct buses operating within a day depends on peak seasons and events in Rome. There are 3 bus stations where you can depart from. They include Milan, Lampugnano, Farmagosta and San Donato Bus terminal. Sometimes booking a cheap bus depends on several factors such as booking in advance and traveling any time of the day with cheap tickets.

What is the Fastest Way to Travel from Milan to Rome?

If you plan to get to Rome from Milan within the shortest time possible, you will need to use a plane. A flight from Milan to Rome takes an average time of 1h 12min. Average, 37 planes fly from Milan to Rome daily. Linate or Malpensa airports in Milan provide flights to Rome. The arrival airport is the Fiumicino airport. Most early flights depart at 6:00 a.m. However, the fight-flight can sometimes take off at 4:00 a.m. The most frequent planes are the Air Malta, TAROM, easyJet, and the ITA airways. You can choose to use connecting planes via Bari that will take you 3h to your destination. However, most flights in a day are direct flights.

Gallery in Milan. Source: Shutterstock

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Trains from Milan to Rome

Italo and Ferrarossa is the leading train provider from Milan to Rome. It has high-speed trains that move to an average of 300km/h. the trains are comfortable to travel in and have multiple amenities. Although trains are relatively expensive compared to buses, they are faster and cheaper than flights. According to our research, almost 90% of travelers who book with us traveling from Milan to Rome use trains. Trains have adequate legroom for stretching; they offer snacks and beverages, food, and toilets. In addition, trains have an almost unlimited quantity of luggage; you can cay all pieces of equipment you need. At least 27 trains are operating the route, with 25 being direct trains while two connect you to other trains. You will depart from Milan Central Station and arrive at Rome Termini station.

Train travel from Milan to Rome with Italo

Italo is a fast train providing multiple travels within Italy. The quickest train arrives in Rome from Milan in 3h 10min. Most people prefer the Itabus due to the onboard services offered when traveling. They serve non-alcoholic beverages and snacks, and food paid in cash or credit card. The tri cars have a power outlet to charge your laptop and phone. There is adequate air conditioning in the train whether traveling in the economy or first class. You can use the rain restrooms instead of waiting till you arrive.

Night trains train travel from Milan to Rome with Italo

If you choose night travel, then Italo is one of the best trains you can travel with. Whether traveling in second-class or fast class, be sure to have enough legroom to stretch. If you are traveling in first class, you can incline your seat and sleep until you arrive in Rome. You will also note that night travels are generally cheaper than night travel, if you are looking forward to saving some money, you can book your night train with Omio.

Buses from Milan to Rome

The distance covered by bus from Milan to Rome is 447 km (296 miles). Bus providers along the milan-rime rote include Infobus, Flixbus, Bus Center, Eurolines, BlaBlaCar, Marino Autolinee, Baltour and Sellitto. Most buses offer direct travel services while others connect to other buses on the way. 24 buses are leaving for Rome from Milan each day. The fastest bus takes 6h 30min. In most cases, travelers depart from the Milano Centrale station and arrive at Rome, Termini (G).

Traveling by bus from Milan to Rome Itabus

Itabus has the most buses operating within the day. It can provide up to 16 buses a day along the route. Their tickets prices dependon factors such as time of travel and discounts offered. You can also purchase snacks and drinks on the bus. Itabus also allow pet travel, but you should inquire about their terms and conditions when traveling with your pet before you book your ticket.

Flights from Milan to Rome

The average number of flights from Milan to Rome in a week is 445 direct flights, amounting to 63 flights in a day. The journey takes approximately 1h 13min to arrive in Rome. The planes depart from Milano Malpensa Airport and arrive at the Fiumicino airport. There are multiple airlines facilitating transport by air in the route; they include ITA airways Air Malta, easyJet, and TAROM.

Flying from Milan to Rome with ITA airways

ITA airways cover most domestic flights within Italy. They have outstanding services for their regular customers. If you have your boarding pass, you only need to check your luggage once. Amenities in the plane differ depending on the class you are traveling in. For example, you can receive a blanket and enough space to rest in business class. However, the economy section is usually crowded in most cases, but the best part is that you arrive early and relax at your destination.

To Rome by train/ bus/ flight—travel tips

There are lots of reasons why people travel to Rome. You can start your visit with Museo Della Civiltà Romana, one of the most famous museums in Rome. The next thing you can do is taste the most delicious Italian foods; you will love it. You can visit the Colosseum, at peter square, plaza Novena, and the roman forum. Rome is a famous city, which may make you think that it's a vast city; in reality, you can visit the whole of Rome in a day. Make plans and save one day to visit the whole city. Ensure you learn the weather patterns in Rome before you travel. You wouldn't want to wear sleeveless cloth on a cold day in Rome. After a long day, you can choose to relax in Villa Pamphilj, one of the largest parks in Rome. Things to do in Rome:

Fountain of Trevi in Rome. Source: Shutterstock

Inspirational content

You can easily get to the Eternal City from Milan, either by bus, train, or flight. Rome is home to some of the most beautiful architecture, historic monuments, and art. Back in the day, gladiator fights were the main attraction, and the Colosseum was booming. Fast forward many years later, the Eternal City is still full of things to see and do. Despite being one of the most visited cities globally, Rome isn’t that big. It is the perfect size, and you can get to most of the attractions on foot. Rome is also in a great location, and it experiences a mild climate throughout the year. You’ll enjoy visiting both in the summer and winter, which is great for those looking to enjoy the more affordable low season prices. Italian food has blown minds worldwide, and Rome boasts of some of the most delectable dishes. Artichokes from Rome are a favorite to both tourists and locals, while spaghetti alla carbonara was born in this city. If you’re planning on visiting Rome, here are a few must-visit attractions.

  • The Roman Ruins
  • The fountains of Rome
  • Vatican City
  • Michelangelo artwork
  • The churches of Rome
  • Visit the Colosseum
  • See the roman forum
  • Visit the castle saint Angelo museum, once the tallest building in Rome
  • Visit the famous Sistine chapel

How to Travel from Milan to Rome

The journey from Milan to Rome is popular with travelers in Italy for both business and leisure. Buses, trains, and airlines regularly travel from Milan to Rome every day of the week. Key departure points in Milan include Autostazione Milano, Milano Porta Garibaldi and Milano Rogoredo train stations, and Milano Linate and Milano Malpensa airports.

Trains from Milan to Rome | Buses from Milan to Rome | Flights from Milan to Rome

Milan to Rome Travel Comparison

Average Price

Travel Time

Cheapest Time to Book



5:12 h

1 Month Ahead



2:49 h

2 Months Ahead



1:10 h

1 Week Ahead

What is the best way to travel from Milan to Rome?

Cheapest way to travel from Milan to Rome


Taking the bus is the cheapest way to travel from Milan to Rome. Buses traveling from Milan to Rome depart from either Milan's Autostazione Lampugnano or Rogoredo bus station and take at least 5:12 h to arrive at Rome's Tiburtina bus station. Over 20 buses travel from Milan to Rome every day, with the first bus departing Milan at 5:25 a.m. Bus companies that travel from Milan to Rome include Flixbus, Baltour, and BusCenter.

Fastest way to travel from Milan to Rome


Taking a flight is technically the fastest way to travel from Milan to Rome; however, when travel time to and from Milan and Rome's airports is taken into consideration, taking a high-speed train is actually the fastest way to travel from Milan to Rome. Flights traveling from Milan to Rome depart from Milan's Linate or Malpensa airport and arrive at Rome's Fiumicino airport after 1:10 h of flight time. Approximately 30 flights travel from Milan to Rome every day, with the first departing at 4:55 a.m. Both Alitalia and EasyJet travel frequently from Milan to Rome.

Most popular way to travel from Milan to Rome


Taking the train is the most popular way to travel from Milan to Rome. Taking a train is at least 2:20 h faster than traveling from Milan to Rome by bus while only costing €32 more on average. Similarly, trains from Milan to Rome are an hour faster than taking a flight when travel to and from Rome and Milan's airports is taken into consideration while being €16 cheaper on average. Trains traveling from Milan to Rome depart from either Milan's Porta Garibaldi or Centrale train station and take 2:49 h to arrive at either Rome's Ostiense, Termini, or Tiburtina train station. Approximately 70 trains travel from Milan to Rome every day, with the first departing Milan at 5:35 a.m. Both Trenitalia and Italo travel frequently from Milan to Rome every day.

How to get from Milan to Rome

The Best Way According to our Users

Whether it is for business or leisure, in order to travel from Milan to Rome, 92,09% of our customers choose the train as their preferred mode of transportation. By traveling by train on this route, you can enjoy the comfort of spacious seats, spectacular views—and in some cases free Wi-Fi—in both second and first class. Our customers have decided that the train is the best way to get from Milan to Rome and have chosen to enjoy this fast, safe and efficient way to arrive at their destination. Taking the train also avoids long lines or potential expenses for transfers to/from the station—especially since most main railway stations are located in the city center. Train companies in Europe vary from country to country, but most of them offer high-speed train routes, therefore when you add up at the end-to-end journey time, the train is often also the fastest way to get to your destination.

Search on Omio to find cheap tickets from Milan to Rome. It’s easy to find the most attractive prices and choose your preferred route for your journey. Book on web or app, and travel with your mobile ticket —without the stress of printing your ticket.

Attractions in Rome

In addition to being the capital of Italy and the third most visited city in Europe, Rome is also the location of Vatican City- an independent country within Rome's city boundaries. Rome receives between 7-10 million tourist visits per year. Some of Rome's main attractions include the Colosseum, the Pantheon, the Vatican museums, the Galleria Borghese, and the Spanish Steps.

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Deutsche Bahn

All travel companies: Airlines, Train and Bus from Milan to Rome

Marino Autolinee, Frecciarossa and Italo will get you to Rome from Milan at great prices. With over 1000 travel companies on Omio, you can find the best travel times, prices and tickets for your trip.

Looking for a smooth and easy way to travel between Milan and Rome? Book your Trenitalia Frecciarossa travel to Rome from Milan with Omio today! Trenitalia is Italy’s national travel company that offers a wide variety of connections throughout the country, including the Milan to Rome trip. Omio shows you current Frecciarossa schedules and tickets to cover the 296 miles (477 km) distance. You can choose from fares like Super Economy, Economy, and Base for the best deals on this trip. Trenitalia discount cards can also be applied when purchasing your Frecciarossa ticket on Omio.

All Frecciarossa classes provide free WiFi access, power outlets, air conditioning, bathrooms, luggage storage, onboard entertainment, and restaurant and bar services to passengers. Frecciarossa covers long distances and connects major cities in Italy in just a few hours thanks to its high speed. These travel are renowned for their comfort, speed and reduced environmental impact and can reach speeds up to 186 mph (300 kmh). Frecciarossa offers all travelers ultimate comfort, flexibility and convenience, and you can book Frecciarossa tickets with us in a few steps!

    BlaBlaCar Bus (formerly known as Ouibus or iDBUS), a subsidiary of the popular French carpooling company, BlaBlaCar, is a travel company operating long-distance services in 10 countries in Europe. Founded in France, BlaBlaCar Bus provides connections to over 300 destinations. Standard amenities on the travel include air conditioning, toilets, USB and power outlets for charging phones, tablets and laptops during long travel journeys, extra legroom and adjustable seats. On select routes there is also free Wi-Fi available. BlaBlaCar Bus offers only the Standard ticket for all its routes, which allows you to bring one carry-on bag and up to two checked bags per person.

      Eurowings is Germany's leading low-cost airline and offers a choice of Smart, Best and BIZclass fares for your next travel between Milan and Rome.

        FAQs: Travel from Milan to Rome

        FAQs: Travel to Rome easily. Whether you want fast, cheap or something entirely different, our travel experts have collected everything you need to know so you can find the best option from Milan to Rome.

        There are 3 options to travel from Milan to Rome including taking a train, bus or flight.

        The cheapest way to travel between Milan and Rome is a bus with an average price of $6 (€5).

        This is compared to other travel options from Milan to Rome:

        A bus is $41 (€36) less than a flight with an average ticket price of $47 (€41) from Milan to Rome.

        Taking a bus costs $36 (€31) less than taking a train, which average ticket prices of $42 (€36).

        The fastest way from Milan to Rome is by flight with an average journey time of 1 h 10 min.

        There are alternative travel options to Rome that take longer:

        Getting to Rome by bus takes 7 h 25 min on average.

        Getting to Rome by train takes 3 h 29 min on average.

        Rome is approximately 296 miles (477 km) away from Milan.

        The average frequency per day from Milan to Rome is:

        • Around 25 trains per day.

        However, we recommend checking specific travel dates for your route to Rome from Milan as scheduled services by train, bus or flight can vary by season or day of the week.

        These are the most popular departure and arrival points from Milan to Rome:

        • Buses most often depart from Milan at Milano, Milan Linate Airport and arrive in Rome at Rome, Termini (G).
        • Flights most often depart from Milan at Milan Malpensa Airport and arrive in Rome at Rome Leonardo da Vinci Fiumicino Airport.
        • Trains from Milan to Rome most often leave from Milan Centrale and arrive in Rome Termini.

        The following travel companies offer services from Milan to Rome:

        • Travel with Itabus, FlixBus, El Pilar, Marino Autolinee, BlaBlaCar, Autoservizi Salemi, BlaBlaCar Bus, Infobus, Sellitto or Movelia to go to Rome by bus. For a good deal on tickets, you can find Itabus Milan to Rome tickets on Omio for $6 (€5).
        • Alitalia, Aeroitalia, Alitalia (2), Air France, Air Serbia, TAP Portugal, Air Baltic, Eurowings, Lufthansa or Air Malta can get you to Rome by plane. You can find a good deal for plane tickets with Aeroitalia from Milan to Rome for $47 (€41) on Omio.
        • Italo, Frecciarossa, Intercity Notte, Intercity, Frecciabianca or Regionale can take you to Rome by train. If searching for a good deal on trains, you can find tickets for Intercity from Milan to Rome for $32 (€28).

        Yes, there are direct services available from Milan to Rome with the following travel companies:

        • Direct train available with Italo, Frecciarossa, Intercity Notte or Intercity 25 direct trains per day.

        Direct services tend to save you time and add more convenience in getting you to Rome as you won't need to transfer at another stop in between, so it's worth paying attention to before booking your tickets between Milan and Rome.

        Looking to extend your trip from Milan to Rome? Many Omio customers who go from Milan to Rome usually extend their vacation to explore other popular destinations like Florence, Naples, Venice or Paris. If you're looking to explore Florence, Naples, Venice or Paris from Rome, let Omio find you the best connections available at an affordable price.
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