Miami ocean water temperature today | FL, United States temp
World sea water temperatures

Miami water temp

This data the coastal Miami ocean water temperature today, tomorrow and the upcoming days. Besides, you can also get information about the weather and surf forecast, as well as the data on sunrise / sunset and moonrise / moonset at a given point on any given day.

Current ocean temperature in Miami

Water temperature in Miami today is 79.3°F. Based on our historical data over a period of ten years, the warmest water in this day in Miami was recorded in 2020 and was 81.5°F, and the coldest was recorded in 2010 at 77.2°F. Sea water temperature in Miami is expected to rise to 79.9°F in the next 10 days. April average water temperature in Miami is 79.5°F, the minimum temperature is 75.6°F, and the maximum is 83.1°F.

The swimming season in Miami lasts from January to December, twelve months per year! During those months, Miami water temperature does not drop below 68°F and therefore suitable for comfortable swimming. The average water temperature in Miami in winter reaches 78.4°F, in spring 79.7°F, in summer the average temperature rises to 84.9°F, and in autumn it is 83.5°F.

Miami water temperature now

April 14, 2024
today temp
April 13, 2024
yesterday temp

Surf Forecast in Miami for today

Another important indicators for a comfortable holiday on the beach are the presence and height of the waves, as well as the speed and direction of the wind. Please find below data on the swell size for Miami. We calculate the swell size based on the mean wave height (trough to crest) of each third highest wave. For more information on surf forecasts for the next ten days, please visit sea state forecast Miami. Data in table shown for April 15, 2024, time in GMT 0 format (you can change the time zone on the sea state forecast page)

0-3 h3-6 h6-9 h9-12 h
3' 10"3' 8"3' 7"3' 9"
1.18 m1.12 m1.09 m1.14 m
12-15 h15-18 h18-21 h21-24 h
3' 9"3' 7"3' 3"3' 0"
1.15 m1.09 m1 m0.91 m

Surf report in Miami

Miami wave height and direction

Miami weather forecast

Miami wind speed and direction

Current temperature and weather

Data in a table show Miami temperature today (April 15, 2024). For more information and forecast for a few days, go to the weather forecast Miami

0-3 h3-6 h6-9 h9-12 h
12-15 h15-18 h18-21 h21-24 h

Miami water temperature by month

These figures shows the average, minimum and maximum monthly sea temperature in Miami. In addition to the table values, the graph below displays of changes average surface temperature during the year. Values are calculated based on the data over the past 10 years. Using them, you can check the water temperature in Miami on any day of this period that interests you. Click on the month link and you will see a table for each day, or alternatively you can view the temperature curve of the month and select 2 different years you want to compare, either in a table or as a curve

Ocean water temperature in Miami in January
Ocean water temperature in Miami in February
Ocean water temperature in Miami in March
Ocean water temperature in Miami in April
Ocean water temperature in Miami in May
Ocean water temperature in Miami in June
Ocean water temperature in Miami in July
Ocean water temperature in Miami in August
Ocean water temperature in Miami in September
Ocean water temperature in Miami in October
Ocean water temperature in Miami in November
Ocean water temperature in Miami in December

Chart monthly average water temperature in Miami

Water temperature in Miami

Where is the warmest sea water in the world?

If you want to plan a vacation on the beach and enjoy the warm sea, choose the day of the year, region and the minimum comfortable sea/ocean temperature that interests you. As a result, you will get a list of countries and cities in which the average sea temperature or maximum temperature on this day over the past 10 years exceeds your chosen value

Date (day and month)
Water temperature: min 60°F
 Average temperature  Maximum temperature

Best places to visit in Florida

The most popular beaches and cities in Florida with sea temperature today, weather, air temperature and sea state (wave height)

Sarasota73°F75.2°F1' 1"
Key West76.6°F75.2°F3' 2"
Naples75°F80.6°F0' 11"
Miami Beach77.4°F75.2°F2' 10"
Fort Myers Beach73.6°F82.4°F0' 9"
Destin68.5°F73.4°F0' 8"
Fort Lauderdale77.4°F75.2°F3' 7"
Key Largo77.4°F73.4°F2' 8"
Cocoa Beach72.7°F73.4°F1' 2"
Clearwater Beach71.8°F75.2°F1' 1"
Key Biscayne77°F75.2°F3' 1"
Bill Baggs Cape77°F75.2°F3' 1"
Fisher Island76.6°F75.2°F3' 1"

Florida photo gallery

  • Florida
  • Russell-Fields City Pier, Panama Ciity Beach, FL
  • Blackwater Bay overcast clouds
  • Florida

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[1] - The "Blue Flag" is awarded to beaches which fulfill a number of criteria, including: the quality of the bathing water, which must be in accordance with the relevant European Union Directive environmental education and information and beach area management and safety.

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Our report for Miami is compiled using satellite data together with in-situ observations to get the most reliable daily data of sea surface temperatures, surf forecasts, current temperatures and weather forecasts.

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