Iberian Reconquest Flashcards | Quizlet

Iberian Reconquest

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-a kingdom in the north-central part of the Iberian peninsula which became the strongest of the Christian kingdoms
-a kingdom in the northeast which became the second most powerful
Alfonso VIII
-crushed the Muslims w/ the help of the kings of Aragon, Navarre, & Portugal - accelerated Christian pushed south (1212)
Las Navas de Tolosa
-the place where Alfonso VIII crushed the Muslims (1212)
james of Aragon
-captured Valencia on Mediterranean coast (1233)
Ferdinand of Castile and Leon
-captured Cordoba (great Muslim city in Andalusia)
-a place that fell in 1248, allowing total Christian control over iberian peninsula (except Granada)
-the only place in the Iberian peninsula that was not controlled by Christianity
-the movement to expel the Muslims
-sacred & patriotic crusade
-CONSEQUENCE: Spanish & Portuguese learned how to manage/control wide areas of newly obtained land