Actress Bae Doo-na expressed her deep affection for the "Level Moon" Nemesis character, while expres.. - MK
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Han Hyunjung
Input : 
2024-04-19 12:12:20
Photo i Netflix
Photo i Netflix

Actress Bae Doo-na expressed her deep affection for the "Level Moon" Nemesis character, while expressing her opinions on differences in domestic and international works.

Bae Doo-na said at a press conference on "Rebel Moon: Part 2 Skagiver" (hereinafter referred to as "Rebel Moon, director Jack Snyder") held at the community house Marcil on the morning of the 19th, "It is true that I had a lot of worries when I was called by director Jack Snyder for the first time."

He said, "I've never been in a Hollywood blockbuster, nor have I enjoyed it. But I thought I knew the character for some reason and could be immersed in it. If so, I ventured with the idea that I could achieve new challenges in any genre," he said, explaining why he decided to appear.

As for his character Nemesis, he said, "I'm wearing a hat and coming out. It's an outer space. "It looks strong on the outside, but it's soft on the inside," he said. "I did this work with the confidence that I could fight well with no expression in my heart with all the pain of the past, regret and revenge for not being able to protect something, and I think I lived well in that sense. I think I'm glad I did it," he said with affection.

"In the original scenario, it wasn't God. I did costume fitting after I was cast, and I was glad and proud to see that GOT was made," he said with a smile.

Photo i Netflix
Photo i Netflix

The Netflix film "Level Moon" tells the story of Kora, a stranger who hid his identity and lived quietly in the village, and outsider warriors from various planets gather to fight for the fate of the galaxy when a corps of dominant forces threatened a peaceful fringe planet. Director Jack Snyder of the films "300" and "Man of Steel" met with Korean actor Bae Doo-nam.

Among the three episodes, the first installment, "Child of Fire," which began when Motherland's battleship invaded the village that hid from the war, explained the relationship between Cora and other key characters, and the world view, as a prelude to the second half. Part 2 'Scargiver' marks the beginning of a huge war in earnest. You can see more colorful actions while adding to the past history of the characters that are revealed one by one.

Bae Doo-na also said, "As I looked for works that would be used effectively rather than imitating Western culture or gestures, I found a difference between characters in Korean and overseas works." But when I do overseas works, I think a little differently. Since he is Korean to the bone, he may seem to be imitating. Rather than imitating their culture or things like that, I tend to choose the role that can use me most effectively in a way," he said.

"I'm going to go with the real life acting I did in Korea one day, but I think I'm still taking steps, I'm still taking care of it when I choose," he said. "I was helped by fantasy elements (in overseas works), and in Korea, I rather played a character I've been in contact with by choosing a movie like 'The Next Sohee'."

It will be open to the world on this day.

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