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1. A sound or a combination of sounds, or its representation in writing or printing, that symbolizes and communicates a meaning and may consist of a single morpheme or of a combination of morphemes.
a. Something said; an utterance, remark, or comment: May I say a word about that?
b. A command or direction; an order: gave the word to retreat.
c. An assurance or promise; sworn intention: She has kept her word.
d. A verbal signal; a password or watchword.
3. words
a. Discourse or talk; speech: Actions speak louder than words.
b. Music The text of a vocal composition; lyrics.
c. Hostile or angry remarks made back and forth.
a. News: Any word on your promotion?
b. Rumor: Word has it they're divorcing.
5. Used euphemistically in combination with the initial letter of a term that is considered offensive or taboo or that one does not want to utter: "Although economists here will not call it a recession yet, the dreaded 'R' word is beginning to pop up in the media" (Francine S. Kiefer).
6. Word
a. See Logos.
b. The Scriptures; the Bible.
7. Computers A set of bits that is of a fixed size and is typically operated on by a computer's processor.
tr.v. word·ed, word·ing, words
To express in words: worded the petition carefully.
Slang Used to express approval or an affirmative response to something. Sometimes used with up.
at a word
In immediate response.
good word
1. A favorable comment: She put in a good word for me.
2. Favorable news.
have a word with
To have a brief conversation with (someone); speak to.
have no words for
To be unable to describe or talk about.
in a word
In short; in summary: In a word, the situation is serious.
in so many words
1. In precisely those words; exactly: hinted at impending indictments but did not say it in so many words.
2. Speaking candidly and straightforwardly: In so many words, the weather has been beastly.
of few words
Not conversational or loquacious; laconic: a person of few words.
of (one's) word
Displaying personal dependability: a woman of her word.
take at (someone's) word
To be convinced of another's sincerity and act in accord with his or her statement: We took them at their word that the job would be done on time.
take (someone's) word for it
To believe what someone says without investigating further.
upon my word
Indeed; really.

[Middle English, from Old English; see wer- in Indo-European roots.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


1. (Linguistics) one of the units of speech or writing that native speakers of a language usually regard as the smallest isolable meaningful element of the language, although linguists would analyse these further into morphemes.
2. an instance of vocal intercourse; chat, talk, or discussion: to have a word with someone.
3. an utterance or expression, esp a brief one: a word of greeting.
4. news or information: he sent word that he would be late.
5. a verbal signal for action; command: when I give the word, fire!.
6. an undertaking or promise: I give you my word; he kept his word.
7. an autocratic decree or utterance; order: his word must be obeyed.
8. a watchword or slogan, as of a political party: the word now is 'freedom'.
9. (Computer Science) computing a set of bits used to store, transmit, or operate upon an item of information in a computer, such as a program instruction
10. as good as one's word doing what one has undertaken or promised to do
11. at a word at once
12. by word of mouth orally rather than by written means
13. in a word briefly or in short
14. my word!
a. an exclamation of surprise, annoyance, etc
b. Austral an exclamation of agreement
15. of one's word given to or noted for keeping one's promises: I am a man of my word.
16. put in a word for put in a good word for to make favourable mention of (someone); recommend
17. take someone at his word take someone at her word to assume that someone means, or will do, what he or she says: when he told her to go, she took him at his word and left.
18. take someone's word for it to accept or believe what someone says
19. the last word
a. the closing remark of a conversation or argument, esp a remark that supposedly settles an issue
b. the latest or most fashionable design, make, or model: the last word in bikinis.
c. the finest example (of some quality, condition, etc): the last word in luxury.
20. the word the proper or most fitting expression: cold is not the word for it, it's freezing!.
21. upon my word!
a. archaic on my honour
b. an exclamation of surprise, annoyance, etc
22. word for word
a. (of a report, transcription, etc) using exactly the same words as those employed in the situation being reported; verbatim
b. translated by substituting each word in the new text for each corresponding word in the original rather than by general sense
23. word of honour a promise; oath
24. (modifier) of, relating to, or consisting of words: a word list.
25. (tr) to state in words, usually specially selected ones; phrase
26. informal (often foll by: up) Austral to inform or advise (a person)
[Old English word; related to Old High German wort, Old Norse orth, Gothic waurd, Latin verbum, Sanskrit vratá command]


1. (Ecclesiastical Terms) Christianity the 2nd person of the Trinity
2. (Theology) Scripture, the Bible, or the Gospels as embodying or representing divine revelation. Often called: the Word of God
[translation of Greek logos, as in John 1:1]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014



1. a unit of language, consisting of one or more spoken sounds or their written representation, that functions as a principal carrier of meaning, is typically seen as the smallest such unit capable of independent use, is separated from other such units by spaces in writing, and is often distinguished phonologically, as by accent or pause.
2. words,
a. verbal expression, esp. speech or talk: to express one's emotions in words.
b. the text or lyrics of a song as distinguished from the music.
c. contentious or angry speech; a quarrel.
3. a short talk or conversation: May I have a word with you?
4. an expression or utterance: a word of warning.
5. warrant, assurance, or promise: I give you my word I'll be there.
6. news; tidings; information: We received word of an uprising.
7. a verbal signal, as a password, watchword, or countersign.
8. an authoritative utterance or command: His word was law.
9. a string of bits or bytes of fixed length treated as a unit for storage and processing by a computer.
10. (cap.) Also called the Word, the Word′ of God′.
a. the Scriptures; the Bible.
b. the Logos.
c. the message of the gospel of Christ.
11. a proverb or motto.
12. (used to form a usu. humorous euphemism by combining with the initial letter of a taboo or supposedly taboo word): a ban on television's use of the F-word. Taxes - politicians' dreaded T-word.
13. to select words to express; phrase: to word a contract carefully.
14. Sometimes, word up. Slang. (used to express satisfaction, approval, or agreement): You got a job? Word!
1. be as good as one's word, to do what one has promised.
2. eat one's words, to retract one's statement, esp. with humility.
3. in a word, in summary; in short.
4. in so many words, in unequivocal terms; explicitly: She told them in so many words to get out.
5. man of his word or woman of her word, a trustworthy, reliable person.
6. my word! or upon my word! (used as an exclamation of surprise or astonishment.)
7. of few words, not talkative; laconic; taciturn.
8. of many words, talkative; loquacious; wordy.
9. put in a (good) word for, to speak favorably on behalf of; commend.
10. take one at one's word, to take a statement to be literal and true.
11. take the words out of someone's mouth, to say exactly what another person was about to say.
[before 900; Middle English, Old English, c. Old Frisian, Old Saxon word, Old High German wort, Old Norse orth, Gothic waurd; akin to Latin verbum word, Lithuanian vardas name]
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.




  1. Applying words like bandages —William Mcllvanney
  2. Words should be scattered like seed; no matter how small the seed may be, if it has once found favorable ground, it unfolds its strength —Seneca
  3. Words, like Nature, half reveal and half conceal the Soul within —Alfred, Lord Tennyson
  4. Her words still hung in the air between us like a whisp of tobacco smoke —Evelyn Waugh
  5. It is with words as with sunbeams, the more they are condensed, the deeper they burn —Robert Southey
  6. Words, like men, grow an individuality; their character changes with years and with use —Anon
  7. Words, like fine flowers, have their color too —Ernest Rhys
  8. Words, like clothes, get old-fashioned, or mean and ridiculous, when they have been for some time laid aside —William Hazlitt
  9. Words, like fashions, disappear and recur throughout English history —Virginia Graham
  10. The word seemed to linger in the air, to throb in the air like the note of a violin —Katherine Mansfield
  11. Her words at first seemed fitful like the talking of the trees —Dante Gabriel Rossetti
  12. (She spoke to them slowly,) dropping the words like ping pong balls —Helen Hudson
  13. Every word hanging like the sack of cement on a murdered body at the bottom of the river —Diane Wakoski
  14. Her words fell like rain on a waterproof umbrella; they made a noise, but they could not reach the head which they seemed destined to deluge —Frances Trollope
  15. His words were smoother than oil (and yet be they swords) —The Book of Common Prayer
  16. It is as easy to draw back a stone thrown from the hand, as to recall a word once spoken —Menander
  17. Like blood from a cut vein, words flowed —James Morrow
  18. My words slipped from me like broken weapons —Edith Wharton
  19. An old sentence … ran through her mind like a frightened mouse in a maze —Babs H. Deal
  20. The rest [words meant to remain unspoken] rolled out like string from a hidden ball of twine —Lynne Sharon Schwartz
  21. The sentence rang over and over again in his mind like a dirge —Margaret Millar
  22. Stiff as frozen rope words poke out —Marge Piercy
  23. They [a group at a party] flung them [words] like weapons, handled them like jewels, tossed them on air with reckless abandon as though they scattered confetti —Mary Hedin
  24. The word hissed like steam escaping from an overloaded pressure system —Ross Macdonald
  25. A word once spoken, like an arrow shot, can never be retracted —Anon

    This simile was first used by Talmudic rabbis

  26. Words as meaningless and wonderful as wind chimes —Sharon Sheehe Stark
  27. The words came out like bullets —H. E. Bates
  28. Words came out … tumbling like a litter of puppies from a kennel —F. van Wyck Mason
  29. The words crumbled in his mouth like ashes —William Diehl
  30. Words … danced in my mind like wild ponies that moved only to my command —Hortense Calisher
  31. Words falling softly as rose petals —Mary Hedin
  32. Words, frothy and toneless like a chain of bursting bubbles —L. P. Hartley
  33. Words gushing and tumbling as if a hose had been turned on —Rose Tremain
  34. Words gush like toothpaste —Margaret Atwood
  35. The words [just spoken] hung like smoke in the air —Doris Grumbach
  36. Words … like bits of cold wind —Mary Hedin
  37. (She dealt her) words like blades —Emily Dickinson
  38. Words, like butterflies, stagger from his lips —John Updike
  39. Words, like glass, obscure when they do not aid vision —Joseph Joubet
  40. Words … limp and clear like a jellyfish … hard and mean and secretive like a horned snail … austere and comical as top hats, or smooth and lively and flattering as ribbons —Alice Munro

    The narrator of Munro’s story, Spelling, contemplates the meaning of words while visiting an old woman.

  41. The word spiralled through the silence like a worm in wood —Harris Downey
  42. The words (out) of his mouth were smoother than butter, but war was in his heart; his words were softer than oil, yet they were drawn swords —The Holy Bible/Psalms
  43. Words … plunked down with a click like chessmen —Yehuda Amichai
  44. Words … poured wetly from her red lips as from a pitcher —Lynne Sharon Schwartz
  45. The words rang in the silence like the sound of a great cash register —Kingsley Amis
  46. Words ran together too quickly, like rapid water —Joanna Wojewski Higgins
  47. Words roll around in Benna’s mouth [heroine of novel, Anagrams, by Lorrie Moore] like Life Savers on a tongue —Carol Hills, New York Times Book Review, November 2, 1986
  48. Words that string and creep like insects —Conrad Aiken
  49. Words … tumbling out and tripping over each other like mice —Susan Fromberg Schaeffer
  50. The words went by like flights of moths under the star-soaked sky —Adrienne Rich
  51. Words … white and anonymous as a snowball —Donald McCaig

    See Also: WHITE

  52. (If he once … let loose … the) words would come like a great flood, like vomiting —George Garrett
  53. Your words to the end, hard as a pair of new cowboy boots —A. D. Winans

    See Also: TOUGHNESS

Similes Dictionary, 1st Edition. © 1988 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.


Past participle: worded
Gerund: wording

I word
you word
he/she/it words
we word
you word
they word
I worded
you worded
he/she/it worded
we worded
you worded
they worded
Present Continuous
I am wording
you are wording
he/she/it is wording
we are wording
you are wording
they are wording
Present Perfect
I have worded
you have worded
he/she/it has worded
we have worded
you have worded
they have worded
Past Continuous
I was wording
you were wording
he/she/it was wording
we were wording
you were wording
they were wording
Past Perfect
I had worded
you had worded
he/she/it had worded
we had worded
you had worded
they had worded
I will word
you will word
he/she/it will word
we will word
you will word
they will word
Future Perfect
I will have worded
you will have worded
he/she/it will have worded
we will have worded
you will have worded
they will have worded
Future Continuous
I will be wording
you will be wording
he/she/it will be wording
we will be wording
you will be wording
they will be wording
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been wording
you have been wording
he/she/it has been wording
we have been wording
you have been wording
they have been wording
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been wording
you will have been wording
he/she/it will have been wording
we will have been wording
you will have been wording
they will have been wording
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been wording
you had been wording
he/she/it had been wording
we had been wording
you had been wording
they had been wording
I would word
you would word
he/she/it would word
we would word
you would word
they would word
Past Conditional
I would have worded
you would have worded
he/she/it would have worded
we would have worded
you would have worded
they would have worded
Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.word - a unit of language that native speakers can identify; "words are the blocks from which sentences are made"; "he hardly said ten words all morning"
language unit, linguistic unit - one of the natural units into which linguistic messages can be analyzed
anagram - a word or phrase spelled by rearranging the letters of another word or phrase
anaphor - a word (such as a pronoun) used to avoid repetition; the referent of an anaphor is determined by its antecedent
antonym, opposite, opposite word - a word that expresses a meaning opposed to the meaning of another word, in which case the two words are antonyms of each other; "to him the antonym of `gay' was `depressed'"
back-formation - a word invented (usually unwittingly by subtracting an affix) on the assumption that a familiar word derives from it
charade - a word acted out in an episode of the game of charades
cognate word, cognate - a word is cognate with another if both derive from the same word in an ancestral language
content word, open-class word - a word to which an independent meaning can be assigned
contraction - a word formed from two or more words by omitting or combining some sounds; "`won't' is a contraction of `will not'"; "`o'clock' is a contraction of `of the clock'"
deictic, deictic word - a word specifying identity or spatial or temporal location from the perspective of a speaker or hearer in the context in which the communication occurs; "words that introduce particulars of the speaker's and hearer's shared cognitive field into the message"- R.Rommetveit
derivative - (linguistics) a word that is derived from another word; "`electricity' is a derivative of `electric'"
diminutive - a word that is formed with a suffix (such as -let or -kin) to indicate smallness
dirty word - a word that is considered to be unmentionable; "`failure' is a dirty word to him"
dissyllable, disyllable - a word having two syllables
descriptor, form, signifier, word form - the phonological or orthographic sound or appearance of a word that can be used to describe or identify something; "the inflected forms of a word can be represented by a stem and a list of inflections to be attached"
four-letter Anglo-Saxon word, four-letter word - any of several short English words (often having 4 letters) generally regarded as obscene or offensive
closed-class word, function word - a word that is uninflected and serves a grammatical function but has little identifiable meaning
guide word, guideword, catchword - a word printed at the top of the page of a dictionary or other reference book to indicate the first or last item on that page
head word, head - (grammar) the word in a grammatical constituent that plays the same grammatical role as the whole constituent
headword - a word placed at the beginning of a line or paragraph (as in a dictionary entry)
heteronym - two words are heteronyms if they are spelled the same way but differ in pronunciation; "the word `bow' is an example of a heteronym"
holonym, whole name - a word that names the whole of which a given word is a part; "`hat' is a holonym for `brim' and `crown'"
homonym - two words are homonyms if they are pronounced or spelled the same way but have different meanings
hypernym, superordinate word, superordinate - a word that is more generic than a given word
hyponym, subordinate word, subordinate - a word that is more specific than a given word
key word - a significant word used in indexing or cataloging
hybrid, loanblend, loan-blend - a word that is composed of parts from different languages (e.g., `monolingual' has a Greek prefix and a Latin root)
loanword, loan - a word borrowed from another language; e.g. `blitz' is a German word borrowed into modern English
meronym, part name - a word that names a part of a larger whole; "`brim' and `crown' are meronyms of `hat'"
metonym - a word that denotes one thing but refers to a related thing; "Washington is a metonym for the United States government"; "plastic is a metonym for credit card"
monosyllabic word, monosyllable - a word or utterance of one syllable
neologism, neology, coinage - a newly invented word or phrase
hapax legomenon, nonce word - a word with a special meaning used for a special occasion
oxytone - word having stress or an acute accent on the last syllable
palindrome - a word or phrase that reads the same backward as forward
primitive - a word serving as the basis for inflected or derived forms; "`pick' is the primitive from which `picket' is derived"
paroxytone - word having stress or acute accent on the next to last syllable
partitive - word (such a `some' or `less') that is used to indicate a part as distinct from a whole
polysemant, polysemantic word, polysemous word - a word having more than one meaning
2.word - a brief statement; "he didn't say a word about it"
statement - a message that is stated or declared; a communication (oral or written) setting forth particulars or facts etc; "according to his statement he was in London on that day"
3.word - information about recent and important eventsword - information about recent and important events; "they awaited news of the outcome"
info, information - a message received and understood
good word - good news
latest - the most recent news or development; "have you heard the latest?"
update - news that updates your information
4.word - a verbal command for action; "when I give the word, charge!"
order - (often plural) a command given by a superior (e.g., a military or law enforcement officer) that must be obeyed; "the British ships dropped anchor and waited for orders from London"
5.word - an exchange of views on some topic; "we had a good discussion"; "we had a word or two about it"
speech communication, spoken communication, spoken language, voice communication, oral communication, speech, language - (language) communication by word of mouth; "his speech was garbled"; "he uttered harsh language"; "he recorded the spoken language of the streets"
argumentation, debate, argument - a discussion in which reasons are advanced for and against some proposition or proposal; "the argument over foreign aid goes on and on"
deliberation - (usually plural) discussion of all sides of a question; "the deliberations of the jury"
group discussion, conference - a discussion among participants who have an agreed (serious) topic
panel discussion - discussion of a subject of public interest by a group of persons forming a panel usually before an audience
postmortem, post-mortem - discussion of an event after it has occurred
public discussion, ventilation - free and open discussion of (or debate on) some question of public interest; "such a proposal deserves thorough public discussion"
negotiation, talks, dialogue - a discussion intended to produce an agreement; "the buyout negotiation lasted several days"; "they disagreed but kept an open dialogue"; "talks between Israelis and Palestinians"
6.word - a promiseword - a promise; "he gave his word"  
promise - a verbal commitment by one person to another agreeing to do (or not to do) something in the future
7.word - a word is a string of bits stored in computer memory; "large computers use words up to 64 bits long"
computer memory unit - a unit for measuring computer memory
byte - a sequence of 8 bits (enough to represent one character of alphanumeric data) processed as a single unit of information
KiB, kibibyte, kilobyte, kB, K - a unit of information equal to 1024 bytes
8.Word - the divine word of God; the second person in the Trinity (incarnate in Jesus)
9.word - a secret word or phrase known only to a restricted groupword - a secret word or phrase known only to a restricted group; "he forgot the password"
arcanum, secret - information known only to a special group; "the secret of Cajun cooking"
positive identification - evidence proving that you are who you say you are; evidence establishing that you are among the group of people already known to the system; recognition by the system leads to acceptance; "a system for positive identification can prevent the use of a single identity by several people"
10.word - the sacred writings of the Christian religionsWord - the sacred writings of the Christian religions; "he went to carry the Word to the heathen"
religious text, religious writing, sacred text, sacred writing - writing that is venerated for the worship of a deity
family Bible - a large Bible with pages to record marriages and births
Old Testament - the collection of books comprising the sacred scripture of the Hebrews and recording their history as the chosen people; the first half of the Christian Bible
Testament - either of the two main parts of the Christian Bible
New Testament - the collection of books of the Gospels, Acts of the Apostles, the Pauline and other epistles, and Revelation; composed soon after Christ's death; the second half of the Christian Bible
covenant - (Bible) an agreement between God and his people in which God makes certain promises and requires certain behavior from them in return
eisegesis - personal interpretation of a text (especially of the Bible) using your own ideas
exegesis - an explanation or critical interpretation (especially of the Bible)
text - a passage from the Bible that is used as the subject of a sermon; "the preacher chose a text from Psalms to introduce his sermon"
Gabriel - (Bible) the archangel who was the messenger of God
Noachian deluge, Noah and the Flood, Noah's flood, the Flood - (Biblical) the great deluge that is said in the Book of Genesis to have occurred in the time of Noah; it was brought by God upon the earth because of the wickedness of human beings
demythologise, demythologize - remove the mythical element from (writings); "the Bible should be demythologized and examined for its historical value"
Verb1.word - put into words or an expressionword - put into words or an expression; "He formulated his concerns to the board of trustees"
ask - direct or put; seek an answer to; "ask a question"
evince, express, show - give expression to; "She showed her disappointment"
lexicalise, lexicalize - make or coin into a word or accept a new word into the lexicon of a language; "The concept expressed by German `Gemuetlichkeit' is not lexicalized in English"
dogmatise, dogmatize - state as a dogma
formularise, formularize - express as a formula
couch, redact, put, frame, cast - formulate in a particular style or language; "I wouldn't put it that way"; "She cast her request in very polite language"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


1. term, name, expression, designation, appellation (formal), locution, vocable The word `ginseng' comes from the Chinese word `Shen-seng'.
2. chat, tête-à-tête, talk, discussion, consultation, chitchat, brief conversation, colloquy, confabulation, confab (informal), heart-to-heart, powwow (informal) James, could I have a quick word with you?
3. comment, remark, expression, declaration, utterance, brief statement I'd like to say a word of thanks to everyone who helped me.
4. message, news, latest (informal), report, information, account, notice, advice, communication, intelligence, bulletin, dispatch, gen (Brit. informal), communiqué, intimation, tidings There is no word from the authorities on the reported attack.
5. promise, guarantee, pledge, undertaking, vow, assurance, oath, parole, word of honour, solemn oath, solemn word He simply cannot be trusted to keep his word.
6. command, will, order, go-ahead (informal), decree, bidding, mandate, commandment, edict, ukase (rare) I want nothing said about this until I give the word.
7. rumour, talk, gossip, hearsay, the word on the street (informal) The word is that he's planning to retire.
plural noun
1. remark, comment, statement, observation, declaration, utterance, pronouncement I was devastated when her words came true.
2. text, script, lyrics Can you hear the words on the album?
1. express, say, state, put, phrase, utter, couch, formulate If I had written the letter, I might have worded it differently.
have words argue, fight, row, clash, disagree, fall out (informal), feud, quarrel, squabble, wrangle, bicker, have a row, lock horns, cross swords, be at each other's throats, have a tiff (informal), have a barney (Brit. informal) We had words and she stormed out.
in a word briefly, in short, in a nutshell, to sum up, succinctly, concisely, not to put too fine a point on it, to put it briefly `Don't you like her?' `In a word - no.'
the last word
1. final say, ultimatum Our manager has the last word on all major decisions.
2. summation, finis We'll let this gentleman have the last word.
the last word in something epitome, newest, best, latest, crown, cream, rage, ultimate, vogue, perfection, mother of all (informal), quintessence, crème de la crème (French), ne plus ultra (French), dernier cri (French) The spa is the last word in luxury.
word for word
1. verbatim, precisely, exactly, faithfully, to the letter, line for line, letter-for-letter He repeated the whole conversation word for word.
Related words
adjective lexical, verbal
like verbomania
fear logophobia
"In the beginning was the Word" Bible: St. John
"Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind" [Rudyard Kipling]
"For words, like Nature, half reveal"
"And half conceal the Soul within" [Alfred, Lord Tennyson]
"`When I use a word,' Humpty Dumpty said in a rather scornful tone, `it means just what I choose it to mean - neither more nor less.'" [Lewis Carroll Through the Looking-Glass]
"Words just say what you want them to say; they don't know any better" [A.L. Kennedy The Role of Notable Silences in Scottish History]
"and once sent out, a word takes wing beyond recall" [Horace Epistles]
"Words are the physicians of a mind diseased" [Aeschylus Prometheus Bound]
"Thought flies and words go on foot" [Julien Green Journal]
"How often misused words generate misleading thoughts" [Herbert Spencer Principles of Ethics]
"Words are the tokens current and accepted for conceits, as moneys are for values" [Francis Bacon The Advancement of Learning]
"Words are wise men's counters, they do but reckon by them" [Thomas Hobbes Leviathan]
"Oaths are but words, and words but wind" [Samuel Butler Hudibras]
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002


1. A sound or combination of sounds that symbolizes and communicates a meaning:
2. Something said:
3. Something communicated, as information:
4. A declaration that one will or will not do a certain thing:
5. An authoritative indication to be obeyed:
6. New information, especially about recent events and happenings:
advice (often used in plural), intelligence, news, tiding (often used in plural).
Informal: scoop.
7. Idle, often sensational and groundless talk about others:
Slang: scuttlebutt.
8. A discussion, often heated, in which a difference of opinion is expressed.Used in plural:
Informal: hassle, rhubarb, tangle.
To convey in language or words of a particular form:
The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
خَبَر، كَلِمَهكلمةكَلِمَةكَلِمَهمُحادَثَه قَصيرَه
szórövid beszélgetés
fréttirloforî, heitorðorîorî, samtal
formulavimasgerai įsimenantisįsiterpti į pokalbįišreikšti žodžiaislaikytis žodžio
godavārdsīsa sarunaizteikt vārdospāris vārduvārds
słowosłowo boże
božie slovočestné slovopár slovsformulovaťslovo
besedačastna besedadržati besedo
sözcükkelimesözsözcüklerle ifade etmekanlatmak


A. N
1. (gen) → palabra f; (= remark) → palabra f (Ling) → voz f, vocablo m
I remember every word he saidrecuerdo todas y cada una de sus palabras
that's not the word I would have chosenyo no me hubiera expresado así
the words (= lyrics) → la letra
I won't hear a word against himno permito que se le critique
a big worduna palabra difícil
in word and deedde palabra y hecho
words fail meno me lo puedo creer
words failed meme quedé sin habla
a man of few wordsun hombre nada locuaz
I can't find (the) words to tell youno encuentro palabras para decirte ...
fine wordspalabras elocuentes (pero quizá poco sinceras)
word for wordpalabra por palabra
too stupid for wordsde lo más estúpido
what's the word for "shop" in Spanish?¿cómo se dice "shop" en español?
the Spanish have a word for iten español existe una palabra para eso
there is no other word for itno se puede llamar de otro modo
silly isn't the word for it¡llamarle estúpido es poco!
I can't get a word out of himno logro sacarle una palabra
in a worden pocas palabras, en una palabra
in other wordsen otros términos, es decir, esto es
in the words of Calderóncon palabras de Calderón, como dice Calderón
in his own wordscon sus propias palabras
she didn't say so in so many wordsno lo dijo exactamente así, no lo dijo así concretamente
to have the last word in an argumentdecir la última palabra en una discusión
to measure one's wordsmedir las palabras
by word of mouthverbalmente, de palabra
a word of adviceun consejo
a word of thanksunas palabras de agradecimiento
a word of warninguna advertencia
I can't put my feelings into wordsno tengo palabras para expresar lo que siento
to put in a (good) word for sbavalar a algn, interceder por algn
don't say a word about itno digas nada de eso
he never said a wordno dijo una sola palabra
he didn't say a word about it to meni me lo mencionó
nobody had a good word to say about himnadie quería defenderle, nadie habló en su favor
I now call on Mr Allison to say a few wordsahora le cedo la palabra al Sr. Allison, ahora le invito al Sr. Allison a hacer uso de la palabra
to weigh one's wordsmedir las palabras
with these words, he sat downy tras pronunciar estas palabras se sentó
without a wordsin decir palabra or ni pío
from the word godesde el principio mismo
it's the last word in luxuryes el último grito en lo que a lujo se refiere
you're putting words into my mouthte refieres a cosas que yo no he dicho
you took the words right out of my mouthme quitaste la palabra de la boca
the word on the street is that ...los que saben del tema dicen que ...
many a true word is spoken in jestlas bromas a veces pueden ser veras
a word to the wise (is sufficient)al buen entendedor pocas palabras le bastan
see also breathe A2
see also eat A
see also edgeways, mince A2
2. (= talk) to have a word with sbhablar (dos palabras) con algn, tener unas palabras con algn
I'll have a word with him about itlo hablaré con él, se lo mencionaré
could I have a (short) word with you?¿puedo hablar un momento contigo?
I had a few words with him yesterdaytuve unas palabras con él ayer
to have a word in sb's ear (Brit) → decir algo a algn en confianza
3. (= angry words)
to have words with sbreñir or (esp LAm) pelear(se) con algn
the referee had words with himel árbitro le dijo cuatro palabras
words passed between themcambiaron algunas palabras injuriosas
4. (no pl) (= message) → recado m; (= news) → noticia f, aviso m
to bring word of sth to sbinformar a algn de algo
word came thatllegó noticia de que ..., se supo que ...
if word gets out thatsi sale a la luz que ..., si llega a saberse que ...
the word is going round thatse dice que ..., corre la voz de que ...
word has it that ..., the word is thatse dice que ...
to leave word (with/for sb) thatdejar recado (con/para algn) de que ..., dejar dicho (con/para algn) que ...
there's still no word from Johntodavía no sabemos nada de John
pass the word that it's time to godiles que es hora de marcharnos
to send wordmandar recado
to send sb word of sthavisar a algn de algo
to spread the wordpropagar la noticia
5. (no pl) (= promise, assurance) → palabra f (de honor)
it's his word against minees su palabra contra la mía
to take sb at his wordaceptar lo que algn dice
to break one's wordfaltar a or no cumplir la palabra
to give sb one's word (that ...)dar la palabra a algn (de que ...)
to go back on one's wordfaltar a la palabra
you have my wordtienes mi palabra
we only have or we've only got her word for ittodo lo que sabemos es lo que ella dice
to hold or keep sb to his wordhacer que algn cumpla su palabra
word of honourpalabra f, palabra f de honor
to keep one's wordcumplir (lo prometido)
(upon) my word!¡caramba!
he's a man of his wordes hombre de palabra
I take your word for itte creo, ¡basta con que me lo digas!
take my word for itte lo aseguro
his word is (as good as) his bondsu palabra merece entera confianza
to be as good as one's wordcumplir (lo prometido)
6. (no pl) (= command) → orden f
to give the word to do sthdar la orden de hacer algo
you have only to say the wordsolamente hace falta que des la orden
his word is lawsu palabra es ley
word of commandvoz f de mando
7. (Rel) → verbo m, palabra f
the Word of Godel Verbo de Dios
B. VT [+ letter etc] → redactar
it's not very clearly wordedestá mal redactado
how shall we word it?¿cómo lo expresamos?
a simply worded refusaluna negativa sencilla
a well worded declarationuna declaración bien expresada
C. CPD word association N (Psych) → asociación f de palabras
word blindness Nalexia f
word class Ncategoría f gramatical (de las palabras)
word count Nrecuento m de vocabulario
word formation Nformación f de palabras
word game Njuego m de formación de palabras
word list Nlista f de palabras, vocabulario m
word order Norden m de palabras
word picture Ndescripción f
word processing Nprocesamiento m de textos
word processor Nprocesador m de textos
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005


(= unit of language) → mot m
what's the word for ... ? → comment dit-on ... ?
What's the word for "pen" in French? → Comment dit-on "pen" en français?
word for word [repeat] → mot pour mot; [translate] → mot à mot
That's word for word what the man said → C'est mot pour mot ce que l'homme a dit.
to put sth into words → exprimer qch
in a word → en un mot
in other words → en d'autres termes
from the word go → depuis le début
(= thing said, remark) → mot m
not a word → pas un mot
Not a word was spoken → Personne ne souffla mot.
I can't understand a word she says → Je ne comprends pas un mot de ce qu'elle dit.
a word of thanks → un mot de remerciement
a word of warning → un avertissement
to have the last word → avoir le dernier mot
to be the last word in sth (= ultimate) → être le summum de qch
not in so many words → pas exactement
to hang on sb's every word → être pendu(e) aux lèvres de qn
a man of few words → un homme de peu de mots
a woman of few words → une femme de peu de mots
to be lost for words (= dumbstruck) → ne savoir que dire
mark my words → souvenez-vous de ce que je dis
to put words in sb's mouth (= misrepresent) → faire dire qch à qn
to take sb's word for it (= believe without further proof) → croire qn sur parole
I'll take your word for it → Je vous crois sur parole.
Take my word for it → Croyez-moi.
(= conversation) to have a word with sb → toucher un mot à qn
Can I have a word with you? → Puis-je vous toucher un mot?
James, could I have a quiet word? → James, puis-je vous toucher un mot en privé?
to have a word with sb about sth → parler à qn à propos de qch
I need a word with you about the weekend → J'ai besoin de te parler à propos de ce week-end.
to have words with sb (= quarrel) → avoir des mots avec qn
(= promise) → parole f
You have my word → Vous avez ma parole.
to give sb one's word → donner sa parole à qn
to break one's word → manquer à sa parole
to keep one's word → tenir sa parole
a man of his word → un homme de parole
a woman of her word → une femme de parole
(= news) → nouvelles fpl
to send word of sth → prévenir de qch
to send word of sb → envoyer des nouvelles de qn
to leave word that ... → faire savoir que ... words
npl [song] → paroles fpl
I really like the words of this song → J'adore les paroles de cette chanson.
vtrédiger, formulerword association nassociation f de motsword-for-word [ˌwɜːrdfərˈwɜːrd] adj [translation] → mot à mot; [quotation] → mot pour motword game njeu m de lettres
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


(= unit of language)Wort nt; wordsWörter pl; (in meaningful sequence) → Worte pl; word divisionSilbentrennung f; foreign wordsFremdwörter pl; word for wordWort für Wort; (= exactly also)wortwörtlich; cold isn’t the word for itkalt ist gar kein Ausdruck (dafür); “irresponsible” would be a better word for itunverantwortlich“ wäre wohl das treffendere Wort dafür; words cannot describe itso etwas kann man mit Worten gar nicht beschreiben; beyond wordsunbeschreiblich; too funny for wordsunbeschreiblich komisch; to put one’s thoughts into wordsseine Gedanken in Worte fassen or kleiden; in a wordmit einem Wort, kurz gesagt; (not) in so many words(nicht) direkt or ausdrücklich; in other wordsmit anderen Worten, anders gesagt or ausgedrückt; in one’s own wordsmit eigenen Worten; the last word (fig)der letzte Schrei (→ in an +dat); he had the last worder hatte das letzte Wort; that’s not the word I would have chosenich hätte es nicht so ausgedrückt; in the words of Goethemit Goethe gesprochen, um mit Goethe zu sprechen
(= remark)Wort nt; wordsWorte pl; a word of adviceein Rat(schlag) m; a word of encouragement/warningeine Ermunterung/Warnung; fine wordsschöne Worte pl; a man of few wordsein Mann, der nicht viele Worte macht; I can’t get a word out of himich kann kein Wort aus ihm herausbekommen; by word of mouthdurch mündliche Überlieferung; to say a few wordsein paar Worte sprechen; to be lost or at a loss for wordsnicht wissen, was man sagen soll; to take somebody at his wordjdn beim Wort nehmen; to have a word with somebody (about something) (= talk to)mit jdm (über etw) sprechen; to have a word with somebody (= reprimand, discipline)jdn ins Gebet nehmen; John, could I have a word?John, kann ich dich mal sprechen?; (could I have) a word in your ear?kann ich Sie bitte allein or unter vier Augen sprechen?; a word to the wiseein guter Rat; you took the words out of my mouthdu hast mir das Wort aus dem Mund genommen; I wish you wouldn’t put words into my mouthich wünschte, Sie würden mir nicht das Wort im Munde herumdrehen; to put in or say a (good) word for somebodyfür jdn ein gutes Wort einlegen; nobody had a good word to say for himniemand wusste etwas Gutes über ihn zu sagen; without a wordohne ein Wort; don’t say or breathe a word about itsag aber bitte keinen Ton or kein Sterbenswörtchen (inf)davon; remember, not a word to anyonevergiss nicht, kein Sterbenswörtchen (inf)
words pl (= quarrel) to have words with somebodymit jdm eine Auseinandersetzung haben
words pl (= text, lyrics)Text m
no pl (= message, news)Nachricht f; word went round that …es ging die Nachricht um, dass …; to leave word (with somebody/for somebody) that …(bei jdm/für jdn) (die Nachricht) hinterlassen, dass …; is there any word from John yet?schon von John gehört?, schon Nachrichten von John?; to send wordNachricht geben; to send word to somebodyjdn benachrichtigen; to send somebody word of somethingjdn von etw benachrichtigen; to spread the word (around) (inf)es allen sagen (inf); what’s the word on Charlie? (inf)was gibts Neues von Charlie?
(= promise, assurance)Wort nt; word of honour (Brit) or honor (US) → Ehrenwort nt; a man of his wordein Mann, der zu seinem Wort steht; to be true to or as good as one’s word, to keep one’s wordsein Wort halten; I give you my wordich gebe dir mein (Ehren)wort; to go back on one’s wordsein Wort nicht halten; to break one’s wordsein Wort brechen; I only have his word for itich habe nur sein Wort dafür; take my word for itverlass dich drauf, das kannst du mir glauben; you don’t have to take my word for itdu kannst das ruhig nachprüfen; it’s his word against mineAussage steht gegen Aussage; upon my word! (old) my word!meine Güte!
(= order)Wort nt; (also word of command)Kommando nt, → Befehl m; to give the word (to do something) (Mil) → das Kommando geben(, etw zu tun); just say the wordsag nur ein Wort; his word is law heresein Wort ist hier Gesetz
(Rel) → Wort nt; the Word of Goddas Wort Gottes; to preach the Worddas Wort Gottes or das Evangelium verkünden
vt(in Worten) ausdrücken, formulieren, in Worte fassen (geh); letterformulieren; speechabfassen


word association
nWortassoziation f
word blindness
nWortblindheit f
nWörterbuch nt; (Mus) → Textbuch nt, → Libretto nt
word break
n (of a word) → (Silben)trennung f
word class
nWortklasse f
n (Comput) → Wortzählung f
vt (Comput inf) text(nach Wörtern) analysieren
word deafness
n (Med, Psych) → Worttaubheit f
word ending
n (Ling) → Wortendung f
word formation
nWortbildung f
word game
nBuchstabenspiel nt


adjwortlos; griefstumm
word list
nWortliste f
word order
nSatzstellung f, → Wortstellung f
adjsicher im Text; to be wordden Text perfekt beherrschen, den Text bis aufs Wort beherrschen
word picture
nBild nt(in Worten); to paint a vivid word of somethingetw in lebhaften Farben beschreiben
nWortspiel nt
word processing
adj attrTextverarbeitungs-; word softwareTextverarbeitungssoftware f
word processor
n (= machine)Textverarbeitungssystem nt, → Textverarbeitungsanlage f; (= software)Textverarbeitungsprogramm nt
word split
nWorttrennung f
word square
word wrap
n (Comput) → (automatischer) Zeilenumbruch
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007


1. n
a. (gen) → parola
what's the word for "pen" in Italian? → come si dice "pen" in italiano?
what does this word mean? → cosa vuol dire questa parola? words npl (of song) → parole fpl, testo
in the words of Dante → come disse Dante
word for word → parola per parola, testualmente
words per minute → parole al minuto
to put sth into words → esprimere qc a parole
silly isn't the word for it! → sciocco non è la parola esatta!
words fail me → non ho parole
in a word → in una parola
in other words → in altre parole, in altri termini
not in so many words → non esplicitamente
those were her very words → quelle furono le sue testuali parole
the last word in → l'ultima novità in fatto di
to have the last word → avere l'ultima parola
to give sb a word of warning → dare a qn un piccolo avvertimento
I can't get a word out of him → non riesco a cavargli una parola di bocca
by word of mouth → con il passaparola
to take the words out of sb's mouth → rubare le parole di bocca a qn
don't put words into my mouth! → non mettermi parole in bocca!
to have a word with sb → fare un discorsetto a qn
could I have a word with you? → posso parlarti un attimo?
to put in a (good) word for sb → mettere una buona parola per qn
without a word → senza una parola
don't say or breathe a word about it → non farne parola
to have words with sb (quarrel with) → venire a parole con qn
b. (news) → notizia, notizie fpl
is there any word from Peter yet? → non ci sono ancora notizie da parte di Peter?
word came from headquarters that ... → il quartiere generale ci ha fatto sapere che...
to bring/send word of sth to sb → portare/dare la notizia di qc a qn
to leave word (with sb, for sb) that ... → lasciare detto (a qn) che...
word of command → ordine m
to give the word to do sth → dare l'ordine di fare qc
c. (promise) → parola
word of honour → parola d'onore
he is a man of his word → è un uomo di parola
to be as good as one's word, keep one's word → essere di parola, tenere fede alla parola data
to break one's word → mancare di parola
to give sb one's word (that ...) → dare a qn la propria parola (che...)
I've only got your word for it → devo fidarmi di quello che dici tu
to take sb at his word → prendere qn in parola
I'll take your word for it → ti credo sulla parola
d. (gospel) the Wordil Verbo, la parola di Dio
to preach the Word → predicare la buona novella
2. vt (document, protest) → formulare
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(wəːd) noun
1. the smallest unit of language (whether written, spoken or read).
2. a (brief) conversation. I'd like a (quick) word with you in my office.
3. news. When you get there, send word that you've arrived safely.
4. a solemn promise. He gave her his word that it would never happen again.
to express in written or spoken language. How are you going to word the letter so that it doesn't seem rude?
ˈwording noun
the manner of expressing something, the choice of words etc.
ˈword processor noun
a program for writing or editing texts, letters etc and storing them in the computer's memory; a computer used for doing this.
ˈword processing noun
ˌword-ˈperfect adjective
repeated, or able to repeat something, precisely in the original words. a word-perfect performance; He wants to be word-perfect by next week's rehearsal.
by word of mouth
by one person telling another in speech, not in writing. She got the information by word of mouth.
get a word in edgeways
to break into a conversation etc and say something.
in a word
to sum up briefly. In a word, I don't like him.
keep/break one's word
to keep or fail to keep one's promise.
take (someone) at his/her word
to believe (someone) without question and act according to his words.
take someone's word for it
to assume that what someone says is correct (without checking).
word for word
in the exact, original words. That's precisely what he told me, word for word.
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.


كَلِمَة slovo ord Wort λέξη palabra sana mot riječ parola 単語 단어 woord ord słowo palavra слово ord คำ sözcük từ
Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009


n. vocablo, palabra, término.
English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012
Collins Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009


n palabra; — finding difficulty dificultad f para encontrar palabras
English-Spanish/Spanish-English Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in classic literature ?
The whole of the above discussion of vagueness and accuracy was occasioned by the attempt to interpret the word "this" when we judge in verbal memory that "this occurred." The word "this," in such a judgment, is a vague word, equally applicable to the present memory-image and to the past occurrence which is its prototype.
Every word is either current, or strange, or metaphorical, or ornamental, or newly-coined, or lengthened, or contracted, or altered.
However, this rain is not resting, but is doing something ACTIVELY,--it is falling--to interfere with the bird, likely--and this indicates MOVEMENT, which has the effect of sliding it into the Accusative case and changing DEM Regen into DEN Regen." Having completed the grammatical horoscope of this matter, I answer up confidently and state in German that the bird is staying in the blacksmith shop "wegen (on account of) DEN Regen." Then the teacher lets me softly down with the remark that whenever the word "wegen" drops into a sentence, it ALWAYS throws that subject into the GENITIVE case, regardless of consequences--and therefore this bird stayed in the blacksmith shop "wegen DES Regens."
Literature really means letters, for it comes from a Latin word littera, meaning a letter of the alphabet.
But in Jerry's vocabulary, "Mister Haggin" possessed all the definiteness of sound and meaning that the word "master" possesses in the vocabularies of humans in relation to their dogs.
A few years ago, while visiting or, rather, rummaging about Notre-Dame, the author of this book found, in an obscure nook of one of the towers, the following word, engraved by hand upon the wall:--
All that I ask - it is really very little - is the word agreed upon."
Neither by word nor sign did she encourage the idea of any future communication with her.
(and not wasting another thought on me) that I am permitted to retail the very last word about their hero and mine.
Even now" (he emphasized the word) "I am ready to receive any explanations you can give me."
Would a word of sympathy come to comfort her from the other woman's lips?
"Not a word more," she repeated, and with a look of chill despair, incomprehensible to him, she parted from him.