The Best New Fantasy TV Series Of The Last Few Years

Ranker TV
Updated April 24, 2024 119.3K views 52 items
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48.8K votes
8.0K voters
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Vote up the best fantasy series that premiered their first season on or after January 1, 2019.
Latest additions: The Spiderwick Chronicles, Renegade Nell, Ronja the Robber's Daughter
Most divisive: The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power
Over 8.0K Ranker voters have come together to rank this list of The Best Newer Fantasy Shows

With so many great TV series currently airing, we’re ranking the best fantasy TV shows since 2019. Our list of the highest-rated fantasy shows of the past  three  years is ranked by viewers from everywhere, so make sure you vote up the best new fantasy series on television. What is the best new fantasy TV show? 

Featuring new Netflix shows, show revivals, adaptations from books, and more, the best recent fantasy TV shows include His Dark Materials, Shadows & Bone, and Cursed. Netflix's The Witcher is considered one of the most binge-worthy shows today, while Amazon's Carnival Row fantasy series is known as one of the best recent fantasy shows to watch. It's not all high and dark fantasy, however. Shows like Zoey's Extraordinary Playlist offer lighthearted fantasy and a little magic into everyday life.

Vote up the best new fantasy shows that have premiered recently.