A Wrinkle in Time Chapter 6 Summary | Study.com
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A Wrinkle in Time Chapter 6 Summary

Instructor Dori Starnes

Dori has taught college and high school English courses, and has Masters degrees in both literature and education.

In chapter 6 of ''A Wrinkle in Time'', Meg, Charles Wallace, and Calvin make it to the planet where they believe Mr. Murry has been. However, it is a strange and creepy place, obviously controlled by the Black Thing. Updated: 03/26/2023

Meg Murry, her younger brother Charles Wallace, and their friend Calvin O'Keefe have travelled through time and space to the cave of the Happy Medium. They are trying to find Mr. Murry, Meg and Charles Wallace's father. He's been missing for years, off on secret work for the government. In the previous chapter, Meg and the others learn that he's currently on a planet controlled by the Black Thing, a cloud of concentrated evil that is taking over the Universe. It is their job to save Mr. Murry and defeat the Black Thing.

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The children lean in closer, and the crystal ball shows a great burst of light that makes some of the Black Thing disappear. Mrs. Whatsit tells them what has just happened… a star has sacrificed itself to fight the Black Thing. The children learn that Mrs. Whatsit used to be a star, but she sacrificed herself. In fact, all the Mrs. Ws (Mrs. Who, Mrs. Whatsit, and Mrs. Which, who brought the kids through space to fight the Black Thing) were once stars.

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Mrs. Whatsit tells the kids they are heading to a planet called Camazotz, and the group tessers there. Mrs. Whatsit tells Meg, Charles Wallace, and Calvin that she and Mrs. Who and Mrs. Which cannot come with them, but they will stay near. Mrs. Whatsit tells them that Mr. Murry is on Camazotz, but nothing more.

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Then the kids head down the hill toward the town in the distance. It's a strange place. All the houses are exactly the same. In front of each house, children play with balls or jump ropes, but they are all bouncing and jumping to the same rhythm. A mother comes to the door of each house, dressed exactly alike, and all the children go inside at the same moment.

Except for one boy, who is playing to his own rhythm. His mother pulls him inside, and he drops the ball he's been bouncing. Charles Wallace picks up the ball and tries to bring it to the child, but the mother insists her son never dropped it, and won't let them inside unless they have papers. The kid grabs the ball and the mother slams the door in their faces.

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Though the Happy Medium tries to leave the kids with a happy memory by showing them their mothers, it fails. Calvin watches his mother beat one of his siblings, and Meg and Charles Wallace see the despair their mother has been hiding. This angers Meg enough to throw herself wholeheartedly into the quest to save her father. And so the children arrive on Camazotz, but not before being graced with gifts and advice from the three Mrs. Ws.

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