Susanna Fontanarossa (from 10 January 1422 to 9 January 1423–from 10 January 1489 to 9 January 1490) • FamilySearch

Susanna Fontanarossa

Femalefrom 10 January 1422 to 9 January 1423–from 10 January 1489 to 9 January 1490

Brief Life History of Susanna

When Susanna Fontanarossa was born from 10 January 1422 to 9 January 1423, in Quezzi, Genoa, Genova, Liguria, Italy, her father, Giacomo Fontanarossa, was 24 and her mother, Èpouse de Lacobi, was 19. She married Domenico Colombo in 1450, in Genova, Liguria, Italy. They were the parents of at least 6 sons and 1 daughter. She died in 1489, in Genova, Liguria, Italy, and was buried in Genova, Liguria, Italy.

Photos and Memories (9)

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Family Time Line

Domenico Colombo
Susanna Fontanarossa
from 10 January 1422 to 9 January 1423–from 10 January 1489 to 9 January 1490
Marriage: 1450
Cristóbal Colón
Giovanni Pellegrino Colombo
Bianchinetta Colombo
Cristobal Colón
Antonio Colombo
Bartolomeo Colombo
Diego Colón

Sources (2)

  • Legacy NFS Source: Susanna Fontanarosa - Published information: death: about 1489; Genoa, Genova, Liguria, Italy
  • Susanna Fontanarossa was born in 1422 passed away in 1489, at age 67

Spouse and Children

  • Marriage
    1450Genova, Liguria, Italy
  • Children (7)

    +2 More Children

    Parents and Siblings

    Siblings (1)

      Femalefrom 10 January 1422 to 9 January 1423–from 10 January 1489 to 9 January 1490 Female

    Name Meaning

    New Testament form (Luke 8:3) of the Hebrew name Shoshana (from shoshan ‘lily’, which in modern Hebrew also means ‘rose’).

    Dictionary of First Names © Patrick Hanks and Flavia Hodges 1990, 2003, 2006.

    Possible Related Names

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