Welcome to St Bede's - St Bede's School
Welcome to St Bede's

Welcome to St Bede's

Adam PowellI feel extremely proud and privileged to be Headteacher of St Bede’s School and Sixth Form. Having worked at the school since April 2017, which has fantastic students, supportive parents/carers and excellent high quality staff and governors, I am committed to providing our students with the best possible Christian education. The unique ecumenical nature of St Bede’s will be at the forefront of everything we do.

We are proud to serve roughly 2000 students of all abilities, age 11-18, from the Reigate, Redhill, Caterham, Horley and surrounding areas. We want every child to thrive as we seek to promote five key values: Belonging, Education, Determination, Excellence and Service.

St Bede's aims to provide 'Christian education at its best'. We offer a broad and balanced curriculum that is accessible and ambitious for all students including those from disadvantaged backgrounds and those with special educational needs.

I was delighted that in March 2023 St Bede’s retained the Ofsted outstanding judgement. This was a great achievement for students, staff and governors.  We will continue to work hard to provide all of our students with an outstanding education both inside and outside of the classroom.

"Pupils behave exceptionally well. They are unfailingly respectful to each other, to staff and to visitors. Pupils are happy and feel safe. Leaders have put in place excellent pastoral care. Pupils know there is always someone they can go to for help. Bullying is very rare and it is swiftly and effectively dealt with by staff when it does occur."

Ofsted 2023

"The positive attitude of pupils means that lessons are very rarely disrupted. They enjoy their time in class and describe their lessons as ‘inspirational’. The content of these inspirational lessons reflects the high expectations that staff have for what pupils can accomplish. Pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) and those who are disadvantaged, achieve very highly."

Ofsted 2023

I hope that this website offers you a flavour of life at St Bede's. Our school prospectus is available to view below and provides an overview of what St Bede's has to offer.

God Bless.

Mr A Powell

Our sixth form prospectus (available below) gives you a good insight into sixth form life at St Bede’s, including an overview of our aims and ethos, curriculum, pastoral care and enrichment.

Sixth Form ProspectusIf you would like us to send you a printed sixth form prospectus, please use our contact form.

If you would like more information about our Sixth Form, please go to our Sixth Form pages.