Más de 100 preguntas de entrevista y respuestas en SoftServe | Glassdoor
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Preguntas de entrevista de SoftServe

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Entrevistas en SoftServe

3/5 de dificultad

Experiencia en la entrevista

61 %Positiva
Negativa24 %

Cómo otras personas consiguieron una entrevista

53 %
Solicitud electrónica
Solicitud electrónica
25 %
10 %
Recomendación de empleado
Recomendación de empleado

Entrevistas para los mejores puestos en SoftServe


Empleado anónimo

Oferta aceptada
Experiencia positiva
Entrevista normal

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The process was enjoyable; I appreciated the supportive interviewers who were keen on aiding me. Their provision of basic yet crucial interview tasks was helpful. Overall, it was a positive experience, reinforcing my liking for the process and leaving me feeling supported in my journey.

Preguntas de entrevista
  • What is the closure, architectural, OOP
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Empleado anónimo

Oferta aceptada
Experiencia positiva
Entrevista normal

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The interview process has several steps, giving candidates a chance to demonstrate their abilities and personality. Also, during that time it is possible to get to know company culture and team dynamic.

Preguntas de entrevista
  • What is regression testing, and why is it important in the QA process? Can you explain the difference between verification and validation in What is your experience in backend testing? software testing? Provide examples.
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Candidato de entrevista anónimo en Kyiv,

Oferta rechazada
Experiencia positiva
Entrevista normal

Acudí a una entrevista en SoftServe (Kyiv, )


- brief - LLM concerned - Tech + HR, with some test on English skills and Softskills. - Were negotiable, but in some defined window and time frame. Yet, the experience was positive

Preguntas de entrevista
  • Q: Transformer Architecture Q: RAG Architecture for Efficient Scalable performance
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Candidato de entrevista anónimo en Santiago

Sin oferta
Experiencia negativa
Entrevista normal

Solicité el puesto a través de la recomendación de un empleado. El proceso duró 4 semanas. Acudí a una entrevista en SoftServe (Santiago) en ene 2024


If you apply (or get referred) it will take a long time time for them to consider your application (I had to wait for three months after a referral for them to contact me). After they contact you, you have to take an english proficiency test and fill a self-assessment form. Next, you will have a technical interview that lasts for 1 hour. After that, and only if your profile matches one of their projects. You will have an interview with the client that will be working with. If not, they will promise that they will contact you if a project matches your previous experience, which is just an euphemism for being ghosted.

Preguntas de entrevista
  • If you had experience with some technologies and how you will solve problems with it.
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Empleado anónimo

Oferta aceptada
Experiencia positiva
Entrevista normal

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Involved clear communication, thoughtful answers, and a positive attitude. It's a two-way conversation where both the interviewer and interviewee exchange relevant information. Preparedness, active listening, and showcasing relevant skills are key to a successful interview.

Preguntas de entrevista
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Empleado anónimo en Cali, Valle del Cauca

Oferta aceptada
Experiencia positiva
Entrevista normal

Solicité el puesto a través de un captador. El proceso duró 4 semanas. Acudí a una entrevista en SoftServe (Cali, Valle del Cauca)


Me contactaron por linkedln, fueron 4 entrevistas. la primera HR, segunda tecnical interview dónde hay preguntas de coding, system design y algunas preguntas de java en general, Después hay una entrevista con el PM y por último entrevista con el cliente.

Preguntas de entrevista
  • qué es un balanceador de carga, diferencias entre un idp y un sp. coding question. easy leetcode question encode lenght string get most repeated number
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Candidato de entrevista anónimo

Sin oferta
Experiencia neutra
Entrevista normal

Envié una solicitud electrónica. El proceso duró 3 semanas. Acudí a una entrevista en SoftServe en nov 2023


There were three stages - one screen HR call, then one technical interview, then one management call. The HR call was about the expectations - both about the company and salary. The technical interview was all about past data science experience (+ some additional theoretical questions, but they weren't hard).

Preguntas de entrevista
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Empleado anónimo

Oferta aceptada
Experiencia positiva
Entrevista normal

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First of all, there was an online test and if the result is good, then it will be a small discussion with the recruiter. After that, there were 2 technical interviews and at the last of it the manager was also present

Preguntas de entrevista
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Candidato de entrevista anónimo en Lviv

Sin oferta
Experiencia negativa
Entrevista normal

Envié una solicitud electrónica. Acudí a una entrevista en SoftServe (Lviv)


This feedback is not about a job interview, but about programming certification interviews the company organises as part of its Software developer training center. First, you take a somewhat exhaustive but interesting 2-3 hour online technical test consisting of theoretical and practical parts. A supervisor connected by videoconference is quite attentive, polite and even supportive. They ensure you don't cheat but they also handle your relevant questions. In reality, they are essentially the only good part of the certification process. The testing platform itself will be half-broken and you will unintentionally submit faulty code just because their internal code compiler is all but not working. You may as well type in 'Hello, I am on duty today' and the compiler will flag it as correct answer, although it obviously is not correct and you will lose points on trusting the compiler. Shockingly poor standards. Second, you have a short English language video talk with a person described as qualified to evaluate your level in English. The language requirements are super low (to just be able to speak and understand others), but the examiner themselves are super unfriendly and you have an impression of talking to a Gestapo investigator, not a person qualified to motivate your to talk and objectively evaluate you. For this 15-min talk , you will have a 'pleasure' to see the examiner: Be late, but not apoligise, explain or acknowledge it; Not smile a single time and look at you as if they wanted to rob you; Interrupt you right in the middle of your phrases; and Ask tone deaf personal/professional questions. In short, you will have a firm impression they wish not to nurture the conversation, but to ruin it. An unforgettably repulsive experience. Third, you will have to wait for results for an unknown time. They do put out some strange date called 'due date' (one month after you registered), but nobody tells what they mean by it and, in any event, you will receive your results neither before, nor after that cryptic 'due date'. Actually, go figure out for yourself when you will receive them. You may as well ask a fortune teller or Tarort card player to predict it (sarcasm). In conclusion, this was a weird, poorly organised and overall unwelcoming interview process.

Preguntas de entrevista
  • 1. Technical interview - Timed quiz on advanced / very advanced core rules of your programming language - Two, beginner and intermediate level coding tasks 2. English language interview: 15 mins of general talk about oneself
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Candidato de entrevista anónimo en Santiago

Sin oferta
Experiencia negativa
Entrevista difícil

Solicité el puesto a través de un captador. El proceso duró 2 días. Acudí a una entrevista en SoftServe (Santiago) en sept 2023


Primero me contactó un hiring manager muy amable y me hizo algunas preguntas técnicas en inglés las cuales me dijo que había respondido bien. Luego tuve una entrevista técnica que consistía en 30 preguntas durante 1 hora y media en inglés y luego no tuve ningún feedback más, con lo cual supongo que me fue mal pero hubiese sido amable por lo menos enviarme un mail de feedback

Preguntas de entrevista
  • 1. Como manejas los riesgos de un proyecto? 2. Alguna vez tuviste que conducir una reunión de Release planning?
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Foto de SoftServe de Focused work :)
Foto de SoftServe de Office in Kharkiv
Foto de SoftServe de Company day in Lviv
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