Letters of Great Ladies and Girls Through the Ages

Monday, June 6, 2022

Princess Alice of the United Kingdom, Grand Duchess of Hesse and by Rhine's letter to her mother Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom and Ireland, dated August 16, 1862


Alice, Grand Duchess of Hesse, Princess of Great Britain and Ireland: Biographical Sketch and Letters, published by G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1884

Above: Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom and Ireland with her daughter Princess Alice with a bust of the late Prince Albert, Alice's father, who died on December 14, 1861.

The letter:

AUERBACH, August 16th.
... We do feel for you so deeply and would wish so much to help you, but there is but One who can do that, and you know whom to seek. He will give you strength to live on till the bright day of reunion. ...

German translation (my own):

Auerbach, 16. August.
... Wir empfinden so großes Mitleid mit Dir und würden Dir so gerne helfen, aber es gibt ja nur Einen, der das kann, und Du weißt wohl, wen Du suchen musst. Er wird Dir die Kraft geben, bis zum strahlenden Tag des Wiedersehens weiterzuleben. ...

Princess Alice of the United Kingdom, Grand Duchess of Hesse and by Rhine's letter to her mother Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom and Ireland, dated August 9, 1862


Alice, Grand Duchess of Hesse, Princess of Great Britain and Ireland: Biographical Sketch and Letters, published by G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1884

Above: Alice with her husband, Prince Louis of Hesse, photographed by John Jabez Edwin Mayall.

Above: Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom and Ireland, photographed by Ghémar Frères.

The letter:

August 16th.
How I long to read what Mr. Helps has written about Papa! What can it be but beautiful and elevating, if he has rightly entered into the spirit of that pure and noble being?

Oh, Mama! the longing I sometimes have for dear Papa surpasses all bounds. In thought he is ever present and near me; still we are but mortals, and as such at times long for him also. Dear, good Papa! Take courage, dear Mama, and feel strong in the thought that you require all your moral and physical strength to continue the journey which brings you daily nearer to Home and to Him! I know how weary you feel, how you long to rest your head on his dear shoulder, to have him to soothe your aching heart. You will find this rest again, and how blessed will it not be! Bear patiently and courageously your heavy burden, and it will lighten imperceptibly as you near him, and God's love and mercy will support you. Oh, could my feeble words bring you the least comfort! They come from a trusting, true and loving heart, if from naught else.

German translation (my own):

16. August.
Wie sehne ich mich danach zu lesen, was Mr. Helps über Papa geschrieben hat! Was kann es anderes als schön und erhebend sein, wenn er richtig in den Geist dieses reinen und edlen Geschöpfes eingetreten ist?

Oh, Mama! die Sehnsucht, die ich manchmal nach unserem lieben Papa habe, geht über alle Grenzen hinaus. In Gedanken ist er mir immer gegenwärtig und nahe; dennoch sind wir nur Sterbliche, und als solche sehnen wir uns manchmal auch nach ihm. Lieber, guter Papa! Fasse Du Mut, liebe Mama, und fühle Du Dich stark in dem Gedanken, dass Du alle Deine moralischen und körperlichen Kräfte benötigen, um den Weg fortzusetzen, der Du täglich näher zu Hause und zu Ihm bringt! Ich weiß, wie müde Du Dich fühlst, wie sehr Du Dich danach sehnst, Deinen Kopf auf seine liebe Schulter zu legen, ihn zu haben, um Dein schmerzendes Herz zu beruhigen. Du wirst diese Ruhe wiederfinden, und wie gesegnet sie sein wird! Trage Du Deine schwere Last geduldig und mutig, und sie wird unmerklich leichter, wenn Du Dich ihm näherst, und Gottes Liebe und Barmherzigkeit werden Dich unterstützen. Ach, könnten Dir meine schwachen Worte nur den geringsten Trost bringen! Sie kommen aus einem vertrauensvollen, wahren und liebenden Herzen, wenn auch aus nichts anderem.

Princess Alice of the United Kingdom, Grand Duchess of Hesse and by Rhine's letter to her mother Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom and Ireland, dated August 9, 1862


Alice, Grand Duchess of Hesse, Princess of Great Britain and Ireland: Biographical Sketch and Letters, published by G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1884

Above: Alice with her husband, Prince Louis of Hesse, photographed by John Jabez Edwin Mayall.

Above: Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom and Ireland, photographed by Ghémar Frères.

The letter:

August 9th.
Next Monday we are going to Auerbach, to live there for a little time. It lies in the Bergstrasse, and is very healthy. The Grand Duke allows us to inhabit one of the houses.

German translation (my own):

9. August.
Am kommenden Montag fahren wir nach Auerbach, um dort für kurze Zeit zu wohnen. Es liegt in der Bergstraße und ist sehr gesund. Der Großherzog erlaubt uns, eines der Häuser zu bewohnen.

Princess Alice of the United Kingdom, Grand Duchess of Hesse and by Rhine's letter to her mother Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom and Ireland, dated August 6, 1862


Alice, Grand Duchess of Hesse, Princess of Great Britain and Ireland: Biographical Sketch and Letters, published by G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1884

Above: Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom and Ireland with her daughter Princess Alice with a bust of the late Prince Albert, Alice's father, who died on December 14, 1861.

The letter:

DARMSTADT, August 6th.
DEAR BELOVED MAMA: — Can you give me no ray of hope that you in some way, bodily or mentally, feel better? It makes my heart ache bitterly, to hear those sad accounts you give of yourself, though I well know what for you life without him must be! God comfort you! is my constant prayer.

We saw the dear old Baron for some time. The meeting was sad on both sides; he was very kind, but so desponding as to every thing! In England and abroad he looks at every thing in a black light, and was full of complaints about himself. He asked much after you, and is anxious to see you again.

German translation (my own):

Darmstadt, 6. August.
Liebe, geliebte Mama: — Kannst Du mir keinen Hoffnungsschimmer geben, dass es Dir körperlich oder seelisch irgendwie besser geht? Es tut mir im Herzen weh, diese traurigen Berichte über Dich selbst zu hören, obwohl ich gut weiß, was ein Leben ohne ihn für Dich sein muss! Möge Gott Dich trösten! ist mein ständiges Gebet.

Wir sahen den lieben alten Baron einige Zeit lang. Das Treffen war auf beiden Seiten traurig; er war sehr nett, aber so mutlos über alles! In England und im Ausland sieht er alles schwarz an und war voller Klagen über sich. Er hat viel nach Dir gefragt und ist ungeduldig, Dich wiederzusehen.

Saturday, April 30, 2022

Abbess Catherine Bulkeley of Godstow's letter to Lord Thomas Cromwell, dated November 26, 1536


Original letters illustrative of English history, series 3, volume 3, page 233, edited by Henry Ellis, 1846

The letter:

My moste singular good Lorde, my mooste humble dutie, thies be speciallie to thanke you for that it pleasithe you to dyrecte youre letters for the staie of Doctor London whiche was here, redie to suppresse this poor House, ageinste my will and all my sisters; and had done it in dede if you had not so spedilie sente contrarie commawndente, for the whiche youre goodnes you shall be well assuered, (as I am all redie mooste bownden), of a poor mayden is prayer duringe my lyffe; seinge I have no other riches to recompense you withall. And where it pleasid you to dyrecte youre letters sens that tyme to me and my systers for the preferment of Mayster Doctor Owen to owre demaynes and stocke, thies be to certifie your Lordshipe that we have accomplishede the same with all fauor and gentillnes as I truste he will reporte and give youre Lordeshipe thanks therefore, for no man levinge under the King cowld have had it of hus withe oure good willis, savinge your Lordeshipe. And, therefore, as my verie truste and comforde is in you, I beseche you to contynewe my good Lorde, as I truste you shall never have cause to the contrarie; for youre Lordeshipe shall be well assuered that ther is nother Pope nor Purgatorie, Image nor Pilgrimage, ne prayinge to dede Saintes, usid or regarded amongeste hus; but all supersticious ceremonies set aparte, the verie honor of God and the trewithe of his holie wordes, as farre as the fraile nature of women may ateyne unto, is mooste tenderlie folowid and regarded withe hus. Not dowtinge but this garmente and facōn of liffe dothe nothinge prevaile towarde oure justifyinge before God, by whome, for his swete Sone Jhesus sake, we onlie truste to be justified and saved, who ever preserve yor honor to his pleasure. Amen. At Godstowe, this xxvjth daie of Nouember.
Youre mooste bownden bediswoman,

To the righte honorable and my verie
singular good lorde, my Lorde
Previe Seale.

With modernised spelling:

My most singular good Lord, my most humble duty, this be specially to thank you for that it pleaseth you to direct your letters for the stay of Doctor London, which was here, ready to suppress this poor House, against my will and all my sisters'; and had done it indeed if you had not so speedily sent contrary commandment, for the which your goodness you shall be well assured, (as I am already most bounden), of a poor maiden is prayer during my life; seeing I have no other riches to recompense you withal. And where it pleased you to direct your letters since that time to me and my sisters for the preferment of Master Doctor Owen to our demesnes and stock, this be to certify Your Lordship that we have accomplished the same with all favour and gentleness as I trust he will report and give Your Lordship thanks therefor, for no man living under the King could have had it of us with our good wills, saving Your Lordship. And, therefore, as my very trust and comfort is in you, I beseech you to continue, my good Lord, as I trust you shall never have cause to the contrary; for Your Lordship shall be well assured that there is nother Pope nor Purgatory, Image nor Pilgrimage, ne praying to dead Saints, used or regarded amongst us; but all superstitious ceremonies set apart, the very honour of God and the truth of His holy words, as far as the frail nature of women may attain unto, is most tenderly followed and regarded withe us. Not doubting but this garment and fashion of life doth nothing prevail towarde our justifying before God, by whom, for his sweet Son Jesus' sake, we only trust to be justified and saved, who ever preserve your honour to his pleasure. Amen. At Godstowe, this XXVIth day of November.
Your most bounden beadswoman,

To the right-honourable and my very
singular good lord, my Lord
Privy Seal.

Notes: bounden = obliged.

demesnes = domains.

nother = neither.

ne = nor.

nothing = in no way.

beadswoman = female petitioner.

Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Grand Duchess Anastasia Nikolaevna of Russia's letter to her tutor Peter Vasilievich Petrov, dated November 2, 1909


Olga Grigor'eva at lastromanovs on VK

Above: Grand Duchess Anastasia Nikolaevna of Russia. Photo courtesy of Ilya Chishko at lastromanovs on VK.

The letter:

Его Превосходительству
Петру Васильевичу
Васильевск. остр. 3я линія
Д. 36.
1909. 2 Ноября.
Милый П. В. П. Я оченъ рада была получыть песмо отъ васъ. Кода вы намъ напышыти какия небутъ вопросы? Папа играютъ въ тенисъ и Мама смотритъ какъ Папа и граетъ а Ольга и Татьяна тоже и граютъ а мы съ Мари подъ бераимъ шоры.

У насъ были 31 Октебря была буря были огромныя волны.

Трина вамъ кланиеца очень и она говорить что у васъ очень красивый кабенетъ. Гравъ згравиній ехали и ихъ окатило волной и Трину тоже совсемь.

Мы все котаемся верхомъ.
Маленкоя ученица
А. Р. А.

With modernised spelling:

Его Превосходительству
Петру Васильевичу
Васильевск. остр. 3я линия
Д. 36.
1909. 2 Ноября.
Милый П. В. П. Я оченъ рада была получыть песмо от вас. Кода вы нам напышыти какия небутъ вопросы? Папа играют в тенис и Мама смотрит как Папа и грает а Ольга и Татьяна тоже и грают а мы с Мари подъ бераим шоры.

У нас были 31 Октебря была буря были огромныя волны.

Трина вам кланиеца очень и она говорить что у вас очень красивый кабенет. Гравъ згравиний ехали и их окатило волной и Трину тоже совсемь.

Мы все котаемся верхом.
Маленкоя ученица
А. Р. А.

With corrected spelling:

Его Превосходительству
Петру Васильевичу
Васильевск. остр. 3я линия
Д. 36.
1909. 2 Ноября.
Милый П. В. П. Я очень рада была получить писмо от вас. Куда вы нам напишите какие-нибудь вопросы? Папа играет в теннис и Мама смотрит как Папа играет а Ольга и Татьяна тоже играют а мы с Марии подбираем шары.

У нас были 31 Октября была буря были огромные волны.

Трина вам кланяется очень и она говорит что у вас очень красивый кабинет. Граф с графиней ехали и их откатило волной и Трину тоже совсем.

Мы все катаемся верхом.
Маленькая ученица
А. Р. А.

English translation (my own):

To His Excellency
Peter Vasilievich
Vasilievsk. ostr. 3rd line
D. 36.
1909. 2 November.
Dear P. V. P. I was very glad to receive a letter from you. Where can you write us any questions? Papa is playing tennis and Mama watches Papa play and Olga and Tatiana also play and Maria and I pick up the balls.

We had a storm on October 31, there were huge waves.

Trina sends you very many regards and she says that you have a very beautiful office. The Count and the Countess were driving and they were rolled away by the wave and Trina, too, completely.

We all ride on horseback.
[Your] little student
A. R. A.

Grand Duchess Anastasia Nikolaevna of Russia's letter to her tutor Peter Vasilievich Petrov, dated November 9, 1909


Olga Grigor'eva at lastromanovs on VK

Above: Grand Duchess Anastasia Nikolaevna of Russia.

The letter:

Его Превосходительству
Петру Васильевичу
Васильев. остр. 3я линія.
д. 36.

Злой П. В. П. Я очень очень обиделась на васъ зачемъ вы намъ съ Маріи не на песали песмо [illegible] скажу вамъ что вы злой очень даже злой вы я вамъ сколько песала писемъ съ Маріи авы не отвечали.

Я буду нарочно буду делать ошыпки.

Я уже заметила где я ошыпки зделала.
1909. 9 ноября.

With modernised spelling:

Его Превосходительству
Петру Васильевичу
Васильев. остр. 3я линия.
д. 36.

Злой П. В. П. Я очень очень обиделась на вас зачем вы нам с Марии не на песали песмо [illegible] скажу вам что вы злой очень даже злой вы я вам сколько песала писем с Марии авы не отвечали.

Я буду нарочно буду делать ошыпки.

Я уже заметила где я ошыпки зделала.
1909. 9 ноября.

With corrected spelling:

Его Превосходительству
Петру Васильевичу
Васильев. остр. 3я линия.
д. 36.

Злой П. В. П. Я очень очень обиделась на вас зачем вы нам с Марии не на писали писмо [illegible] скажу вам что вы злой очень даже злой вы я вам сколько писала писем с Марии а вы не отвечали.

Я буду нарочно буду делать ошибки.

Я уже заметила где я ошибки сделала.
1909. 9 ноября.

English translation (my own):

To His Excellency
Peter Vasilievich
Vasiliev. ostr. 3rd line.
d. 36.

Evil P. V. P. I am very very offended at you, why did you not write a letter to me and Maria [illegible] I will tell you that you are evil, even very evil, you, I have written to you how many letters from Maria and you did not answer.

I will make mistakes on purpose.

I already noticed where I made the mistakes.
1909. 9 November.