Senate Square, Helsinki | cityseeker

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"Significant Square"

The Senate Square is the site of some of the most striking architectural masterpieces in Helsinki, several of them designed by German architect C.L. Engel in the 18th century. The Sederholm House from 1757 forms the imposing cornerstone of the historic Senate Square. Known as the capital city's oldest building, the structure, along with the Helsinki Cathedral and the Government Palace, combine to form a lovely neoclassical unit against the Finnish landscape. Right in the center of the square is the statue of Emperor Alexander II, signifying Finland's historic relationship with Russia. The square balances its air of austerity with a vibrant array of shops, cafes, and restaurants that line its streets.
Hallituskatu, Helsinki, Finland, 00170
"Significant Square"
The Senate Square is the site of some of the most striking architectural masterpieces in Helsinki, several of them designed by German architect C.L. Engel in the 18th century. The Sederholm House from 1757 forms the imposing cornerstone of the historic Senate Square. Known as the capital city's oldest building, the structure, along with the Helsinki Cathedral and the Government Palace, combine to form a lovely neoclassical unit against the Finnish landscape. Right in the center of the square is the statue of Emperor Alexander II, signifying Finland's historic relationship with Russia. The square balances its air of austerity with a vibrant array of shops, cafes, and restaurants that line its streets.
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