In regards to console players being given native M&K support (which they should get!) and possibly being integrated into the PC pool without having to be queued with a PC player:

This is written from the POV of someone who (from 1999-2012ish) was a console player and has experience with the kind of people that play on console. Both PC and console player bases have their bad apples but on PC it seems to be the exception, whereas on console it seems to be the norm. Racism, toxicity, sexism, homophobia, and children are RAMPANT in console lobbies. There are known and proven cultural differences. And as classist as it may seem, let’s say the quiet part out loud-
The kind of environments that would lead someone to only being able to afford to play on a console, are the same kind of environments that lead to undesirable personalities.

Having the occasional console player in PC lobbies has already had a negative overall effect on the game (worse interactions, having to carry 30 FPS controller players, and at the cost of no improvement to queue times). People spouting slurs in voice at anyone they don’t like, literal children who wait until it’s inconvenient or difficult to mute players to put the mic in their mouth and scream, people who are playing in their living room with speakers so you can hear their game sound and family arguing in the background. It’s too much. Maybe once a month on PC I’ll see the “hard R” dropped in match chat, but you can’t go a night without hearing someone say it back to back 30 times in voice on console- and nearly without fail any time I hear or see it happen in a PC lobby, low and behold… there’s that crossplay icon next to their name.

I recognize that this take is going to be construed as classist but I enjoy this game too much to not speak up. Don’t let the riff-raff in. Keep M&K console players in their own pool.


This account was made 4 minutes ago and this is weak bait.


Just permaban any cheating console player

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You clearly didn’t read the dev commentary about it, because the console versions aren’t going to mix controller and mkb players together. In addition, all the stuff about racist chat is just useless fluff that has nothing to do with your topic and seems like you just wanted to say something because you wanted to say something.

not yet
but if you can’t smell crossplay comp based on preferred input coming in the future as the playerbase dwindles from that dev update idk what to tell you

My brother in Christ, only the switch version is 30fps. All the other consoles are at least 60

Also console players can only play with PC players in modes that are NOT comp

Yea and 120 if your TV supports it

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Yea I can see it going there. They said that they are considering allowing native support for M&K on consoles and there’s no doubt the conversation will then shift to “Will M&K console players have their own que or be thrown into the PC que?”

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I definitely did. At the bottom, they state that they’re considering adding native M&K support to console and separating them into their own queue separate of controller players. You don’t think they’ll combine the PC M&K players queue with the console M&K players queue?

Also no- the entirety of my topic was one statement- don’t put console players in my PC lobbies- which is where it seems they’re going. I did not stray from nor discuss anything other than that topic.

In the future the m&k console players will have their aim assist disabled, so it doesn’t make much difference if they are or aren’t in the pc comp lobbies.

I think the update said they’d be queued with pc players without aim assist, but i might remember wrong.

Mute at earliest convenience and report. Problem will be solved.
People do this on pc too, it’s not a thing that’s tied to the gaming platform.

You didn’t have text with the enemy team for years on console so I doubt this.