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Are you having trouble in reading, writing, listening or speaking? You can improve any and all of these skills through practice and repetition.

Part 1
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  1. Reading is very important to all of us. It builds our knowledge, it gives us an escape, and it exercises our brains. The more you read, the better your reading skills and pronunciation will improve. Read on topics you're interested in, be it a romance novel, a sports magazine, newspaper or a car engine manual and don't just stick to one genre. Expand your reading knowledge by reading through different types of texts and references.[1]
    • Read out loud daily. You can read books, magazines, articles, comic books, and news on various topics. When you read out loud, you learn to pronounce the words correctly.
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Part 3
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  1. While you're listening, write down good notes and important details he/she says. Block distracting things from your mind. Listen to other people speaking the same language to improve your speaking and writing and pronunciation.[3]
  2. Take a topic and explain it and be sure to talk loud and clear so people can interpret what you are saying. Discuss the topic of your speech with others as well. There will always be ways in which you can improve. Communicate with different people. Everyone has a different way of speaking and therefore talking with different people can not only help develop your language skills but your social skills as well.[4]
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Part 4
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  1. Make reference to the text to support your inferences, points of view and opinions.
  2. When speaking, use figurative language to clarify your points, for example, similes, personification, metaphor, etc. Use short sentences to make the points clearer and more pronounced to the audience/reader.[5]
  3. Discuss this with others if possible.
    • Analyze the author's range of vocabulary. How does the author convey messages, moods, attitudes and feelings?
  4. In other words, a conclusion, which finishes off your speech/writing.
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Community Q&A

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  • Question
    How can I improve my language skills?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Read books or watch TV shows in that language! Speak the language as much as you can at home or with friends.
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    When was this article published, and who wrote it?
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    This article was written anonymously in 2008 ,and partially edited several times since.
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    How do I improve my English speaking?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    The key is to practice and be confident. If your city has a lot of foreigners, try talking to them. You can also join classes, and remember to not feel shy, they are humans too. Another way is to practice talking to yourself in front of the mirror - it's not weird at all.
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  • Look up a word and find a synonym (a word that has the same meaning as another word). If you don't like a word, look it up and look for a word you might like in the synonym side.
  • Before a speech, do some research about your topic and write detailed (but simplified) notes so you can branch out from them, creating a more decisive and clear piece of writing.
  • Read different types/genres of texts and references. Newspapers and fictional books differ greatly, therefore reading through each one will benefit you a lot.
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About This Article

Language Academia
Co-authored by:
Language Tutors
This article was co-authored by Language Academia. Language Academia is a private, online language school founded by Kordilia Foxstone. Kordilia and her team specialize in teaching foreign languages and accent reduction. Language Academia offers courses in several languages, including English, Spanish, and Mandarin. This article has been viewed 225,505 times.
12 votes - 92%
Co-authors: 25
Updated: March 3, 2023
Views: 225,505
Article SummaryX

The easiest way to improve your language skills is by making a habit of reading, writing, and speaking every day! Set a goal of reading for a half hour every day, and practice your writing at the same time by taking notes on the passage, then writing a short paragraph summarizing what you read. You can also practice your speaking skills by reading the passage aloud, or by talking to your friends about what you’ve been reading recently. For some tips on how to sound confident and natural when speaking in front of any kind of audience, scroll down!

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