The official website of Sir Martin Gilbert - 20th Century British Historian and the official biographer of Sir Winston Churchill - Sir Martin Gilbert

The official website of Sir Martin Gilbert – 20th Century British Historian and the official biographer of Sir Winston Churchill

Welcome to Sir Martin Gilbert’s website.

The official biographer of Winston Churchill and a leading historian on the Twentieth Century.

A celebration of Sir Martin’s life and his work, his passion, his philosophy, his favourite haunts, his humour and his humanity. Sir Martin is a scholar and an historian who, through his 88 books, has shown there is such a thing as “true history”.
“It is for the historian either to Say what happened or to say that he cannot discover it. To say, “Perhaps it was like this” is to mask a failure to get to the bottom of a problem: and failure in historical research is no crime. It is one of the hazards of the profession.”

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  • History records …

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