The national chart of United Kingdom  - Astrodienst

The national chart of United Kingdom
2008 - 2024

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In the horoscope for the United Kingdom, Pluto, as it moves through Capricorn, is likely to reflect profound changes in the sense of national identity and the deep-rooted traditions of the past. Some of these changes may involve a new interpretation of monarchy, or shifts in the relationship between Church and State and between the monarch and the government. The nature of the United Kingdom itself may need to be redefined in more flexible and creative ways, with new approaches from and toward the individual entities - Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland - which comprise it. This may also apply to those nations linked to the United Kingdom through shared past bonds, such as Australia and New Zealand.

Capricorn is a sign connected with structure and hierarchy, and the Sun in the 4th house of the national chart reflects an ancient and valued legacy of royalty, class structure and self-sufficiency which is in turn reflected in collective attitudes toward involvement with other nations as well as toward the ways in which society functions. It is possible that a renewed sense of independent identity may require changes in existing bonds and treaties with other nations.

It is also possible that attitudes toward the natural environment may transform, accompanying an awakening of respect toward the land itself and a realisation of the importance of genuine conservation of natural resources. Because the sense of national identity is so rooted in the structures of the past, it is unlikely that Britain would ever become a republic. But the ways in which the people perceive their royal family may shift dramatically, and new roles and responsibilities may be asked of them while old, outmoded ones may be swept away.

Whether or not you favour these changes personally, it would seem that a time has arrived when a great deal of soul-searching is likely to occur about the nature of national identity, the importance of national autonomy, the values inherent in governmental and religious structures, and the qualities which comprise the true "soul" of the nation.

Liz Greene, 2005

(Data used: 1 Jan 1801, 00.00 GMT, London)