The prettiest love letters in the world : letters between Lucrezia Borgia & Pietro Bembo, 1503 to 1519 (Book, 1987) []
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The prettiest love letters in the world : letters between Lucrezia Borgia & Pietro Bembo, 1503 to 1519 Preview this item
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The prettiest love letters in the world : letters between Lucrezia Borgia & Pietro Bembo, 1503 to 1519

Author: Lucrezia Borgia; Pietro Bembo; Hugh Shankland
Publisher: London : Collins Harvill, 1987.
Edition/Format:   Print book : Biography : EnglishView all editions and formats

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Genre/Form: Personal correspondence
Named Person: Lucrezia Borgia; Pietro Bembo; Lucrezia Borgia
Material Type: Biography
Document Type: Book
All Authors / Contributors: Lucrezia Borgia; Pietro Bembo; Hugh Shankland
ISBN: 0002720477 9780002720472 0002725223 9780002725224
OCLC Number: 744672974
Notes: "First published in a limited edition as Messer Pietro Mio by Libanus Press, l985."
The 9 extant letters from Lucrezia Borgia to Cardinal Bembo are preserved in the Biblioteca ambrosiana, Milan (Ms. H.246).
Includes 6 poems (1 in Spanish, 5 in Italian) with English translations.
Description: 46, [65] pages : illustrations ; 26 cm
Other Titles: Messer Pietro mio
Messer Pietro mio.
Responsibility: translation and preface Hugh Shankland ; wood engravings, Richard Shirley Smith.


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