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Harriet Hansen wins rising start award!

The Law in England & Wales is very clear when it comes to protecting vulnerable people and we can help.

If you don’t plan, strangers could make decisions for you…

Take a look at how we can help

I have a mental health issue

The Law in England & Wales is very clear when protecting vulnerable people, the problem is many organisations don’t know the law.

I want to help a family member

Being diagnosed with mental health problem can often mean that your opinions and ideas are not taken seriously.

Court of Protection

Many vulnerable people and their families are frustrated by the lack of a service they receive or the imposition of a service that they do not want.

Deprivation of liberty safeguards

To protect people who are unable to make decisions for themselves it may be necessary to detain them to safeguard their well-being.

Mental Health Tribunals

When people have been hospitalised under the Mental Health Act access to legal advice is imperative. 

Protecting your family

Financial Deputyship

When someone lacks capacity to make decisions about money or pay for care, other people may make decisions not in their best interest.

Protecting your future

Lasting Power of Attorney

If you or someone you love should lose capacity through accident or illness. It’s not always your next of kin who can make decisions for you

Peter Edwards Law Mental Health Act Training Courses

View our latest training courses

To improve your knowledge and understanding the Law, we have a series of training courses led by Peter Edwards you can book.

Welcome to Peter Edwards Law

Peter Edwards Law is here to help protect the rights of vulnerable people. Thousands of people suffer from mental health issues or lack capacity and do not get access to the support they need. Yet access to these services can be truly life changing.

Vulnerable people can suffer because they do not understand their legal rights. This can add to the stress, confusion and frustration felt.

That is where we come in, we do everything to encourage people to plan for their incapacity and death. We have a range of comprehensive services that will enable you to protect your wealth and well-being.

We fight for the rights of vulnerable people who find themselves powerless to ensure you get the services and support you need.

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