Carta del restaurante Petra Fonda, Toluca del Lerdo

Petra Fonda Carta

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Platos en Petra Fonda

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
It seems that while the food and drinks at this restaurant can be hit or miss, the ambiance and service are consistently praised. However, many reviewers noted that the prices are high compared to the quality and portion size of the food, indicating that the price/quality ratio at this restaurant is relatively low.
  • - while one reviewer mentioned it was poorly prepared and lacked flavor, others praised the restaurant's seafood. It could be a hit or miss depending on the day.
  • Empanadas de Camarón con Salsa de Mango (Shrimp Empanadas with Mango Sauce)

    - one reviewer noted that the filling was mostly tomato sauce, but the dish still sounds intriguing.
  • Fondue de Mariscos (Seafood Fondue)

    - despite receiving mixed reviews, this dish is worth trying for seafood lovers.
  • - some reviewers were disappointed with this dessert, though it's traditionally a crowd-pleaser.
  • - although one reviewer mentioned it was half foam, it could be a comforting drink choice for those who enjoy chai lattes.
  • Carajillo

    - a Spanish drink combining coffee with brandy or rum. One reviewer found it too light, but it might appeal to those who prefer milder drinks.