The Meaning Behind The Song: Not So Bad by Yves V & Ilkay Sencan - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: Not So Bad by Yves V & Ilkay Sencan


The Meaning Behind The Song: Not So Bad by Yves V & Ilkay Sencan

Title Not So Bad
Artist Yves V & Ilkay Sencan
Writer/Composer Dido & Paul Herman
Album Not available
Release Date January 3, 2020
Genre Pop, Deep House, Electronic
Producer Yves V & Ilkay Sencan

The Lyrics

The song “Not So Bad” by Yves V & Ilkay Sencan begins with an introduction that sets the tone for the rest of the song. This part of the song mentions the narrator’s tea going cold and their wonderment about why they even got out of bed. The morning rain clouds up their window, making it difficult for them to see. However, despite these challenges, there is a picture on their wall that reminds them that things are not as bad as they may seem.

The chorus repeats the idea that the narrator can’t see at all, accompanied by the frustration of their cold tea and the questioning of their decision to get out of bed. The morning rain continues to cloud their window, further hindering their ability to see clearly.

In the outro, the narrator reflects on how even if they could see, everything would still appear grey. However, the picture on their wall serves as a reminder that things are not as bad as they may initially appear.

The Meaning

“Not So Bad” is a song that speaks to the struggles and challenges that we all face in our lives. It depicts a moment of frustration and uncertainty, where even something as simple as a cup of tea going cold can have a significant impact on our mood and outlook. The weather further adds to the narrator’s feeling of being trapped and unable to see clearly, representing the metaphorical fog that can cloud our judgment and perspective.

However, amidst the frustration and inability to see, the picture on the wall acts as a beacon of hope and reminder that things are not as bleak as they may initially seem. It serves as a symbol of resilience and the power of perspective. This song reminds us that even in our darkest moments, there is always something that can bring us a glimmer of hope or a reminder of the beauty in life.

My Personal Experience

Listening to “Not So Bad” always brings back memories of a challenging time in my life. I was going through a period of uncertainty and self-doubt, and every day felt like a struggle. The lyrics resonated with me deeply, as they captured the feeling of being unable to see clearly and wondering if getting out of bed was even worth it.

However, as the song progressed and the chorus repeated, I found solace in the idea that things were not as bad as they seemed. The reminder that even the smallest things, like a picture on the wall, could bring comfort and perspective was a powerful message for me.

This song became my go-to anthem during that time, helping me find strength and reminding me to focus on the positive aspects of life, even when things felt overwhelming. It served as a constant reminder that there is always a glimmer of hope, even in the darkest of times.

In conclusion, “Not So Bad” by Yves V & Ilkay Sencan is a song that explores the challenges and frustrations we face in life. It serves as a reminder that even in our darkest moments, there is always something that can bring us comfort and perspective. The lyrics, combined with the emotional melody, create a powerful and relatable experience for listeners. This song holds a special place in my heart and continues to inspire me to find the beauty and hope in everyday life.

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