Dog barking? What is reasonable? | Mumsnet
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Dog barking? What is reasonable?

33 replies

Notadogowner · 30/05/2022 12:40

I live in an apartment. They are all 1, 2 and 3 beds. Most are 2 beds but I’m not sure if the apartment in question is a 1 or 2 bed (different part of the building).

One of the residents has recently got a dog. A dog that is often out on the balcony barking. Often barking for 15 minutes to an hour, then going back in, and then coming back out again to do another round of barking throughout the day.

This happens both during the day time and at night.

I’m not a dog owner, so I have no idea what is reasonable and what is not when it comes to a dog. I guess the dog being on the balcony is equivalent to a dog being in a garden barking, so I don’t know if that’s normal or whether the owner should be doing more.

I mentioned the number of rooms in case it is reasonable for a dog living in a one bed flat to be allowed out on the balcony to bark, but I just need to suck it up.

But it is really annoying to have a dog constantly barking, that even with windows closed, I still hear it.

I’m not sure whether I should complain to the managing agents, but it all depends on whether the dog’s behaviour is normal and therefore, so be it, or if the owner should be doing more.

OP posts:

Am I being unreasonable?

116 votes. Final results.

You are being unreasonable
You are NOT being unreasonable
MrMrsJones · 30/05/2022 12:42

This is unacceptable 😤

Wr have two dogs, but in a terrace, if they are barking they get brought back in and silenced.

PutinIsAWarCriminal · 30/05/2022 12:43

As a dog owner I can say this is neither normal nor acceptable. I would report.

Fallulah · 30/05/2022 12:45

I have a dog and I would never leave her to bark in the garden, let alone on a balcony in a flat. I would contact the agent, unless you have an ok relationship with the residents and could mention it to them.

Porcupineintherough · 30/05/2022 12:45

Reasonable is hearing the odd bark. A couple of minutes of barking a day, not hours.

WildCoasts · 30/05/2022 12:47

Barking at night is never acceptable. Short bursts of barking for a minute or two during the day every now and then, okay, but not continuous.

Giveitall · 30/05/2022 12:48

It is unacceptable and anti social.
The animal is being stimulated to bark probably because of activity beyond the balcony or, is shut out & wants to come in?
Keep a record of times etc.
Can you put a note thru owner’s door?
With evidence in hand, contact the management company.
Can you canvas other flat owners too?
I have a (dozy, thick) barky dog next door to me but when he does, at least the owners call him in.

muddyford · 30/05/2022 12:48

I have two dogs. If they bark for no reason they are bundled indoors. If they are barking at someone or another dog they told once to be quiet, then bundled in if the barking continues. I don't want my dogs to be neighbourhood nuisance.

RaginaPhalange · 30/05/2022 12:49

Yanbu, I have a dog who likes to have a bark but I don't have patience to listen to it so she is brought inside and she stops. If she barks inside its usually because she needs out.

Notadogowner · 30/05/2022 12:53

Thank you everyone, that’s reassuring.

I would leave a note but I don’t know the door number (it’s a development with different entrances and I wouldn’t be able to figure out which number as I don’t know anyone who lives in that part of the building).

I did think dogs aren’t meant to just bark non stop, but I really know nothing about dogs…my interaction has always been limited to a stroke when one comes up to me!

OP posts:
balalake · 30/05/2022 13:25

In your plates, are pets accepted or prohibited as part of the lease? Worth checking.

jevoudrais · 30/05/2022 13:28

I have three dogs. To me, reasonable is 'woof woof' to someone at the door, or a few excitable barks during play. But mine are told to be quiet if they bark what I deem to be excessively during play. I have an 8 week old puppy and he is allowed more lenience because he doesn't understand 'enough' yet. And I live in a four bed semi.

baroqueandblue · 30/05/2022 14:31

Sorry you're having to deal with this OP and I hope there's an amicable solution soon.

@balalake i was interested in your comment and wonder if you have any experience of tackling such a situation, or knowledge of what to do. I'm the tenant of a flat I've lived in for over 15 years. There are 18 apartments altogether spread over 3 floors, all the same size. The flat opposite mine has changed hands twice in 2 years and the new owners have a dog. According to the leasehold details they were supposed to seek approval from the building's board but made no attempt to do so. Since moving in they have regularly toileted the dog in the communal garden, and it often barks when I leave or enter my flat, and when visitors leave or enter. In all the years I've lived here there has only been one instance of a household keeping a dog, but they were tenants and the owner quickly responded. They agreed to rehome the dog locally and that was that. Since the current situation involves actual flat owners keeping a dog, I'm uncertain what the options are. My landlord knows about the situation and has contacted the building management company, who claimed they would write to the owners, but nothing has changed. The board has been a bit diminished in the last couple of years for various reasons, but even so these people made no attempt to contact anyone regarding the terms in the lease around pet ownership. Since moving in they keep themselves to themselves, but myself and some of my neighbours feel a bit like their attitude to our established set up is a bit 'fuck you' Confused

LeevMarie · 30/05/2022 14:42

I think that's an unreasonable amount of time to hear barking, and actually a little concerning from a welfare point of view.

However, I've recently attempted to have a polite conversation with my neighbour who lets his dog out to bark for 15 minutes at a time to the rear of my property after 8pm, just as DS is trying to go to sleep. It didn't go well and I'm the arsehole for suggesting that he brings the dog in to avoid disturbing other neighbours. . .

In the same way that some people insist that their kids have total impunity to create excessive noise, you will likely find that this dog owner believes that everyone else should suffer because they chose to have an animal that they are not equipped to care for properly.

ATadConfused · 30/05/2022 14:44

MrMrsJones · 30/05/2022 12:42

This is unacceptable 😤

Wr have two dogs, but in a terrace, if they are barking they get brought back in and silenced.

Oooh that sound ominous!!!

'they get silenced'

Amelion · 30/05/2022 14:49

Yeah, it’s unreasonable! I have a dog, and she’ll bark at the door, or when she’s playing. It’s just a few seconds/a few barks at a time. Extended periods of barking are anti-social and if she was barking and barking, I’d call her in/stop her etc.

See if you can speak to the neighbour if you can work out who it is, or the managing agent.

ATadConfused · 30/05/2022 14:51

It's not 'normal' & it's not acceptable. From both a neighbours point of view OR from the dogs. A dog barking that much is a stressed dog.

howoriginal · 30/05/2022 14:53

Yeah totally not acceptable. We have a dog in an apartment and we let her out on the balcony during the day while I'm at home (which is most of the day) but when she starts barking at dogs on the street or kids on skateboards (she hates skateboards) we bring her in. She barks when our neighbours come in and out of their apartment but that's about it. I would never leave her outside overnight because she would be an absolute nightmare - if she's inside at night then the only thing she'll bark at is when the neighbours come home/go out. And I've spoken to our neighbours about her - none of the other residents in the building hear her, and the neighbours opposite that she barks at have said they're not bothered by it at all. I think that's the least your neighbors can do - be considerate of you and the other residents and definitely don't leave the dog outside overnight. If you can find out which flat it is then you should definitely have a word with them about it.

Jammysod · 30/05/2022 14:59

It's not acceptable, at all.
One of our neighbours has a dog that it outside all day, everyday. I can hear it whimpering at the moment (it's raining). Every now & then they yell out of the window telling it to shut up.
I'm fairly certain the only reason they have it is for breeding.

GrumpyPanda · 30/05/2022 15:03

Everything else aside, the poor thing must be bored out of its mind being essentially kept on a balcony. So not just inconsiderate, but cruelty to animals to boot.

StoneofDestiny · 30/05/2022 15:09

Unacceptable - - dogs should not be allowed to disturb others like that.

DifficultBloodyWoman · 30/05/2022 15:14

I had that exact situation 2 flats ago. I complained to management with exact details of when it happened and for how long it happened.

They dealt with it and it never happened again.

fyn · 30/05/2022 15:26

Our dog only barks when the door bell rings or when a cat strays into the house. Our neighbours leave their dogs outside for hours and they bark the whole time, they also bark the entire time they are out. It’s like torture.


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DogsAndGin · 30/05/2022 15:28

As a dog owner, I consider it reasonable that a dog doesn’t bark! Especially in an apartment. My dog doesn’t bark unless the doorbell goes, and she gets immediately told off and she immediately pipes down. Definitely complain. Nothing worse that being disturbed in your one place of peace!

MelonsMelonsMelons · 30/05/2022 15:30

The neighbours are unreasonable and it would drive me nuts.

LivingOnTheRoad · 30/05/2022 15:59

One of our dogs barks a lot and is very loud. The other doesn’t bark. Not sure either of them is normal. 😂

Maybe speak to the agent and see what they can do.

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