The Meaning Behind The Song: If I Break by Al Jarreau - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: If I Break by Al Jarreau


The Meaning Behind The Song: If I Break by Al Jarreau

When it comes to music, certain songs just resonate with us on a deeper level. They have a way of capturing emotions and experiences that we may have difficulty articulating ourselves. One such song that has always held a special place in my heart is “If I Break” by Al Jarreau.

Song Details

Title If I Break
Artist Al Jarreau
Writer/Composer Narada Michael Walden, Michael Mani & Al Jarreau
Album Heaven and Earth (1992)
Release Date 1992
Genre Pop
Producer Narada Michael Walden

Now, let’s dive into the meaning behind the lyrics of this beautiful song. “If I Break” explores the complexities of emotional pain and how it can manifest in various ways. The song opens with the lines, “You were the one, with schemes of plenty. I was your waiter, waitin all the while.” These lyrics depict a relationship where one person had high hopes and dreams, while the other played a supporting role, patiently waiting for their turn. The line, “Has anyone seen my missing smile,” suggests that the narrator has lost their happiness and is searching for it.

The chorus, “If I break, it’s only ’cause I saw the saddest movie today,” offers a metaphorical explanation for the narrator’s emotional vulnerability. The mention of heartbreak stories on the news and April raindrops trickling down their face further emphasizes the narrator’s state of sadness. However, they clarify that it’s not because they are missing someone. This distinction suggests that the pain they feel is not rooted in nostalgia or longing for a specific person, but rather a general feeling of sadness that can be triggered by external circumstances.

Throughout the song, Al Jarreau’s smooth and emotive vocals perfectly capture the essence of the lyrics. His voice conveys a mix of vulnerability, resilience, and hope. The line, “Funny how time can heal the hurt and wounded,” acknowledges the transformative power of time in healing emotional pain. It reminds us that even though we may feel shattered in the moment, with time, we can rebuild and move forward.

Personally, “If I Break” has been a source of comfort and solace during difficult times in my life. I remember first listening to this song during a particularly challenging period where I felt overwhelmed and burdened by my emotions. The lyrics seemed to perfectly capture the heaviness I was experiencing, and Al Jarreau’s soothing voice provided a sense of understanding and validation.

Whenever I’m feeling down or going through a tough phase, I find myself turning to this song. It has this uncanny ability to remind me that pain is a part of life, but it doesn’t have to define me. The reassuring chorus, “If I break, it’s only ’cause I saw the saddest movie today,” allows me to acknowledge my emotions without dwelling on them. It’s a powerful reminder that sometimes, we just need to let ourselves feel what we’re feeling and trust that healing will come in its own time.

Al Jarreau’s “If I Break” is not just a song, but a therapeutic journey through pain and resilience. Its poetic lyrics and soulful melody provide a space for introspection and healing. Whether you’re going through a difficult time or simply need a song to uplift your spirits, I highly recommend giving this beautiful piece of music a listen.

So, the next time life throws a curveball your way and you find yourself in need of solace, remember the words of Al Jarreau and let yourself feel. And who knows, maybe, just maybe, “If I Break” will have the same profound impact on you as it did on me.

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