OBSESSED - traduzione in italiano - dizionario inglese-italiano di bab.la lcp

obsessed {aggettivo}

obsessed (anche: hung-up, hung up)
This document is obsessed with standardisation and uniformity.
Questo documento è ossessionato dalla standardizzazione e dall’ uniformità.
This document is obsessed with standardisation and uniformity.
Questo documento è ossessionato dalla standardizzazione e dall'uniformità.
And that's where I became truly obsessed with this polar realm.
Ecco perchè sono diventanto realmente ossessionato da questo regno polare.

English Italian Esempi contestuali di "obsessed" in Italiano

Queste frasi vengono da fonti esterne e potrebbero essere non accurate. bab.la non è responsabile per il loro contenuto.

And he becomes obsessed with the question of how to drop bombs from an airplane.
La questione di come lanciare una bomba da un aeroplano diventa la sua ossessione.
As a young magician I was obsessed with Houdini and his underwater challenges.
Da giovane mago ero ossessionato dalla figura di Houdini e dalle sue sfide sott'acqua.
Golden section, I've been obsessed with this thing since before I was born.
sezione aurea, ho avuto un'ossessione per questa cosa da prima di nascere.
They're obsessed with having the biggest, tallest, longest, as we all know.
Sono ossessionati dall'avere il più grande, più alto, più lungo di tutto.
He said the following, he said: "Why are we so obsessed and focused with gross domestic product?
Disse: "Perché siamo così ossessionati e focalizzati sul prodotto interno lordo?
We should avoid becoming obsessed with the question of subsidiarity.
Dovremmo evitare di farci ossessionare dalla questione della sussidiarietà.
Anyway, he had to do all this because he was completely obsessed with output.
Infine tutto questo era obbligato a farlo perché era totalmente ossessionato dalla produzione.
Let us dwell for a moment on the profound thoughts of those who are obsessed with harmonisation.
Soffermiamoci un istante sulle profonde riflessioni dei maniaci dell'armonizzazione.
Our culture is obsessed with perfection and with hiding problems.
La nostra cultura è ossessionata dalla perfezione e dai problemi nascosti.
Overall, I am not obsessed with dates, but I am obsessed with delivery.
Nel complesso non sono ossessionata dalle date, bensì dai risultati.
I think we are obsessed with getting people to college. ~~~ Certain sorts of college.
Credo che siamo ossessionati dall’idea di mandare le persone all’università, a certe università.
They seem very, very obsessed with finding out more about the ideal mate.
Sembrano veramente, veramente ossessionati dall'approfondire la conoscenza del compagno ideale.
This document is obsessed with standardisation and uniformity.
Questo documento è ossessionato dalla standardizzazione e dall’ uniformità.
And that's where I became truly obsessed with this polar realm.
Ecco perchè sono diventanto realmente ossessionato da questo regno polare.
So, at TED, we've become a little obsessed with this idea of openness.
Quindi, a TED, siamo un pò ossessionati da quest'idea di apertura.
Both were obsessed with their own narrow vision of the unification of their continents.
Entrambe erano ossessionate da una visione ristretta dell’unificazione nei rispettivi continenti.
This document is obsessed with standardisation and uniformity.
Questo documento è ossessionato dalla standardizzazione e dall'uniformità.
The rapporteur, in her address, and the Commission seem obsessed with liberalization.
La relatrice con il suo intervento e la Commissione sono sembrate prese dalla foga di liberalizzare.
Both were obsessed with their own narrow vision of the unification of their continents.
Entrambe erano ossessionate da una visione ristretta dell’ unificazione nei rispettivi continenti.
If I have one criticism to make about the ECB, it is that it is too obsessed with combating inflation.
Se devo muovere una critica alla BCE, è la sua ossessione per la lotta all'inflazione.
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English Come usare "obsessed" in una frase

Especially because they were actors we knew referring to movies we were obsessed with.
If you are a person staying in line with the trends and obsessed towards using color and bleach on your hair.
Hollywood has long been an industry considered obsessed with youth.
If you notice comic book, film and adventure sport references in his copy, don't fret, he's obsessed with those too.
I then became obsessed with understanding the true risks behind each company.

English Come usare "obsess" in una frase

Frankenstein obsesses over his scientific revelations and neglects his potential fianc and the rest of his family.
He begins stalking her and obsesses over her becoming his wife.
He refuses the best that nature has to offer, instead obsessing over his wife's singular physical flaw.
A simple suggestion of medical illness can often trigger one with hypochondria to obsess over the possibility.
It's a release of expression from something else which you are obsessing about.

English Come usare "obsession" in una frase

Social media and mobile technology have given people new ways to share their fandom and obsessions.
Which he then reveals his obsession with her, claiming he had always loved her and loves causing her pain.
They are happy at first, but it soon becomes clear that he has an obsession with young girls.
The obsession quickly turns to desire for vengeance when the calls are being ignored.
His need to prove that he is better grows into an insane obsession over the course of the story.

English Come usare "obsessive" in una frase

His obsessive nature, however, can lead him to occasional temper tantrums.
His character is obsessive over details, rules, and protocol in the books.
He is an obsessive man with a tendency to control and manipulate people, including his own sons.
He suffers from a type of obsessive disorder, a monomania that makes him fixate on objects.
The story ultimately ends in the tragedy so often associated with obsessive love.

English Come usare "obsessively" in una frase

One of his distinguishing features is that his hands always smell of carbolic soap, because he keeps washing them obsessively.
Hence, prospective brides obsessively planning every single detail and expecting professional standards in all spheres is a sight not too uncommon these days.
But a few artists are so obsessively single-minded, and mine a narrow field with such virtuosity, subtlety and individuality, that conservatism becomes radicalism.
With all conservation programmes focused obsessively on apex-species, birds have been relegated to the background in the conservation arena.
Again, you don't need to obsessively plan every single portion of food you're going to consume, but have a general outline.

English Come usare "ossessivamente" in una frase

È semplicemente uno scienziato che è ossessivamente coinvolto dai propri studi, e ha sviluppato deviazioni comportamentali, giudicate come eccentricità secondo i canoni comuni.
Orlando sebbene abbia oltre trent'anni si sente ancora un bambino, terrorizzato dal mondo esterno ed è ancora bloccato in un rapporto ossessivamente unito alla madre.
Carbonara si rivelò ben presto ossessivamente geloso e violento.
Il sangue che attraversa ossessivamente tutta la storia è il simbolo della sua sofferenza.
Ossessivamente nel film ricorrono immagini di sbarre, corridoi, serrature, cancelli, porte che si aprono e si chiudono.

"absolutely obsessed with" traduzione italiano

absolutely obsessed with
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Queste frasi vengono da fonti esterne e potrebbero essere non accurate. bab.la non è responsabile per il loro contenuto.

"completely obsessed with" traduzione italiano

completely obsessed with
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"obsessed fan" traduzione italiano

obsessed fan
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Sinonimi (inglese) per "obsessed":
