NOTORIOUS | significado en inglés - Cambridge Dictionary

Significado de notorious en inglés

(Definición de notorious del Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus © Cambridge University Press)
(Definición de notorious del Cambridge Academic Content Dictionary © Cambridge University Press)

Ejemplos de notorious

Shopkeepers too were notorious for the ' trading lies ' their businesses obliged them to tell.
It is indeed the natural way and most notorious habit of men of science.
The notorious phenomenon of structure dependence is a case in point.
This is, of course, the notorious problem of induction.
Could the small number of access routes have increased the efficiency of collecting the state's notorious importation tariffs?
The contagiousness of laughter is better known, and is the basis for the notorious laugh tracks on television situation comedies.
Both flies are notorious pests of tropical and subtropical fruits.
In several experiments, we have examined some of the noncausal base-rate problems that are notorious for provoking philosophical dispute.
Indeed, it has become a commonplace to assert that part of this project's failure can be put down to its notorious disregard for indigenous awareness.
Attempts to specify the exact nature and scope of divine attributes are notorious for being the grounds of significant disagreement, and omniscience is no exception.
But it is the culture of partisanship within the city has, for a century and more, made planning ' 'wars ' ' a notorious staple of democratic urbanism.
Genetics is a prominent, even notorious, area of science in this respect.
This brief minute or so from an opera notorious for so many other reasons is one of the crucial turning points in operatic history.
This is further demonstrated in relation to the lives of victims, by the neglect of notorious victims of injustice and wrongful conviction.
The problems of estimating resource usage in lazy functional languages, and the pitfalls of naively transferring intuitions developed in imperative programming are notorious.
Las opiniones mostradas en los ejemplos no representan las opiniones de los editores de Cambridge University Press o de sus licenciantes.

Traducciones de notorious

en chino (tradicional)
en chino (simplificado)
en español
notorio, notorio/ria [masculine-feminine, singular]…
en portugués
notório, famoso, de má fama…
en más idiomas
in Marathi
en japonés
en turco
en francés
en catalán
in Dutch
in Hindi
in Gujarati
en danés
en malayo
en alemán
en noruego
in Urdu
in Ukrainian
en ruso
in Telugu
en árabe
in Bengali
en checo
en indonesio
en tailandés
en vietnamita
en polaco
en coreano
en italiano
कुप्रसिध्द, बदनाम…
悪名高い, 悪名高(あくめいたか)い…
adı kötüye çıkmış, kötü ünlü/namlı, kötü şöhretli…
tristement célèbre, notoire…
desgraciadament famós…
નામચીન, કુખ્યાત…
notorisk, beryktet…
بدنام زمانہ, بدنام…
горезвісний, сумнозвісний…
пользующийся дурной славой, печально известный…
చెడుకు ప్రసిద్ధి చెందినది…
سَيء السُّمْعة…
nechvalně známý…
terkenal jahat…
tai tiếng…
notoryczny, cieszący się złą sławą, osławiony…
famigerato, infame, tristemente famoso…
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