Comedian Nikki Glaser may be big now, but she got her start in Kansas City clubs | KCUR - Kansas City news and NPR
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Comedian Nikki Glaser may be big now, but she got her start in Kansas City clubs

A woman with long blonde hair speaks into a microphone on stage.
Nikki Glaser
“The Kansas City comedy scene, that's what made me, that's really the foundation of who I am as a comic,” stand-up comedian Nikki Glaser told KCUR's Up To Date.

Glaser, a Missouri native, started performing sets at a Kansas City comedy club while an undergraduate at the University of Kansas. Today, she's one of the country's most successful comics, and she's back in town this Saturday, Jan. 27 at the Uptown Theater for "The Good Girl Tour."

Comedian, actress and podcaster Nikki Glaser is one of the most successful stand-up comics in the business today, with specials on HBO and Netflix.

But Glaser, who grew up in the suburbs of St. Louis and attended the University of Kansas, wasn’t always so certain this was how things would turn out.

“I had never been good at anything in my life, like really good at something — had a knack for anything in my life — until this moment,” Glaser told KCUR’s Up To Date.

While attending KU, Glaser drove into Kansas City each night to perform sets at the now-closed Stanford's Comedy Club. There, she met her comedy family and honed her craft.

“The Kansas City comedy scene, that's what made me, that's really the foundation of who I am as a comic,” she says.

Now, Glaser is back in town for “The Good Girl Tour” at the Uptown Theater this Saturday, Jan. 27.

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When I host Up To Date each morning at 9, my aim is to engage the community in conversations about the Kansas City area’s challenges, hopes and opportunities. I try to ask the questions that listeners want answered about the day’s most pressing issues and provide a place for residents to engage directly with newsmakers. Reach me at or on Twitter @stevekraske.
As a producer for Up To Date, I create sound-rich talk show segments about the individuals and communities that call Kansas City home. Whether it’s a poet, a business owner or a local lawmaker, I seek out diverse voices to help break down the biggest stories of the day. After listening to the show, I want Up To Date listeners to feel informed and empowered to make decisions in their daily lives. You can reach me at
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