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Ned Fulmer is no longer working with The Try Guys

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u/nofeedthehobbits avatar

Oooo and from just glancing at it on Instagram Becky is sour! She’s already liked the post and shared it to her story. #teamariel

Edit: also I just want to say this is also way more than a man cheating on his wife (which is awful in its own regard) but he risked the entire company. He’s Alex’s boss. If she wanted to she could have ruined the company had Ned ended things poorly or used his power in a negative way. This is such a selfish and narcissistic move. All respect gone. #goodriddance

Becky comes off as a very protective friend. I wouldn't be surprised if part of this fallout came from the involvement of their partners in some of their business (not that is a bad thing)

u/Mountainhiker123 avatar

Probably on a more personal level, the guys and their wives all seemed to have genuine friendships. This situation may have caused them to feel really betrayed and lied to with all of the sneaking around, on top of the business side of things / risking the company.

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Not to make light of this, but one of my first thoughts when I read it was "If Keith had cheated, they wouldn't be able to find the body"

Wow thats kinda dark lol

Becky is also kinda scary

Also Eugene is besties with her would have absolutely smoked Keith if he cheated.

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I think Keith actually loves his wife

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I will never understand why people will risk so much for so little.

u/red_cap_and_speedo avatar

And he did it in public, which speaks to a level of arrogance about it. Knew it was wrong, didn’t try to hide it, despite being a public figure.

u/DetectiveDouche94 avatar

which speaks to a level of arrogance

Ya know, in the video where Keith and Kelsey play the Sims, Keith did say that Ned was a "snob" and "He does think he's better than me". And at the time, I thought Keith was just trolling. Looking at all this now, his statements make a loooot more sense.

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It's especially bad, because Ned has built his whole "brand" on being the family man who adores his wife and kids. Doing this in public, just makes all that seem like a lie.

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exactly you lost your job ,wife and probably kids, friends and fans🤮 then the alex person lost her partner of over a decade and they’re both receiving massive amounts of deserved hate

It’s just so messy. The poor kids. Imagine your parent is famous, so all their fuck ups are publicized and tied to you. It’s just terrible.

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u/Dracarys_Aspo avatar

Also, he's famous... You really think it won't come out? Regular people have trouble keeping affairs secret, but when a large section of the population recognizes your face it's so much harder. Cheating has never made sense to me, but especially for famous people...of course you're gonna get caught, dude.

And he's in the middle famous. Famous enough for everyone to care that you cheated but not famous enough that it won't affect your career long term

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They all shared the post on insta, even Ariel. Pretty sure this is just their PR taking control of all of their accounts


Can't we also put blame on Alex? Why is everyone saying cancel Ned when we should be canceling Ned AND Alex. Alex is also engaged to a man she's been with for 10 years. Everything about this situation is not okay, for all people involved.

u/JunieBeanJones avatar

Oh she's equally canceled. It's just people are more familiar with Ned and his actions have more detriment to the company.

Yeah she’s for sure at fault, but you also have to consider the power dynamic between the two of them. Ned is Alex’s Boss and that makes it especially bad on Ned’s part. He risked more than just his own relationship, he risked his whole company if something bad were to happen.

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I agree that it takes two people, so shame on her as well. Though in this case, Ned was her boss so that does create a different situation. Thoughts?


I agree that it can create a different situation with the power dynamic, but "consensual work relationship" sounds like it's been going on for some time. If it was a one-time thing, I feel like he would've said that so it didn't sound as bad. But Alex is fully aware about Ned's marital status and the fact that he has kids. It's not like he got a random person in a club to make out with him, ya know?

u/SpecialMoney6541 avatar

I agree with you. She should have known better especially since she was friends with Ariel as well. Ned and Alex messed up. Its disappointing that they would both do this I loved them so much


Agreed! All of this one-sided BS is ridiculous. Alex could do damage to the company as well, and no one knows how this all started, so to fully blame Ned is absurd. People just looove drama.

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It’s kinda like a boss cheating with a secretary. Sometimes the secretary can be coerced but other times they’re equally as complicit if not more so. We don’t really know how it came to be, but Ned being the boss is the most responsible bc it was up to him. He could have easily consulted the other guys to fire her if she was pressuring him. Bottom line is they both suck and they both should be gone from the company, in my opinion.

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While normally I would agree, but their company is relatively small and she is the production manager (pretty high up). Also, she technically has 3 more co-equal bosses outside of Ned, so I can’t imagine this being even close to a case of “cheat with me or I will get you fired/demoted.” Plus she totally knows his wife, their kids, and then her having her own fiancé. If you ask me, she has a ton of agency here and should accordingly be ousted as well.

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Oh she also sucks. But he literally could take down the entire company because he couldn’t keep it in his pants.

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u/mduv avatar

With her being a subordinate, they are in a legal bind if they get rid of her. She will probably leave of her own accord because it's a small company and the power dynamic is not as severe as it may seem. She has personal responsibility to those involved too. BUT he deserves majority backlash and blame as he is the higher power in the power dynamic. It's just how it works! They both suck tbh 🤷🏼‍♀️

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u/fxx_255 avatar

All I'm saying is,.... Ariel needs a new baby daddy...

Imma submit my resume. That woman is a gem.

I want to be her new baby daddy and I am a woman

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what a piece of garbage. I know no relationship is perfect and every couple struggles but my GOD, the amount of lines he crossed and lives he's affected, not just him but his wife and kids AND the other guys as well as his employees.

i'm sorry i ever supported them.

u/nofeedthehobbits avatar

I wouldn’t loop them all in with Ned. They all work really hard. Don’t throw the baby out with the bath water. I’m interested to see where they go from here. Maybe this is a change for the better and could re invigorate their content.

i should have said "him" and you're right, we shouldn't loop everyone in on this.

I see a chance for Miles bc he is just a gem!

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u/SauronOMordor avatar

Fuck Ned Fulmer.

We stan ARIEL.

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So…. This is pretty much confirmation that he cheated right?

u/Minimum_Lettuce_2120 avatar

From what I gather on everyone’s insta (becky, other try guys) yes. good to know that becky is #teamariel

I hope the try wives stay close and support Ariel through this. They seem close on the podcast but I could also understand if Ariel wants to put some distance between them and all things try guys in general.

u/Positive_Squash_7620 avatar

Yes! Also, I'm assuming the company became her source of income as well. It's messy all around :/

I’m assuming this became company knowledge when they began cutting Ned so around 3 weeks ago probably longer. I wouldn’t assume they’re going to get a divorce. Even the best relationships go through things and the things can be cheating. I hope Ariel listens to what she wants weather it’s staying or leaving and blocks out other opinions however well intentioned they may be.

Agreed. I feel like it's up to Ariel to see how to move forward. Idk what their relationship is like, none of us really know. I just want Ariel to have the peace and space to work out all that she is feeling currently. I'm sure it's got to be dreadful.

As for Ned? Yeah he really fucked up, and blew it for himself, his family and possibly even the company. He needs to go to therapy and work out the issues that he clearly has. He literally "had it ALL"

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I’m gonna be real honest I haven’t watched them in years so I have no idea who Becky is 😅

Becky is Keith’s partner! We love Becky! .^

Keith’s wife!

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Ned states on his insta that he had a relationship with a co worker. That’s enough confirmation for me.

That phrase makes it sound like this wasn’t a one time mistake. A consensual relationship? Sounds like this may have been ongoing but they just got caught.

u/magneatos avatar

I just saw an abbreviated clip of a scene/show where Ned, Keith, Alex, were having an eating contest where Keith argues that they are still chewing. Alex and Ned then stick out their tongues out for an uncomfortable amount of time (at each other not even at Keith). Keith then says “you two are such liars”. I know Keith was probably joking but maybe not but watching this makes me think that you’re 100% accurate.

the footage that I’m referring to

u/throwaway098764567 avatar

oof. it's the tinest bit of clip so could be way out of context but yb looks uncomfortable

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u/Opposite-Strategy-28 avatar

I think it was going on for a while. They got caught because they started going out in public together and not caring who saw. Two people with partners, one of them being quite well known, don’t start by going to clubs and grinding on each other in a room full of people. That’s confidence built over months of getting away with it

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That THEY cheated. Alex is freaking engaged, or was anyway.

poor will, that was 10+ years.....

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u/nicky_0909 avatar

Right?! No one is talking about Alex. I think they are both shitty people.

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He posted on his Instagram that it was a consensual, workplace relationship. Whatever that means? So he admitted to it.

“Consensual” because the uneven power dynamics between boss/employee raise a (valid) question about whether the employee can fully consent to a sexual relationship.

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He confirmed on his own IG

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Call it silly, but even with all the evidence I wanted to believe it wasn't true. ”Its just speculation, and that photo isn't great. I'll wait till the Try Guys makes an official announcement.”

Welp, here I am and its still hard to believe.

same here. i definitely was not expecting things to go down so fast.

Same. Said this happened

What photo? Sorry, I’m out of the loop on this.

u/ukdreamer avatar

There is a photo of Ned and Alex kissing


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"consensual workplace relationship"

so I assume this was... a long thing huh

That was my takeaway as well. People were spotting them at concerts, bars, kissing openly. This feels like more than just a fling, it seems potentially to be a full blown relationship. Yuck just so crummy all around. His poor wive having to see all of this and Alex's fiance. Just so horrible.

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Yeah. Pissed me off even more tbh

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I just KNOW Keith is having such a hard time holding Beck back from saying how she feels. Shame on Ned, his statement is whack. Surely there’s no coming back from this. I can understand why from his superiority position within the group that he’s being let go, but how does this work out for Alex? I’m going to assume that she will leave on her own terms out of respect for the rest of the team.


I hope Becky is just being super supportive to Ariel and putting her energy there. And talking shit with Eugene and Matt in a text chain. I would have my own hard time not saying it all over social media but she’s got a good head on her shoulders when it comes to that.

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u/SauronOMordor avatar

I hope she has the respect to leave of her own accord or else shit could get really messy for everyone there.

u/Opposite-Strategy-28 avatar

Even if she doesn’t have the respect, she’d have to be a masochist to stay there after this. The shame of it. The whole business knows that you slept with the MARRIED boss and helped break up a marriage AND ruined you’re own. I couldn’t go into work everyday and deal with the undercurrent vibe of that knowledge

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If Alex doesn’t leave if her own accord…I would assume she’s gonna pull a legal move which would be stupid, but she is about to be super unhirable and broke and with nobody to love her.

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Ha wow I worked at Buzzfeed in 2014, Ned was my supervisor. He sat next to me for months. This is WILD

Let me guess, never shutted up about his wife

They weren’t married or even engaged yet.

u/thatoneshortbitch avatar

They were already married by the time Ned moved to California and started working at buzzfeed. They’ve said this in their podcast

My bad. It was like 8 years ago. It wasn’t part of his “persona” then. Fun experience being there during the heyday with Quinta, Ashley, And Shane and Ryan from that ghost channel were interns at the time.

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What was he like back then? Frat bro vibes?