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Oh, hello there. You must be looking for a job. Well, you came to the right place! Monster’s job search site is free and easy to use. We put millions (actual millions) of jobs right in front of you. When you see an opportunity you like, simply click to apply.

It’s so easy that over 1 million Americans find jobs and apply on Monster every month. That means that each year, we connect more than 12 million job seekers with employers looking to fill exciting opportunities.



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woman holding documents smiling at camera

Whether you’re searching for your first job, a side hustle, new challenge, or a place at the top of the ladder, we’ve got jobs for you. Monster is the original job search website, so we’ve spent lots of time – more than a quarter of a century in fact - hanging around the proverbial water cooler listening to what hard working people really want. Then we created our job search site with that in mind.

We don’t want you to land just any job. We want you to be excited to wake up on a Monday and feel energized enough to sail through hump day, landing on Friday with a sense of accomplishment. If weekends or shift work are your gig, we’ve got you covered there too. You see, we don’t just help candidates find jobs, we help everyone find the right fit – whatever your lifestyle, preferences, and needs.


Your Ultimate Job Search Strategy

Need to find a job? Not only have we compiled all the exciting new opportunities you could imagine, but with our tips, you’ll become a master Monster of the job hunt. Stick with us and you’ll land a job that makes you love Mondays again in no time.

Lachende Frau steht mit Tablet in großem Bürogebäude.

Monster is a global leader in connecting job seekers like you with career opportunities where you feel happy, productive, and secure. We have 30 years of experience under our belt in transforming the recruiting industry. This means that you have the best chance of finding exactly what you’re looking for when you search for jobs right here on Monster.

We know that not all jobs are created equally, and you’re looking for something as unique as your personal skillset, right? All good - we’ve got jobs from every industry you can think of, at every level, and in every type of work environment. There really is something for everyone. We’ll help you find that perfect fit faster than you can tell your current boss “I quit”. Simply browse our jobs, create a profile, and upload your resume today to start applying!