Schools - MJC

Schools at MJC

What are schools?

At Modesto Junior College we offer many areas of study, and to help students make a choice and clarify their path, we have organized all of our programs into unique Schools. Schools are collections of academic majors and programs of study that fit within a career area. There are nine schools to choose from at MJC. The intent of selecting a school early is help students choose a major, degree or certificate based on their interests, knowledge, skills and abilities, and to enroll in classes that relate to their education goals. 

GP Pillars

Choosing a school

By choosing a school, students can narrow down their choice in major and begin developing an educational plan that leads to degree or certificate completion. For more information, students can make an appointment with a Modesto Junior College counselor to start exploring the schools and our flexible fifteen unit pathways, designed to help students who know their area of interest but are not certain of the major. The flexible fifteen unit pathways identify classes that will help students select their major and progress in any of the majors within a School of interest.