Real Baby Reindeer Martha reveals identity and says 'I did not do jail time' : r/television Skip to main content

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Real Baby Reindeer Martha reveals identity and says 'I did not do jail time'

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u/epochellipse avatar

I dunno how much of the show is accurate, but this woman’s statements in that article reek of danger and insanity.

u/HandLion avatar

Especially if you see the way she writes (she's been very active on Facebook talking about the show recently), she writes in exactly the same insane way that Martha does

snet iphonn

u/teenagesadist avatar



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u/SteveFrench12 avatar

Its crazy she was (is?) an attorney with the way she writes. Their job for the first few years is essentially being a high paid research assistant who need to write well to synthesize ideas for their higher ups/court

She’s never practiced law. She has a law degree and was employed for 3 days as a trainee solicitor before being sacked for her unhinged behaviour. Then she stalked the barrister who owned the law firm. She’s well known to the Law Society of Scotland for her craziness.

u/Zorklis avatar

Well it's not crazy if she says she can't afford stuff and is in poverty, yet is an attorney, that would mean she's not good at her well paying job?

u/OMGItsCheezWTF avatar

We don't have attorneys here in the UK. Lawyers are either solicitors (people who deal in general law, give legal advice, draft legal documents etc.) or barristers (people who bring cases in court, also called advocates in Scottish law) - barristers can go on to become KCs, or King's Counsel. Essentially barristers with advanced specialism and experience in their area of law who can take on particularly complex cases.

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From my understanding of the show she got a bachelors degree, but never practiced law, because she was mentally ill to a crippling degree. Idk though could be wrong.

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I mean ... I could imagine a stalker would be great at the research part at least

Sue graduated from law school. Where's the evidence she ever acted/served as an attorney?

u/Eighth_Octavarium avatar

From my wife's experience in working for lawyers, being severely mentally ill seems like an unspoken job requirement, and if someone isn't off their rocker when they start, they will shortly be brought to speed.

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I’m a law school drop out that now works in law as a PA and I cannot tell you how disheartening it often is to me to see people earning 2, nearly 3 times as much as me still getting their “you’re/yours” wrong and things like that. I genuinely don’t know how these people get throw law school bit they definitely exist

u/Indarezzfosho avatar


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I know a lot of lawyers and young lawyers are no more intelligent than your average person but they do tend to be good at studying (good at reading and listening) and in law spelling isn’t super important. 

u/echocharlieone avatar

Who* now works in law.

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u/flowerpuffgirl avatar

I don't believe that Facebook account is her. It started very recently, and like you say, the wording is incredibly on the nose. There are barely any photos, none from older tham the show, and she has no comments or interactions from anyone who looks like a real friend. It's too convenient, and doesn't read like the real woman who has been speaking to the media.

If this facebook account is still posting consistently this time over a few years, then yeah maybe, but also maybe someone has capitalised on the perfect opportunity for very public attention.

u/jaqen_hagar_1 avatar

I think a lot of fake accounts have been spun up fairly recently because of the attention from the show. But her real account is up where there are older posts and pictures from a few years ago. She posts on her page every few minutes just like in the show.

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Those were the actual texts.

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I’m in the same boat. Everything I’ve seen from her I’ve thought, “oh, that sounds like Martha.” Even if things were only half as bad they were portrayed they were still pretty fucking bad.

I saw her fb recently and holy shit, she made like 100 posts in a couple hours.

u/BritishHobo avatar

I know I shouldn't be surprised by irresponsible journalism anymore, but it really feels insane that outlets are happily interviewing her and reporting her statements, when she's clearly still not well.

u/epochellipse avatar

Right? Those kind of journalists want to create and exploit drama but I wouldn’t engage with that woman she might latch on.

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You would say that

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u/jloome avatar

She has no case. As soon as she said "But I think you'd need to be really stupid to believe it is true" she basically sunk any defamation case she could've launched. Given that she's clearly mentally ill, this is probably just going to be another sad episode.

u/ipunchppl avatar

How does that quote ruin her case? Im not expert on law so idk

u/dundasbro1 avatar

She has to prove that the defamation damaged her reputation but she has also said that nobody would believe it is true which would keep her reputation intact. Netflix will be fine

u/ipunchppl avatar

Ah ok I get it now

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u/Drab_Majesty avatar

I think she is batshit...but Netflix has not done their due diligence to protect her identity. Especially when she has been portrayed as a violent convicted criminal who sexually assaulted Gadd. If she is telling the truth about never being convicted or having a police order against her it does present an interesting dilemma. It would be easily proven either way and I'd imagine there would be lawyers begging to take her case if so.

Except - though Netflix didn’t do as good a job as they could’ve masking her identity - they did still mask her identity. They changed her name, her age, key details about her life. Apart from the fact that she was Scottish and studied law, this is a different person. Fiona Harvey had plausible deniability until she decided to speak out. Really the only thing she could hold against Netflix and Gadd here would be that one line about her “curtains” since that’s how people were able to figure out it was her. But I doubt that would be enough to effectively establish defamation.

How did "curtains" give her identity away?

u/deeringc avatar

There's a scene in the series around a joke/innuendo about "hanging curtains". Someone found an old tweet from 10 years ago of her @mentioning him with that same phrase.

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u/ieatfoodz avatar

The article says some people online found an old tweet from her and pieced it together. Pinpointed a tweet from September 23, 2014, where Harvey wrote, "@MrRichardGadd my curtains need hung badly."

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u/numb3rb0y avatar

It probably wouldn't in the US but British law allows defamation by implication, the defendant doesn't need to name the claimaint. And legally she just needs to prove one person watched it and thought of her.

I might question what damages she'd really be entitled to, but false allegations of criminal conduct are also non-traversible, it's just assumed you're reputation will be damaged by such a serious claim.

tl;dr even if she is batshit if they implied she went to prison and she can show the court she doesn't have any convictions in the Police National Computer, something trivialially easy to verify reliably, they might very well have a problem. And if she really is delusional, again, a simple PNC check will verify it, she's just adding attempting to pervert the course of justice to any eventual criminal charges.

Well, hold on. In the UK, defamation constitutes making untrue statements about a person, business, etc. Truth is a complete defense to defamation claims. If Gadd can prove that she said and did these things, he's golden.

One difference between the US and UK defamation laws is that the burden of proof rest not on the allegedly defamed, but on the person who made the statement to prove that it was true.

Gadd must have thousands upon thousands of emails, texts and Facebook comments. Legal would have checked that straight away.

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u/shrimpcest avatar

If she is telling the truth about never being convicted or having a police order against her

Couldn't that just have been part of masking her identity?

People would be looking up court/police records first thing to find her identity I would think.

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u/Archberdmans avatar

The defense will be that they added the conviction to make people think it was someone else and it was an attempt to mask her identity

u/epochellipse avatar

I think you’re right but I think she is the type of batshit that would insist on representing herself.

yup a few paragraphs into the article: "It's a load of rubbish. I don't have any money but I'm a perfectly capable lawyer so I will represent myself."

u/shingonzo avatar

Season two! ( I didn’t watch more than the first few minutes, that actress really creeped me out, she did well)

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u/DubWalt avatar

Yes. They did.

You can’t stop crazy from running through the streets in their underwear swearing they’re crazy.

E & O for movies is super simple. They provide insurance based on a set of criteria including name and likeness.

And like she said. The character went to prison. She didn’t. Not so they share a name or likeness.

You can out yourself as nuts. But you can’t be mad and call of defamation afterwards. She should have stayed under her rock.

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u/hotdog_jones avatar

Interestingly, she doesn't seem to be disputing that she is or isn't a violent convicted criminal who sexually assaulted Gadd. She seems to be taking umbrage with the fact she may not have served any prison time.

u/Drab_Majesty avatar

Haha that's a good point.

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u/thehazer avatar

For what? What case? There isn’t anything she could do here. Even defamation is going to get laughed out of court. If you out yourself, you fucked up majorly.

u/iwillfuckingbiteyou avatar

Except she didn't out herself. She was outed because people googled lines from the show and those lines led straight to her Twitter account because Gadd quoted her verbatim.

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u/CptNonsense avatar

I think she is batshit...but Netflix has not done their due diligence to protect her identity.

"Woman outs herself to the public as a crazy narcissist after a dramatized show is released about a crazy narcissist based on her"

You and her: How could Netflix do this to me.

u/Drab_Majesty avatar

Outs herself

What are you on about? You couldn't possibly be that dense. We never heard from her until the internet and media tracked her down and began harassing her.

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Yeah but the main character lead her on and was even crazier than her all I saw was a lonely woman with abandonment issues he was a narcissistic drug user that would do anything for attention and people to like him

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Better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt.


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u/fantomas_ avatar

I got it.

Say 'David Hasslehoff'


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Her FB is quite the trip. Sure lends the validity to all those emails and messages in the show lol

the show took some liberties and changed some things to try and keep her out of the spotlight but the emails in the show are just the actual emails she sent him

u/alkaline79 avatar

Were they really sent from her iPhoone?



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Damn, you're not kidding. What the fuck? Does she just sit on FB all day and post whatever drivel comes to her mind? And here I thought Gadd was exaggerating with the number of emails she sent for dramatic effect. Boy, I was definitely wrong.

I never once doubted that. My Dad dated a woman who was a stalker and had multiple restraining orders against her. She used to leave over a hundred voicemails on someone's phone in a few hours if she were mad at them.


When I was in high school we visited a court house for a field trip. We sat in on a few cases briefly.

One of the cases was about a stalker, and they were presenting the texts, emails, calls, photos, etc etc that the stalker had sent to harass the victim.

The victims lawyer said there were HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS. And quite a few of a disturbing nature… they also spam called the victim incessantly as well, from various phones, thousands of times.

And this was for a seemingly random low profile stalker I stumbled upon on a field trip…

I 100% believe she sent as many emails as Gadd claimed.

I think that is what we would call a mental illness

I think that’s what the US calls “Presidential material”

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Reminds me of Donald Trumps tweets lol.

But seriously, she is so unhinged on FB, one minute saying she doesn’t know Gadd, then proceeds to give details about his upbringing, family, and whole life story. Also, extremely xenophobic, sexist and transphobic. He really did her a favor by how she was portrayed in the show. Martha actually is endearing at times, and he didn’t go into the racist bits too much on the show.

this article is pretty eye-opening as well and really paints a full picture of her.

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Has her FB been verified as really her? There are a lot of imitators when I searched. Admittedly I've just done a quick search and might have been on the wrong profile, but it has like 5 pictures, all of which are recent.

The posts only go back to 27th April.

I found two. One goes back a few years ago least but my finger got sore from scrolling lol. It was most certainly hers. I found a other that came up first that was newer but it has just as much posting. Could be someone doing a bit but who can tell

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She expressed: "Gadd and Netflix have portrayed this as a true story and now some little man in North Carolina giving me death threats believes it's a true story. But I think you'd need to be really stupid to believe it is true."

Whole states catching strays.

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Why are people giving her a spotlight? God dammit, the internet never learns.

More ironically the people in here talking about what her Facebook is like, this woman clearly has issues with stalking and mental health. So these people think they should go stalk her? How is that lost on them.

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Y’ll never heard of creative license? It’s not a documentary. Names and events have been changed for entertainment/storytelling purposes…

Out of respect for the dead, the rest has been told exactly as it occurred.

God I Fucking love Fargo

If you love it so much why don’t you marry it???

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Who iz that Fargo whoor, beby Render? Wht she think she sum kin of prestige show?? Whet Lotus is way bettr, behpi randerr!

Sent from my iPhone

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And since she outted herself after they went to lengths to hide her identity and open told fans to stop, she has weakened her case.

Did she out herself really? She was tracked down by people on the idiot, who then harassed a clearly mentally ill woman. Who then responded by showing that she’s still obviously mentally ill.