Mark Gordon | WGA

Mark Gordon


Elected the 33rd governor of Wyoming in 2018.

Early Years: The son of Wyoming ranchers, Gov. Gordon was born in 1957. 

Education: Earned his bachelor’s from Middlebury College in Vermont.

Career: Gordon was elected the 33rd Governor of Wyoming in 2018. Prior to that, Gordon ran several businesses including two focused on outdoor recreation and tourism. He worked in the oil and gas industry after college. He and his wife Jennie own a cow-calf operation, breeding Angus/Hereford cross cattle. He served as Wyoming State Treasurer from 2012 until 2018.

Follow the governor on Twitter and Facebook. Learn more on his official website.

About Wyoming

Nickname: Equality State (official) and the Cowboy State

Capital: Cheyenne

Population: 586,107

Size: The state covers 97,914 square miles

Economic drivers: Mineral extraction industry, travel and tourism

Did you know? Yellowstone National Park, in the northwest corner of the state, was the first designated national park in the world.