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Margaret II, more commonly known as Boots, is Gregor's youngest sister. The Crawlers regard her as "the Princess." She is present on all four quests, partly to secure the help of the crawlers. Gregor loves her dearly and will risk his life to save any of his sisters. In the fifth the book, The Code of Claw, she was first considered the Princess in the "Prophecy of Time" but later it was proven to be Lizzie, her older sister, the Code-Breaker.


Boots has curly brown hair and brown eyes.

In Gregor the Overlander, Luxa describes her as having light brown skin, although this can be interpreted as a summer tan rather than her natural skin tone, leaving the race of Boots and her family up to interpretation.


Boots is a very curious and cheerful child. She loves cookies and her family. The crawlers revere her, and she returns the feeling, especially with Temp. She also possesses the rare ability to differentiate between the crawlers. When angered she will throw a giant temper tantrum. She talks like a typical toddler, calling Gregor "Ge-go" and later "Gre-go." She can also have temper tantrums, where her screaming is extremely loud.

Boots is diplomatic and sees all species as equals. In Gregor the Overlander, she pours out her root beer for the fliers and crawlers. In The Marks of Secret, she is excited to meet the stingers and pet their babies.

She came close to a near death experience in The Prophecy of Bane.


Gregor the Overlander[]

Gregor, Boots, and the Crawlers Illustration

Boots with Gregor, Temp, and Tick. From the French edition of Gregor the Overlander. Art by Jérémie Fleury.

She was playing with a tennis ball in the laundry room, and is described as, "a sticky, crusty, dusty mess!" Then, she gets sucked into a hole that leads to the Underland.

Gregor and the Prophecy of Bane[]

She asks, "Where Tick?" when she's with Temp.

Gregor and the Curse of the Warmbloods[]

Boots Illustration

Boots, surrounded by the poisonous frogs. From the French edition of Gregor and the Code of Claw. Art by Jérémie Fleury.

Gregor and the Marks of Secret[]

Gregor and the Code of Claw[]

Skills and Abilities[]

Boots loves to learn new songs, and she loves teaching them to others, which can be counted as one of her skills. She can also speak Cockroach.


  • Gregor
  • Grace


Main Article: Margaret II/Quotes


  1. Boots gets her nickname from stealing her family's boots in the winter.
  2. She is named after her great grandmother.