Practical Assesssment, Research, and Evaluation | University of Massachusetts Amherst


Editors: April Zenisky, University of Massachusetts Amherst
  Lisa Keller, University of Massachusetts Amherst

Practical Assessment, Research, and Evaluation is an online journal providing access to refereed articles that can have a positive impact on assessment, research, and evaluation. Manuscripts published in PARE are scholarly syntheses of research and ideas about methodological issues and practices, and offer unique contributions to the literature. PARE is intended to help members of the community keep up-to-date with effective methods, trends, and research developments from a variety of settings.

PARE is also committed to highlighting research that focuses on equity in assessment and measurement. To that end, we encourage the submission of manuscripts that address issues of equity and fairness – particularly articles that focuses on the assessment experiences and outcomes for historically marginalized populations.

This journal has moved to our new publishing platform: All issues can be found here:

Current Volume: Volume 28 (2023)



Kernel Smoothing Item Response Theory in R: A Didactic
Farshad Effatpanah and Purya Baghaei


Examination of the Aggregate Scoring Method in a Judgment Concordance Test
Marie-France Deschênes, Éric Dionne, Michelle Dorion, and Julie Grondin


Iterative Cognitive Interview Design to Uncover Children's Spatial Reasoning
Elizabeth R. Thomas, Robyn K. Pinilla, Leanne R. Ketterlin-Geller, and Cassandra Hatfield