Madrid to Seville train tickets from $26 (€23) - Omio

Madrid to Seville train

Sat, May 11
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Cheap train tickets and times from Madrid to Seville

Showing times and prices for May 11


Fastest Journey

2 h 42 m


2 h 46 m

Trains per day



391 km

Cheap train tickets from Madrid to start from $54 with an average ticket price of $57.

The fastest train from Madrid to takes 2h 42m in comparison to an average duration of 2h 46m and covers a distance of 391 km.

17 trains that leave Madrid for every day with 17 travelling directly.

Renfe AVLO
Madrid-Puerta de Atocha-Almudena Grandes
12:06AMSevilla-Santa Justa
0 transfers
2nd Cheapest
Madrid-Puerta de Atocha-Almudena Grandes
10:37PMSevilla-Santa Justa
0 transfers
Madrid-Puerta de Atocha-Almudena Grandes
04:34PMSevilla-Santa Justa
0 transfers
Madrid-Puerta de Atocha-Almudena Grandes
03:37PMSevilla-Santa Justa
0 transfers
Renfe AVE
Madrid-Puerta de Atocha-Almudena Grandes
03:43PMSevilla-Santa Justa
0 transfers

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ReviewsReviews for the rail journey from Madrid to Seville


The customer opinion was acquired via Cimenio. Cimenio incentivises its users for giving an honest opinion and proving the booking with a photo of the travel ticket.

Iconkind staff
This trip was great and also very inexpensive. I would already like to say that I can pass the trip on, as I liked everything about it. I especially liked the sympathy of the staff. The toilets were very clean and hygienic. The internet was good throughout. There was a lot of choice of food, which was also delicious. I can only give the trip five stars, as my train also arrived on time. Great trip!
IconAir conditioning
This ride definitely deserves 5 stars and is definitely to be recommended as everything went super. I especially liked the fact that there was air conditioning, which ensured that it didn't get too hot. The staff were very nice. Comfortably, it was very cosy and cleanliness was also present and especially in the toilets. The train also came on time and while we are talking about punctuality, I would like to mention that my food came on time. Great ride and very cheap.
IconVery good wifi
This was a trip that I can definitely recommend, and very deservedly rate 5 stars. The train arrived on time. The internet use was great, as the internet was very good, although it was used by many. I really liked the food, I had crepes with a tea, which was also relatively cheap. The staff were very correct and did a good job. In general, it was a great ride and very comfortable. Besides, Seville is very beautiful.
IconIt was very quiet on the train.
It was a great experience to drive abroad and the trip was really great. I would like to mention in advance that I can recommend the trip to everyone, as everything went really well. My train ticket was cheap. My train arrived on time and there were no changes. The toilets were very clean and hygiene was taken care of. The staff were very friendly and also did a good job, for example with the service, as the service was very fast. It was very quiet and comfortable on the train. The internet was very good. A very great trip abroad.
Iconrapid travel
When I was on the train, I immediately noticed that the staff try very hard and enjoy their job. It was a relatively cheap journey for what you get. The wifi was of the highest standard. The volume on the train was very pleasant and the seats were very comfortable so you could fall asleep. There was plenty of choice of desserts, food and drinks. You can already imagine that I can recommend the trip endearingly. In general, this is a typically "perfect" train ride, which I would gladly repeat, as everything was included. Great trip! Seville is also very beautiful.
IconVery good staff
This trip was in Spain at the time and I really enjoyed it. The staff was very nice and did a very good job. The services were also good and fast. The prices were also very reasonable and the food was also very tasty. There were many signs indicating where the toilets were. The noise level on the train was very pleasant. In addition, the train was on time and arrived on time. I can recommend the journey endearingly. There was also air conditioning which ensured that it did not get hot. My ticket was also very OK as far as the price was concerned.
IconVery good wifi
The ride was really super! My ticket was neither expensive nor cheap, but the performance of the price (value for money) was great! The wifi was very good, in fact it had full bars. The toilets were, very clean, and not just a few, but all of them. The people on the train were very empathetic, so it was very quiet on the train. Also, even back then before the Corona pandemic, hygiene was taken care of, for example, there was disinfectant. My train also arrived on time, as expected. Deserved 5 out of 5 stars, as everything was really included. I am happy to recommend the trip. Although the ticket is not cheap, it is definitely worth it.
IconVery good wifi
That was my great trip in Spain. My train ticket was very cheap and on time. The wifi was very very good, it was honestly better than the wifi at home. I had a power socket at my comfortable seat and the volume on the train was very pleasant. There were many reservation options and the staff were very friendly. Also, the toilets were very clean. There are deserved 5 stars and I definitely recommend the ride. Great ride!
IconVery nice staff
Icongood service
I was in Madrid in 2014 and this trip was great. There was nothing I didn't like. What I liked most was how nice the staff were. I had access to very good wifi and also electricity. I also had a power socket at my seat. My seat was very comfortable and the service was fast. I liked my food and drink respectively. It was also very clean and the train was nice. The journey is highly recommended. My ticket was OK, so the price of my train ticket, but the service was killer. Deserved 5 out of 5 stars.
IconVery cool atmosphere
That was my journey from Madrid to Seville. The price of my ticket was relatively OK. Neither too expensive nor cheap. There was nothing negative, so I can only recommend the journey. Then I had wifi which was also OK, but what was very good was the service. My train arrived when it was supposed to. The staff were very friendly. I would also like to mention that the toilet paper was of good quality. My view from the train was also very nice. For all the reasons, the trip is very very recommendable. Finally, I would like to say that Seville is a very beautiful city and Madrid has many sights as well.

Overview: Train from Madrid to Seville

distanceDistance242 miles (390 km)
durationAverage train duration2 h 37 min
priceAverage train ticket price$77 (€67)
frequencyTrain frequency15 a day
changesDirect trainYes, there are 15 direct trains a day
carriersTrain companiesAVE, iryo, Renfe AVLO, Renfe, Renfe Intercity, Renfe (3), Renfe (13), Renfe Intercity, Renfe ALVIA or Renfe (13)

Trains from Madrid to Seville cover the 242 miles (390 km) long journey taking on average 2 h 37 min with our travel partners like AVE, iryo, Renfe AVLO, Renfe, Renfe Intercity, Renfe (3), Renfe (13), Renfe Intercity, Renfe ALVIA or Renfe (13). Normally, there are 15 trains operating per day, including direct services available. While the average ticket price for this trip costs around $77 (€67), you can find the cheapest train ticket for as low as $26 (€23). Travelers depart most frequently from Madrid-Puerta de Atocha-Almudena Grandes and arrive in Seville-Santa Justa.

Train companies: AVE, Renfe and Renfe AVLO from Madrid to Seville trains

Find the best trains to Seville from Madrid with Omio's travel partners AVE, Renfe and Renfe AVLO from $30 (€26). We can find you the best deals, schedules and tickets when comparing and booking the best route.

AVE offers excellent high-speed train services in Spain, including the route to Seville from Madrid. Omio, as an official Renfe AVE partner, shows you AVE train schedules so you can choose the fastest and cheapest Madrid to Seville train ticket. The distance to Seville from Madrid on AVE is approximately 242 miles (390 km) and prices start as low as $157 (€137) on Omio.

Renfe AVE has a wide variety of ticket types with special offers such as Promo, Promo + and Flexible tickets. If you are a regular Renfe customer, you can apply discount cards such as the Gold Card and the + Renfe Youth 50 Card at Omio when purchasing an AVE ticket.

The AVE trains are the most popular from Renfe, with the most schedules throughout the day. Their trains offer a restaurant, WiFi, bathrooms, entertainment on board and, most importantly, the highest speed to reach your destination. As one of the fastest trains in the entire world, AVE trains reach speeds up to 192 mph (310 kmh) on select routes and connect the main Spanish cities in just a few hours. Reserve your AVE tickets with Omio today!

Train information from Madrid to Seville with AVE:

  • Average Duration: 2 h 33 min
  • Cheapest Price: $157

FAQs: Trains from Madrid to Seville

FAQs: Travel by train from Madrid to Seville easily. Whether you want fast, cheap or something entirely different, our travel experts have collected everything you need to know so you can find the best option from Madrid to Seville.
Cheap train tickets from Madrid to Seville can start from as little as $26 (€23) when you book in advance. The average train ticket price for Madrid to Seville is $77 (€67); however, prices vary depending on the time of day and class and they tend to be more expensive on the day.
On average the Madrid to Seville train time is 2 h 37 min   covering the 242 mile (390 km) long journey, but the journey time can vary depending on specific dates or if traveling on weekends and holidays.
The first train from Madrid to Seville leaves at 4: 50 AM. Plan your trip with the Journey Planner   from Omio.
The last train from Madrid to Seville leaves at 8: 10 PM.
Yes, it is possible to travel from Madrid to Seville without having to change trains with AVE, iryo or Renfe AVLO. There are 15 direct trains from Madrid to Seville each day. There may be fewer direct services available on weekends or holidays.
Yes, there's a high-speed train to Seville. Take the fast train with iryo from Madrid to Seville.
For the journey from Madrid to Seville you can take a train with AVE, iryo, Renfe AVLO, Renfe, Renfe Intercity, Renfe (3), Renfe (13), Renfe Intercity, Renfe ALVIA or Renfe (13). Be sure to check out all possible train companies that offer services from Madrid to Seville on Omio to compare what amenities they may have.
No, there are no night trains, the latest train for this route is 8: 10 PM.

When departing from Madrid, you have various train station options to start your trip from including Madrid-Puerta de Atocha-Almudena Grandes, Madrid Chamartín and Madrid Atocha Cercanias. When arriving in Seville, you can end your trip in train stations like Seville-Santa Justa, Seville San Bernardo and Seville Virgen Del Rocío.

Passengers board the train most frequently from Madrid-Puerta de Atocha-Almudena Grandes, which is located around 1.4 miles (2.2 km) away from the city centre, and they get off the train at Seville-Santa Justa, located 1.2 miles (2 km) away from the city centre.

A trip to Seville from Madrid is worth doing but not as a day trip with a journey time of 2 h 37 min each way. Check with Omio app   the best way to travel.
The cheapest month for a train from Madrid to Seville is August.
You have options as you can travel between Madrid and Seville 3 different ways: train, bus or flight.

Important Stations and Airports in Madrid and Seville

Madrid-Puerta de Atocha-Almudena Grandes is the most popular Madrid railway station for Omio travelers, but it's not the only one. Read all the information you need to know about the main train stations in Madrid for your trip to Seville.
Amenities at station
Phone Number
+34 912432343
Ticket Office Hours
Mon - Sun: 10: 00 - 20: 00
Public transit options for Madrid-Puerta de Atocha-Almudena Grandes
Metro lines: 1
Bus lines: 10, 14, 24, 26, 32, 37, 54, 57, 59, 85, 86, 102, 121, 203
Train lines: C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, C7, C8, C10
Amenities at station
Madrid Atocha CercaniasParkingATMTaxisAccessibility
Amenities at station
Madrid Príncipe PíoParkingATMTaxisAccessibility
Amenities at station
Madrid Méndez AlvaroParkingATMTaxisAccessibility
Amenities at station
Madrid Aeropuerto T4ParkingATMAccessibility
Amenities at station
Madrid RecoletosParkingATMTaxisAccessibility
Amenities at station
Madrid Nuevos MinisteriosParkingATMTaxisAccessibility
Amenities at station
Madrid Sol
Asamblea de Madrid-EntrevíasATMTaxisAccessibility
Amenities at station
Madrid PirámidesParkingATMTaxisAccessibility
Amenities at station
HomeTrainsTrain Times to SevilleMadrid to Seville train

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