Ludgrove School - Ethos
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Ludgrove School

Ludgrove School


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The principal aims of the school are for boys to grow and develop in a happy caring environment, to explore and expand their potential and to learn to develop an awareness and concern for others around them. We aim to prepare our boys to meet the demanding challenges they will experience at the next stage of their education with confidence and good humour.

Initially, considerable care is taken to see that new boys settle naturally in what to them may seem a strange place, particularly as they will not have experienced boarding before. As a consequence, much emphasis is placed on close relationships being formed between staff and pupils. We consider that during a boy's first year it is most important that he establishes a good rapport with his peers and adults. This, we believe, to be as essential as actual academic success, which will come once a boy has settled into his new community.

The headmaster, his wife and all staff take particular care to get to know each boy individually and maintain strong and frequent contact with parents.

As a boy grows older, increasingly more is expected of him in the way of self-discipline and self-reliance. He is encouraged to work hard and contribute fully to school life. All boys choose to become fully involved in a variety of different occupations, be they sporting, musical, dramatic or otherwise, with the emphasis essentially being on the need to do everything to the best of their abilities.

By the time a boy leaves Ludgrove, we hope that he has acquired a confidence in his own ability, a sense of moral awareness and a set of positive values that will remain with him throughout his life.