Leila (Stahl) Buffett (1904 - 1996) - Bancroft, NE | AncientFaces Free Family History
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Leila (Stahl) Buffett 1904 - 1996

Leila (Stahl) Buffett (1904 - 1996)
Full legal name
Leila (Stahl) Buffett
Last Known Residence
Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska 68132
March 18, 1904
Bancroft, Cuming County
Nebraska, United States 68004
August 30, 1996
Omaha, Douglas County
Nebraska, United States
Leila (Stahl) Buffett of Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska was born on March 18, 1904 in Bancroft, Cuming County. She was married to Howard Homan Buffett c. 1926 in Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska, and they were together until Howard's death on April 30, 1964 in Omaha. She had children Doris Eleanor Buffett, Warren Edward Buffett, and Roberta Bialek Buffett. Leila Buffett died at age 92 years old on August 30, 1996 in Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska, and was buried on September 3, 1996 in Omaha.

Leila Buffett's Biography

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Leila (Stahl) Buffett
Most commonly known as
Leila (Stahl) Buffett
Full legal name
None stated
Other names or aliases

Name & aliases

Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska 68132
Last place lived

Last residence

March 18, 1904
Bancroft, Cuming County, Nebraska 68004, United States
Birth location

Birth details


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August 30, 1996
Death date
Natural causes
Cause of death
Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska United States
Death location

Death details

September 3, 1996
Funeral date
Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska United States
Burial location

Gravesite & burial


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Leila Buffett passed away at age 92 years old on August 30, 1996 in Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska, and was buried on September 3, 1996 in Omaha. Leila (Stahl) Buffett of Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska was born on March 18, 1904 in Bancroft, Cuming County. She was married to Howard Homan Buffett c. 1926 in Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska, and they were together until Howard's death on April 30, 1964 in Omaha. Leila Buffett had children Doris Eleanor Buffett, Warren Edward Buffett, and Roberta Bialek Buffett.

Average Age & Life Expectancy

Leila (Stahl) Buffett lived 18 years longer than the average Stahl family member when she died at the age of 92.
The average age of a Stahl family member is 74.

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Family Tree & Friends

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Leila's Family Tree

Leila (Stahl) Buffett Leila (Stahl) Buffett


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Howard Homan Buffett


Leila (Stahl) Buffett

Married: c. 1926 - April 30, 1964
Cause of Separation: Howard's Death
Married at: Omaha, Douglas County, NE United States
Ended: Omaha, Douglas County, NE United States
Leila (Stahl) Buffett Leila (Stahl) Buffett


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1904 - 1996 World Events

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In 1904, in the year that Leila (Stahl) Buffett was born, the "Teddy's Bear" was first produced. After seeing a political cartoon of President Teddy Roosevelt refusing to kill a clubbed and tied up bear, Jewish Russian immigrant Morris Michtom - who owned a candy shop and sold stuffed animals that he and his wife made at night at the store - made a "Teddy's Bear" and put it in his shop's window. The stuffed bears were an immediate success and Michtom and his wife went on to found the Ideal Novelty and Toy Co.

In 1910, by the time she was only 6 years old, Angel Island, which is in San Francisco Bay, became the immigration center for Asians entering U.S. It was often referred to as "The Ellis Island of the West". Due to restrictive laws against Chinese immigration, many immigrants spent years on the island.

In 1935, Leila was 31 years old when the BOI's name (the Bureau of Investigation) was changed to the FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation) and it officially became a separate agency with the Department of Justice. J. Edgar Hoover, the Chief of the BOI, continued in his office and became the first Director of the FBI. The FBI's responsibility is to "detect and prosecute crimes against the United States".

In 1975, Leila was 71 years old when in January, Popular Mechanics featured the Altair 8800 on it's cover. The Altair home computer kit allowed consumers to build and program their own personal computers. Thousands were sold in the first month.

In 1996, in the year of Leila (Stahl) Buffett's passing, on July 5th, the first cloned mammal - "Dolly the Sheep" - was born in Scotland. She had three mothers. Dolly lived to be 6 years old and produced 6 lambs. Since, other sheep have been cloned as well as horses, pigs, deer, and bulls.

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