Welcome | The Piano Spot

Welcome to the Piano Spot

Learn to play the most beautiful instrument through in-person or virtual piano lessons.


You’ll notice the difference at The Piano Spot. Students receive a well-rounded music education while developing strong piano skills. A professional teacher, motivated student and involved parent create a fun team resulting in years of exceptional music-making experiences.


Strong technical foundation

Reading & writing music

Music theory & ear training

Music making enjoyment


Piano Spot students have opportunities to perform in recitals, festivals and competitions, take written music theory exams and participate in fun, studio-wide challenges.

Meet the Instructor

Kathleen Daugherty is an accomplished pianist, organist and teacher, teaching piano lessons to students of all ages and levels in the Cinco Ranch area of Katy, Texas.


Kathleen Daugherty is a certified music teacher. Her piano students have consistently won gold medals in TMTA theory tests and have achieved highest honors, critiques and praise in judged performance events. She has years of experience teaching music in classroom and private settings. She emphasizes excellence in music skill development and performance, in addition to a well-rounded music education.

Merits & Education

Bachelor in Music Education
Summa Cum Laude – Michigan State University

Bachelor in Music Performance 
Cum Laude – Western Michigan University

Bachelor in Social Psychology
Cum Laude – Western Michigan University

Past President of the Katy Music Teachers Association (KMTA)

Member of the Texas Music Teachers Association (TMTA)
and the Music Teachers National Association (MTNA)


To inquire about current openings in the studio, send an email message indicating your child’s current age, grade, type of instrument at home, and availability for lesson scheduling.