Karen Faris - Public Records

Found 27 results for
Karen Faris

Completed College
Associated persons: Scott A Faris
(214) 417-0900
Marble Falls
Also known as: Karen Burdette, Karen Mari Farris, Karen M Faris
(325) 423-0350
Completed High School
(608) 434-9243
Myrtle Beach
Also known as: Karen L Merrill, Karen Faris, K Faris
Associated persons: Graham Faris, William Faris
(843) 222-3184
Glade Spring
Completed Graduate School
Associated persons: Glenn Faris, William Faris
(276) 429-4585
Also known as: Karen D Mccoin, Karen Smugala, Karen D Mitchell
Completed College
Associated persons: Terry Mitchell
(636) 290-5656
Also known as: Karen M Steffes, Karen Farris, Ms Karen M Fans
(920) 979-8602
North Providence
Completed High School
Associated persons: Kahlan E Faris
(401) 727-0584

Last Name Possible Variations

People sometimes make mistakes in spelling last names. Below you will find a list of surnames similar to Karen Faris that were found in public records

Alter Last NameFull NamePersons Count Share
FarrisKaren Farris 12540.53%
FariasKaren Farias 2315.18%
FerrisKaren Ferris1136.09%
AriasKaren Arias573.46%
ArisKaren Aris53.16%
ParisKaren Paris842.66%
FairsKaren Fairs12.57%
FariaKaren Faria211.98%
HarrisKaren Harris2,0361.6%
FaresKaren Fares31.57%
FriasKaren Frias141.48%
SmithKaren Smith9,9331.42%
SarrisKaren Sarris71.18%
FariesKaren Faries80.95%
FarissKaren Fariss90.71%
FarishKaren Farish40.71%
WilliamsKaren Williams5,6750.68%

This surname is found in public records in various versions, some of which are Saris, Feris, Sarias, Farif, Fans, Farls, Faras, Farisjr

Oak Park
Presumed owner of the real estate located at 530 Clinton Ave, Oak Park
Also known as: Karen Henkel Faris, Karen Henkel Henkelfaris, Karen L Henkelfaris
Completed College
Occupation: Manager/Marketing Manager
(708) 524-1386
Associated persons: Daniel Faris, Fouad Faris
(603) 438-4013
Santa Rosa
Presumed owner of the real estate located at 1807 Palisades Way, Santa Rosa
Also known as: Karen Marie Arneson, Karen M Arneson, Karen M Brown
Associated persons: Stephen R Faris
(707) 528-3888
St. Petersburg
Presumed owner of the real estate located at 3301 14th St N, St. Petersburg
Occupation: Therapists/Physical
(727) 825-0065
Rock Hill
Associated persons: Keith Colgrove
(803) 329-1338
Also known as: Karen H Faris, K L Faris
Associated persons: Robert Faris
(425) 771-6324
Buena Park
Also known as: Karen L Saris
(714) 533-1214
First name Karen was ranked 767 in the United States in 2020, according to the SSA. See historical data and popularity analysis for Karen.

Looking for another Faris?

120 persons, age 25 to 97
100 persons, age 28 to 101
96 persons, age 30 to 100
86 persons, age 31 to 72
80 persons, age 25 to 86
78 persons, age 31 to 81
75 persons, age 37 to 102
67 persons, age 25 to 96
64 persons, age 30 to 100
60 persons, age 41 to 101


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