Hashcat Tool in Kali Linux - GeeksforGeeks

Hashcat Tool in Kali Linux

Last Updated : 25 Jan, 2021
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Hashcat is famous as the fastest password cracker and password recovery utility. Hashcat is designed to break or crack even the most complex passwords in a very less amount of time.

Features of hashcat:

  • The 90+ Algorithm can be implemented with performance and optimization in mind.
  • The number of threads can be configured.
  • Hashcat is a multi-algorithm based ( MD5, MD4, MySQL, SHA1, NTLM, DCC, etc.).
  • All attacks can be extended by specialized rules.
  • It is multi-hash and multi-OS based (Windows and Linux).
  • It supports both hex-charset and hex-salt files.

Installation: Usually Hashcat tool comes pre-installed with Kali Linux but if we need to install it write down the given command in the terminal.

sudo apt-get install hashcat

installing hashcat

Now, you can find the hashcat Tool in Password Cracking Tools :

Running Hashcat with GUI

We are going to perform Dictionary Attack to crack Password in this article.

1. Creating Hash Entries

These entries will then be outputted to a file called “Dictionary_hashes”. 

Creating Hash Entries

  • -n: This option removes the new line added to the end of entries as we don’t want the newline characters to be hashed with our entries.
  • tr -d: This option removes any characters that are a space or hyphen from the output.

2. Checking the stored Hashes

We can check the stored hashes with the help of the below command :

cat Dictionary_hashes.txt

Checking the stored Hashes

Some password hashes that can be cracked with hashcat can be seen below :

Checking the stored Hashes

3.  Choose the wordlists

We are going to use the “rockyou” wordlist.

Choose the wordlists

4. Cracking the Hashes

Now we can crack the hashes that we stored in Dictionary_hashes.txt and we will store the result in the Done.txt file.

Cracking the Hashes

5. Results

Now we can see the results stored in the Done.txt file by the below command:

cat Done.txt

Hashcat Results

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