Jungle Jim in the Forbidden Land

Jungle Jim in the Forbidden Land (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Paul Norris illustrated this vibrant cover of Jungle Jim#14* released in October 1949. Norris, a World War II veteran, transitioned from Jungle Jim to later draw the Brick Bradford newspaper strips.

The ongoing Sunday newspaper series, which debuted in 1934 by Don Moore and artist Alex Raymond) was King Features Syndicate‘s response to United Feature Syndicate’s Tarzan (similarly, Flash Gordon was King’s response to United’s Buck Rogers).

On this cover, “Jungle” Jim Bradley relinquishes his hunting rifle and pith helmet to rescue Lilli deVrille from a precarious situation as their dugout canoe careens toward the precipice of the falls, inadvertently tearing the sleeve of her blouse in the process. Notably, the stories featured on this cover were specially crafted for this comic and are not reprints from the newspaper.

* Sold copy