Chalifirt - Marne Jonction – Gazetteer – CanalPlanAC

Chalifirt - Marne Jonction

Junction of the Canal de Meaux a Chalifirt with the River Marne
38 Quai du Maréchal Mortier, 77100 Meaux, France
Information about the place
Chalifirt - Marne Jonction is a minor waterways place at the junction of the River Marne (Western Section) with the Canal de Meaux a Chalifirt and the River Marne (Meaux Embranchement).
La Ferté-sous-Jouarre is on the River Marne (Western Section), 40.21 kilometres and 2 locks to the east. Esbly (Mooring on quay - no services. Railway station and shops in village) is on the Canal de Meaux a Chalifirt, 11 kilometres and 1 lock to the southwest. Meaux (Large town with excellent moorings.) is on the River Marne (Meaux Embranchement), 0.91 kilometres to the north.
The nearest place in the direction of La Ferté-sous-Jouarre is Pont de l'Avenue de la Victoire; 5.98 kilometres away.
The nearest place in the direction of Esbly is Ecluse 12 de Meaux; 0.15 kilometres away.
The nearest place in the direction of Meaux is Marne - Cornillion Jonction (Junction of the River Marne with the Canal Cornillion (No Access)); 0.25 kilometres away.

Mooring here is impossible (it may be physically impossible, forbidden, or allowed only for specific short-term purposes).

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Additional information

Excellent mooring boats up to 20 metres. Run from office de Tourisme who call evenings. Mooring free (48 hrs max), Electricity and Water €4.50 per day (4/2015)Mooring info:Easy access to the town and shopping centre. Quiet with lovely garden area surrounding. Market Saturday - all day by the quay

External websites
 VisuRiS — associated with Waterways of Mainland Europe
The official inland waterway resource for Belgium with actual traffic and planned operations on the waterways. Also has voyage planning and notices to mariners
Nearest facilities

Mouseover for more information or show routes to facility

Nearest water point

In the direction of Meaux

Meaux0.91 km away
On the River Marne (Meaux Embranchement) in the direction of Meaux

In the direction of Marne - Chalifirt Jonction

Lagny-Sur-Marne21.94 km and 3 locks away
Travel to Marne - Chalifirt Jonction, then on the River Marne (Eastern Section) to Lagny-Sur-Marne

Nearest rubbish disposal

In the direction of Meaux

Meaux0.91 km away
On the River Marne (Meaux Embranchement) in the direction of Meaux

No information

CanalPlan has no information on any of the following facilities within range:
chemical toilet disposal
place to turn
self-operated pump-out
boatyard pump-out

There is no page on Wikipedia called “Chalifirt - Marne Jonction”
