Ishbak | The amazing name Ishbak: meaning and etymology
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🔼The name Ishbak: Summary

Leaving, He Will Forsake
From the verb שבק (shabaq), to leave or forsake.

🔼The name Ishbak in the Bible

The only Ishbak of the Bible is a son of Abraham with Keturah (Genesis 25:2 and 1 Chronicles 1:32).

🔼Etymology of the name Ishbak

The name Ishbak comes from the Aramaic verb שבק (shabaq), meaning to leave or let go, used famously by Jesus: "Eli, Eli, lama sabachtani?" (Matthew 27:46, Mark 15:34).

Excerpted from: Abarim Publications' Biblical Dictionary

The verb שבק (shabaq) means to leave or forsake. It has no known derivatives.

The letter yod with which our name opens makes the verb active: he will shabaq.

🔼Ishbak meaning

The name Ishbak means He Will Abandon or He Will Set Free or something along those lines. NOBSE Study Bible Name List reads Leaving. Jones' Dictionary of Old Testament Proper Names regards this name as a future form of the verb and figures that whoever does the sending out, stays behind. Jones reads He Will Remain.