Map of Huncote Leicestershire (United Kingdom)

Map of Huncote Leicestershire (United Kingdom)

Map of Huncote

Instructions for the map:
increase zoom level in the map increase zoom; decrease zoom level in the map decrease zoom; start street wiew street wiew on the streets of Huncote.

Directions to Huncote

To travel safely and calculate the road to go to Huncote here is the service available on the site It will be enough that you indicate the starting point of your journey to Huncote and you have a route for getting to Huncote In the site using the appropriate box you can specify a point of arrival more detailed as a street or a square…

Calculate the route to get to Huncote

Geographic coordinates of Huncote:

The geographic coordinates (GPS) in Huncote (Leicestershire - United Kingdom) are:
Latitude: 52°34'17"N
Longitude: 1°14'11"W

The coordinates are indicated in the WGS 84 World Geodetic System, used in the satellite navigation system GPS (Global Positioning System).
The Geographic coordinates define the position on the Earth's surface. The canonical form to measure latitude and longitude using degrees (°), minutes (') and seconds ('').
The value of the latitude range from 90 ° to -90 °, the equator is 0 °, the North Pole is 90 °, the South Pole is -90 °. The positive latitudes are north of the equator (N), the negative values are south of the equator (S).
The value of the longitude is counted from the first meridian and varies from 180 ° to -180 °. Longitude values are positive to the east of the meridian Greenwich(E) while the values are negative longitude west of the meridian Greenwich(W).

Where to stay in Huncote

To view available hotels in Huncote we use the services available at, where you can search: by price, by distance from the desired location, by quality, so you will find the hotel in Huncote that matches your needs.

available hotels in Huncote

On the site you can refine your search by specifying a particular place as a street or a square in Huncote. In case if you are looking for a structure well defined as: hotels, apartments, holiday homes, farm stays, B&Bs, campsites, holiday park … you use:

A selection of hotels located in Huncote and its surroundings..

Available hotels in Huncote Hotels Huncote

A selection of apartments located in Huncote and its surroundings..

Available apartments in Huncote Apartments Huncote

A selection of holiday homes located in Huncote and its surroundings..

Available holiday homesHuncote Holiday homes Huncote

A selection of farm stays located in Huncote and its surroundings..

Farm stays homes in Huncote Farm stays Huncote

A selection of B&Bs located in Huncote and its surroundings..

Available B&Bs in Huncote B&Bs Huncote

A selection of campsites located in Huncote and its surroundings..

Available campsites in Huncote Campsites Huncote

A selection of holiday park located in Huncote and its surroundings..

Available holiday park in Huncote Holiday park Huncote

Offers updated on 16/04/2024 All offers of accommodation are updated on 16/04/2024
Reservations without credit card The online booking of the hotel can be made without a credit card.

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