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[hjuː] NHugo, Ugo
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005
References in classic literature ?
It was for the moment an inexpressible relief to Dolly, to recognise in the person who forced himself into the path so abruptly, and now stood directly in her way, Hugh of the Maypole, whose name she uttered in a tone of delighted surprise that came from her heart.
Hugh nodded, and muttered something to the effect that he had been waiting for her, and had expected her sooner.
'Why do you spend so much breath in avoiding me?' said Hugh, accommodating his pace to hers, and keeping close at her side.
'Too near!' said Hugh, stooping over her so that she could feel his breath upon her forehead.
The settlements were few and scattered, and the population so scanty that old Hugh Townley boasted that he knew every man, woman and child in it.
"But the only one who found favour in her eyes was the very last man she should have pitched her fancy on, at least if old Hugh were the judge.
She was to go to The Springs with her uncle and aunt, who were coming on horseback that afternoon, and would then go on to The Springs in old Hugh's carriage, which was the only one in Carlyle then.
"'Ursula!' shouted old Hugh, 'come here and tell this scoundrel he lies.
"Hugh," she begged, passing her arm through his, "would you mind playing bridge?" The Mulliners are going on, and mother does miss her rubber so.
"Hugh can wait," he declared, as he passed his arm through Olive's.
By-the-bye, Hugh," she went on curiously, "you didn't tell me that you'd called on Captain Granet this evening."
"Dash it all, Hugh," he expostulated, "do have a little common sense.